(Tudela, 1937)
The plot on which these laboratories are located was the last one available at Columbia University’s Morningside campus, and therefore the new gateway to the campus from its Manhattanville expansion. From the start it was decided that the new buildin
The construction of Mercer Hotel, located in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, tried not to disregard structural elements, and to demolish without damaging the remains of the past. The main idea behind the project was to recover the spatial character
The Aragonia Complex was designed with a clear objective: to create a social hub in a densely populated area of Zaragoza, and to do so not through a monumental affirmation, but through an architecture that speaks of the richness and diversity of soci
Located on the historic College Hill, the RISD campus is scattered, which underscores the quality of the buildings while boosting urban life. The plot for Chace Center was located in the area around Memorial Hall, where the domestic character of Bene
The laboratory for Integrated Science and Engineering (LISE) was the answer to a necessary extension for the Department of Physics at Harvard University. The brief called for 3,000 square meters of free space, 1,400 square meters for high-performance
Skeppsholmen island used to be the headquarters of the Swedish navy, and, as such, it was a parallel city, autonomous, with all the resources necessary to carry out its mission: shipyards, barracks, munitions dumps, hospitals, churches, workshops, gy
Following a long selection process, the Davis Museum was Moneo’s first commission outside Spain. It was received with great joy because, having decided to return to Madrid after five years as chairman of architecture at Harvard, Moneo would be able t
Mérida, the old colony of Emerita Augusta, is an inexhaustible quarry of remains from its glorious past, and even more so since the Renaissance, when the interest in classical antiquity bloomed. The purpose of the first Roman Museum in the city, set
The plot that the City Council had reserved for its new hall was that of the former barracks of Alfonso XII, raised – in part at least – on the grounds of the old convent of the Carmelites. It would have been hard to find a more appropriate site in L
The bankinter headquarters go up by the palace of the Marquis of Mudela, a work of the architect Álvarez Capra, and it is the first case, in the process of transformation of the Paseo de la Castellana, where the building volume permitted by regulatio
Javier Marquet, Javier Unzurrunzaga, and Luis María Zulaica invited the architect to join their team in working on the project for an apartment building within a closed block to go up on the plot of the Urumea jai alai court in San Sebastián. This me
In 2005, the Berlin city council called a competition to define the massing and set the guidelines for a block bordered by Schinkelplatz, Strasse an der Kommandantur, Niederlagstrasse, and the small square shaped by two Schinkel projects: on one hand
With over three centuries of history, Bodegues Ribas is the oldest winery on the island of Mallorca. Since its foundation in 1711, its wines have been produced in Ca’n Ribas – an 18th-century manor house kept intact to date – and the lands around it,
The proposal strictly observes the competition brief, on the understanding that it calls for the ‘extension and refurbishment of the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum’ and not for a new museum. The first step was therefore to assess the current location, which
The Descendientes de J. Palacios Winery was located in the town of Villafranca del Bierzo. Its facilities were spread in different structures and warehouses, so it became necessary to reconfigure and gather them all in one building. The desire to ble
The project for the new Museum University of Navarre started out with the donation of the art collection of María Josefa Huarte – daughter of the Navarrese entrepreneur Félix Huarte Goñi –, who promoted the construction of a center to display these w
The complex comprises interconnected spaces for neuroscience and psychology. A solution might have been to break up the complex into pavilions. Instead, the program presents two sections sharing a large entrance foyer, which encourages contact and co
In an area where other towers of similar height go up, the new headquarters of Grupo Puig goes up in Plaza Europa, midway between El Prat Airport and the city. The tower complies with the urban codes regarding floor plans and height. The purpose that
The El Greco Convention Center of Toledo is accessed through a small square located next to Calle de las Armas, and which leads to Plaza de Zocodover. This square offers broad, impressive views over Tavera Hospital and the Tagus River. The building
Four years after an international competition that failed to lead to a final proposal, Solidère – the entity responsible for the recovery and revitalization of the center of Beirut, which suffered damage during the civil war – offered the studio, in
After the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, the Church of Riberas de Loyola – promoted by the bishop of Donostia-San Sebastián in the new neighborhood under development along the meander of the Urumea River – was a new experience in the field of r
This laboratory building is located on the Novartis Campus in Basel, which can be described as a miniature Manhattan with a diverse series of buildings – each with a different function – designed by different architects to promote diversity in the co
The buildings of Deusto University have always played a leading role in the shaping of the left bank of the river estuary, testifying in this way to the institution’s commitment to serve the city. For over one hundred years, Deusto has been not only
The documentary Rafael Moneo Revisits His Work premieres on television this Sunday 29 September at 21:30, in the program Imprescindibles on RTVE Channel 2. The prolific work of Rafael Moneo (Tudela, 1937) and his unique way of tackling the creative p
Rafael Moneo presentó su monografía de AV el 13 de septiembre de 2023 en la Fundación Arquia, con un acto introducido por el vicepresidente de Arquia Banca Alberto Alonso Saezmiera y la directora de la Fundación Sol Candela, en cuyo coloquio final in
On 13 September Rafael Moneo presented AV Monographs 250, devoted to his oeuvre, in the course of a relaxed conversation with Luis Fernández-Galiano, after which a number of guests put in a word. Unlike in other encounters in which he has looked back
An architect has to have a strong sense of self – a creative ego made of tastes and phobias – to be of any worth, but this personality often ends up in blatant hostility and rivalry with others in the profession. Not the case of Moneo. His selfhood,
The master from Navarre recalls his alliance with Pablo Palazuelo, for whom Moneo felt a rapport that made him want the painter taking part in his buildings.
