(Rio de Janeiro, 1907 - Rio de Janeiro, 2012)
A pavilion renovation is the first operation undertaken to recover the fair premises that Niemeyer designed as a symbol of a then thriving country, and which were left to rot after a bloody civil war. Lack of documentation made an exhaustive study of
Almost a decade after his death, the pavilion designed by Oscar Niemeyer (1907-2012) for the Château La Coste vineyard in the French region of Provence has been inaugurated. Opened to the public in 2011, this hidden estate is also home to one of the
Equidistant from Gijón and Oviedo, Avilés is the third largest city of Asturias population wise, and its name has been associated, since the late 19th century, but above all since the second half of the 20th, with the industrial sector. This field wa
The construction of the auditorium of Ibirapuera Park has a long history: it was the only unbuilt structure from those included in the original project, completed in 1954, to celebrate the fourth centennial of the city of São Paulo. After several att
The idea of building this museum, first called Novo Museu and later rebaptized Oscar Niemeyer Museum, was conceived in 2001, when the Guggenheim Foundation decided to build a branch in Brazil. The capital of the Brazilian state of Paraná rose as cand
Oscar Niemeyer’s capacity to create icons is unquestionable: the Contemporary Art Museum of Niterói is perhaps the most recent example of the ‘Niemeyer effect’. Separated from Rio de Janeiro by Guanabara Bay, the city of Niterói was a gloomy place, o
Of colossal proportions, the Memorial to Latin America was built by governor Orestes Quércia whom, at that time, had political ambitions of being chosen President of the Republic. Though his political project failed, he left as testimony this complex
After completing the Sambadrome (1983-1984), stage of the Rio carnival, with the then governor of the city, Leonel Brizola – a leader of the conservative left-wing that returned to power in the first elections after the military period –, Oscar Nieme
Located in the suburbs of Paris, towards the northeast, the Labor Exchange of Bobigny was the first structure built for this type of program in France. The complex, with an irregular design, goes up in a privileged location of the city, facing a junc
Baptized officially as Espace Oscar Niemeyer, this cultural center in Le Havre, a French city in the Normandy region, was commissioned by the town council. The building takes up a square urban block, with sides measuring some 120 meters, within a des
Commissioned by president Houari Boumedienne, who ruled from 1965 until 1978, and coordinated by the Minister of Education Ahmed Taleb (later replaced by Mohamed Seddik Benyahia), the University of Constantine, today called University of Mentouri Con
Giorgio Mondadori invited Niemeyer to build the headquarters of his company, a publishing house, in Segrate, a town on the outskirts of Milan. Located along the road to Verona and close to the airport of Linate, Segrate already had several office com
Located in the northeast region of Paris, the Headquarters of the French Communist Party was one of Niemeyer’s first European commissions. The project is divided into three parts and contrasts with the typical neighborhood of urban blocks of late-Hau
Of the government buildings of Brasília, Itamaraty, seat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is one of the most striking ones. In contrast to the contents of Lucio Costa’s master plan, in which all the Ministry buildings were accommodated in the assi
The Nacional Congress, which includes the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, is located in a strategic site in Brasília. On the one hand, it defines the perspective of the esplanade where the Ministry buildings are, at the end of the Monumental Axis
The Planalto Palace (seat of government, where the President of the Republic meets with advisors and visitors) and the seat of the Federal Supreme Court (the highest authority of the judicial power) compose, with the National Congress, the Praça dos
Surrounded with symbolism, like any religious building, the Cathedral of Brasilia – whose official name is Catedral Metropolitana Nossa Senhora Aparecida – is one of the most expressive pieces in the capital. It is located in a secondary area of the
Alter the compound called Catetinho, which served as temporary accommodation during the visits of Juscelino Kubitschek to the capital, the Alvorada Palace was the first structure to be raised in the city of Brasília. The project was finished prior to
