The urban disorder that surrounds the house compels it to radically turn inward and organize itself in a classic sequence of spaces around a large quadrangular courtyard. Behind the opaque facade, auxiliary spaces are pushed to the four corners so th
Going against the current of souls who in the past decades have abandoned the villages of Navarre’s Lizoáin Valley to try their luck in big cities – a tendency that has become all the more pronounced all over Spain – a young couple contemplated the c
The Catalan architect Jordi Hidalgo Tané (Olot, 1967) was commissioned to renovate and enlarge an early-20th-century building in Bera, a municipality in the Cinco Villas comarca of Navarre, and turn it into rustic accommodations. Shortlisted in the a
Ever since the first cargo ship carrying intermodal containers docked in Bremen in 1966, their growth and development in international trade has been spectacular. Shipping containers are icons of our globalized society. Almost everything we buy trave
In a newly created urban core located on the outskirts of the city of Pamplona stands this house designed by the Navarrese practice of Carlos Pereda and Óscar Pérez. Rectangular and elongated in plan, the simple construction is fragmented to present
The Baztán Valley is an area in the north of Navarre, bordering with France, with a spectacular natural environment, surrounded by mountains and dotted with towns made up of individual houses.
The idea of constructing a large sports facility (a Basque ‘pelota’ court) in a town with a medium-low density urban tissue and in a rural environment was the project’s main challenge. With a volume that is broken along its northern front, and with a
Located in the historical center of Tudela, in Navarra, the house blends with its context thanks to a sober facade that conceals a dynamic and vibrant interior.
The project for the new Museum University of Navarre started out with the donation of the art collection of María Josefa Huarte – daughter of the Navarrese entrepreneur Félix Huarte Goñi –, who promoted the construction of a center to display these w
The project for the new municipal school of Berriozar – situated six kilometers from Pamplona – takes as point of departure the importance of architecture in teaching, taking inspiration from Louis Kahn’s words: “Schools began with a man under a tree
Built with loadbearing walls of reinforced concrete and boards of pinewood, this house for a young couple with small children frees up as much land as possible without sacrificing views.
The center is located in Zenotz, in the Ultzama valley, one of the most humid areas of the north of Navarre, of sturdy but gently rolling hills, where the green pasture and the oak trees configure a landscape of strong personality, whose color chang
Located three kilometers from Tudela, next to the Bardenas Reales natural park, in a spectacular landscape characterized by the exposure to the strong northeast wind, the hotel is conceived as a sequence of cozy, sheltered interior spaces to contempl
Located on a large plot by the technological park of the municipality of Sarriguren, 9 kilometers from Pamplona, the new building had to include, on a total area of 10,500 square meters of office space plus 8,745 of parking, a comprehensive and relat
Las piezas, enterradas parcialmente para reducir la superficie en contacto con el exterior, se benefician del llamado ‘ingenio bioclimático’, un sistema constructivo que aprovecha la energía solar y eólica, transformándola, acumulándola y distribuyén
En Gorraiz, municipio residencial a las afueras de Pamplona, el contorno del campo de golf ha sido colonizado por una serie de soluciones residenciales convencionales. Esta vivienda, que ocupa una de las parcelas con vistas a los hoyos, adopta una ac
The european forum was founded in the past decade to provide workers with further training and so correct the deficiencies that some local companies had noticed. Years later the Forum has become an established institution, encouraging the constructio
The town of Cizur Menor, that is linked to the neighborhoods of the south of Pamplona by the Camino de Santiago, enjoys impressive views of both the Navarrese capital and of the surrounding mountain tops thanks to its raised position. In the last ye
Of barely two thousand inhabitants, Fitero is one of the most visited towns of Navarre. Its greatest touristic attraction is the Cistercien monastery of Santa María la Real, whose construction started in the 12th century. Among the auxiliary spaces w
A finales de los años ochenta, la familia Chivite compró la finca conocida como Señorío de Arínzano, situada en el término municipal de Aberín, merindad de Estella. El Señorío se extiende en torno a los meandros que en aquellos parajes describe el rí
Buñuel is a small town located on the southeast of Tudela, where Navarra meets the province of Zaragoza. It is one of the many examples of towns whose historic center has gradually grown with scattered single houses that are beginning to blur t
Regulations and economic restrictions which determine social housing are counterbalanced by the opportunity that these projects offer – generally of a great volume and through municipal commission – to intervene in the periphery of the city and to de
En la urbanización donde se levanta esta casa, con magníficas vistas sobre el valle de Egües, predomina la ‘arquitectura de catálogo’: promociones residenciales que remiten a un modelo ‘tradicional’ con pequeñas variantes. Pero en este caso los clien
The deputy vice-president of the government of Navarre, José María Aierdi, and the secretary-general for Urban Agenda and Housing of Spain's central government in Madrid, Iñaqui Carnicero, presided over an encounter with the construction sector as a
1925-2020 The Navarrese architect and professor Carlos Sobrini Marín passed on at age 95 on 9 December. His prolific professional and teaching career got going after he finished up at the Madrid School of Architecture – where he won the 1952 National
For the headquarters of the sports equipment and accessories manufacturer Amaya Sport in Noain (Navarre), the architect Josean Ruiz Esquiroz – who works from offices in Madrid and Gorraiz – reused ten shipping containers as structural pieces while st
In the heart of Navarre’s Baztán Valley, in a genuine locus amoenus of the town of Lecároz, the architectural firm Vaillo+Irigaray has built a throat lozenge factory for a pharmaceutical company. Without renouncing contemporary language, the building
Among the more remarkable cultural phenomena of our time is the amount of civic architecture that has been realized in Spain over the past three decades. There is perhaps no other country in the Western world where there has been such an intense prod
As we know, we are not ‘individuals’, but ‘dividuals’: a rather chaotic assortment of desires, memories, ideas, feelings, words, and physical impulses brought together by that which with the primitive simplicity of language we insist on calling the ‘
Almost inadvertently, young Turks become young masters. Just after turning 50, and after 25 years of professional activity, Francisco Mangado is no longer the archetypal representative of that young Spanish generation that entered the schools of arch