With a prolific career spanning more than five decades, Rafael Moneo is considered a key figure in contemporary Spanish architecture, and his work has inspired several generations of architects around the world. Born in Tudela (Navarre) in 1937, the
The intellectual influence of an engineer father and the Jesuits of Tudela forged the early personality of this native of Navarre who ran the bulls at the San Fermín festival while preparing for admission into the Madrid School of Architecture. There
In line with the opening of the new Arquia headquarters at Tutor 16 in Madrid, a forum was held there on 30 November, titled ‘Sharing Experience,’ in which prominent architecture figures, with Luis Fernández-Galiano as moderator, voiced their reflect
In the past, reason made it possible to build. Only that which was grounded on reason could be built, and perhaps it is no exaggeration to say that the history of architecture has been written from the springboard of reason. Things have changed, howe
Arquia’s new base in Madrid officially opened with an encounter where eight architects, in person and in writing, reflected on the profession.
Rafael Moneo The Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale went to Rafael Moneo (Tudela, 1937). In the words of the curator of this year’s event, Hashim Sarkis, the Spanish architect has been one of the most transf
Arquitectura Viva and its director, Luis Fernández-Galiano, understand and regret the discomfort caused by the series Conversations. Filmed between 2013 and 2018, this documentary series of Fundación Arquia, now being streamed on Netflix, was left un
Imagine that Renzo Piano is a cell. The nucleus of his DNA would be an image of the shipyards of the city of Genoa; if the cell were Norman Foster, the helix would be the sequence of a science fiction cartoon strip; and if the cell were the duo Jacqu
Querido Jacques: He leído la carta aparecida en Domus, y más tarde en Arquitectura Viva 230, y, aunque iba dirigida a David Chipperfield, hablas en ella de tantas cuestiones interesantes acerca del estado en que se encuentra la arquitectura hoy, que
The Venice Architecture Biennale, perhaps the most important architectural celebration in the world, focuses this year on the consequences of construction. It tries to encompass buildings and destruction in equal measure, and also the needs of commun
This book on urban planning, despite its seductive erudition and lucid reasoning, does not lead to a solid conclusion in the way that texts by Rose or Glaeser do. Sometimes it sounds more like the inspired uncertainty of the most recent Sennett or th
Memory speaks in these ten interviews with masters. I borrow from Vladimir Nabokov’s autobiography the title for the presentation of these conversations, transcribed as monologues to place the focus on the protagonists, whose voices I hope to have re
“How will we live together?” This is the title of the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale, which opens with 61 participating countries. The motto reflects a turn toward social, even political concerns that has been taking place in the biennial since ov
All architecture exhibitions force the subject to address the question of what they want said about their work and person, and how. Carme Pinós has responded to these questions with commendable honesty and courage, as rather than being an exegete of
Luis Fernández-Galiano was twice on a scholarship program of the Fundación Juan March – in Spain in 1976-1977 and abroad in 1966-1968 – but his first lecture at the foundation headquarters took place in 2010. In the course of a decade thereafter, he
This new display offers visitors a survey of the more than 200-year history of Spain’s leading cultural institution while also enhancing the quality of the museum’s discourse. Curated by Víctor Cageao, Director of Buildings and the Natural Environmen
On display through 30 April at the ICONNO, showroom in Madrid are elements and complements designed by renowned architects which are linked to buildings designed by them. Organized within the framework of Off de Madrid Design activities and in colla
Rafael Moneo (1961-2021)
Rafael Moneo
Barcelona 2022
Acantilado - 128 Pages
Luis Fernández-Galiano Textos y dibujos
Francesc Pernas Galí Lecciones en Barcelona 1965-1980
Francisco González de Canales
Madrid 2019
Fundación Arquia - 248 Pages
Rafael Moneo Rem Koolhaas, Herzog & de Meuron, SANAA, David Chipperfield
Rafael Moneo La Mezquita de Córdoba, la lonja de Sevilla y un carmen en Granada
Carolina Beatriz García Estévez Lecciones desde Barcelona 1971 - 1976
Rafael Moneo
Detmold 2014
FSB Franz Schneider Brakel - 144 Pages
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Madrid 2014
Fundación Arquia - 88 Pages
Rafael Moneo Portfolio internacional, 1985-2012
Rafael Moneo Comentado por Rafael Moneo
Rafael Moneo
Barcelona 2010
Gustavo Gili - 660 Pages
Escritos y conversaciones en el Perú
Rafael Moneo
Barcelona 2004
Actar Publishers - 412 Pages
Rafael Moneo
Turín 1999
Humberto Allemandi - 222 Pages
Arquitectura española contemporánea
Rotterdam 2001
Nai010 Publishers - 236 Pages
Marie Nordin Lidberg
Estocolmo 1997
Byggförlaget - 278 Pages