AV Monografías 249-250: Rafael Moneo

With a prolific career spanning more than five decades, Rafael Moneo is considered a key figure in contemporary Spanish architecture, and his work has inspired several generations of architects around the world. Born in Tudela (Navarre) in 1937, the first Spaniard to receive the Pritzker Prize (1996) is the author of major works in his country like the Bankinter Headquarters in Madrid, the Museum of Roman Art in Mérida, the Kursaal Auditorium in San Sebastián, and the Prado Museum extension; and of buildings abroad like the Los Angeles Cathedral, the extension of the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, and the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. The magazine AV Monographs has just reached number 250, and celebrates the occasion with a double issue devoted to the Spanish master: a publication of 282 pages that gathers forty of his most prominent buildings in a chronological itinerary, from 1970 to our days. The monograph shows the variety and complexity of his extensive built oeuvre, and reveals some common features of all his projects, such as the prominence of light, the use of traditional materials and techniques, and the effort to respond to the specific context, both natural and urban as well as historic and cultural.