Built in the mountains surrounding Rio de Janeiro and far away from the city center, the house on Das Canoas road was designed to become Niemeyer’s home. Before this work, the architect had already built another two houses for himself: in 1942 he des
Ibirapuera Park was built to commemorate the 400 years of the foundation of the city of São Paulo, celebrated in 1954. At that time, the city – thanks to the industrial impulse generated by the production of coffee – became the major economic center
Conceived during the term of the Mayor of Belo Horizonte at the time, Juscelino Kubitschek (JK), the Pampulha complex was finished after nine months of construction works. The politician, after inviting the French urbanist Alfred Agache and being dis
Even before the new building for the Ministry of Education and Health was ready, Oscar Niemeyer’s creativity was already clear in the team. Proof of this is that Lucio Costa gave him another big opportunity: after winning in the competition for the B
Considered a landmark of Brazilian architecture, the building is surrounded with symbolism and controversy. Symbolism because it was the first to use modern architecture as metaphor of Brazil’s political and economic transformations, initiated with t
In a new epiphany of unease, a crowd chose a symbolic building as a frame for its protest. On 6 January 2021, Trump supporters stormed into the United States Capitol to try to overturn the election of Biden; and on 8 January 2023, Bolsonaro followers
The Unesco Commitee that gathered in Istanbul on 10 July only to cut short its stay because of the 16 July coup d’etat attempt has added five new enclaves to its Heritage of Humanity list, among them seventeen buildings by Le Corbusier and the batter
In 1936 the minister Capanema asked Lucio Costa to design a Ministry of Education and Health building for Rio de Janeiro. Costa drew up a proposal in tune with similar ideas put down shortly before in Europe. This project, understood to be the starti
When in 1962 J. M. Richards saw Carlos Flores’s book Arquitectura española contemporánea and said that Spain was “experimenting furiously,” the world was not aware that such a change was even incipient. Spanish architecture evolved at a formidable ra
Marked by fruitful contradictions, the work of the longest-living master of the Modern Movement transcended architecture to become a symbol of Brazilian culture.
We begin to celebrate the centenaries of those who were our masters, and the many anniversaries in 2013 prompts a pixelated portrait of architecture after the First World War with ten biographies of figures born on the eve of the Second. In my case,
On 5th December 2012, ten days before his 105th birthday and six months after the death of his octogenarian daughter, the longest-living master of the Modern Movement passed away in Rio de Janeiro, the city where he was born and where he maintained a
El 5 de diciembre, diez días antes de cumplir 105 años, y seis meses después del fallecimiento de su hija octogenaria, ha muerto en Río de Janeiro Oscar Niemeyer. Con una obra sensual que conjuga la racionalidad de las formas puras y la plasticidad d
Marcos de Azevedo Acayaba nace en São Paulo en 1944 y en 1969 se licencia en la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la misma ciudad. Tres años más tarde, y después de haber diseñado más de una decena de viviendas, deslumbra a sus compañeros de pr
Desde su primera edición en 2000, la convocatoria de los pabellones de la Galería Serpentine constituye un singular escaparate mediático donde se funden el arte y la arquitectura.
Con el centenario del nacimiento de Burle Marx (1909-1994) nuevos trabajos teóricos se sumaron a la ya copiosa bibliografía escrita sobre el prestigioso paisajista brasileño. Parecía que poco podía añadirse a los ensayos publicados por críticos e inv
Con la monografía de Norman Foster, la revista Descubrir el Arte ofrecía la primera de las ocho entregas de la colección ‘Arquitectos Pritzker’, con la que se acerca a la obra de algunos de los arquitectos reconocidos con el prestigioso galardón. Los
Proletaria y con ría, Avilés tiene semejanzas con Bilbao; la próxima inauguración del Centro Niemeyer, según proyecto regalado por el arquitecto brasileño, puede convertirla en foco cultural.
Se han publicado, casi simultáneamente, dos libros escritos por profesores de Composición en cuyos títulos aparecen entrelazadas las palabras paisaje y arquitectura. No se trata de una casualidad que el concepto paisaje, que tan lentamente está siend
La emoción de Clarice Lispector al visitar Brasilia en sus inicios nos lleva a reflexionar sobre el nacimiento de una nueva ciudad. ¿Puede considerarse Brasilia todavía hoy una ‘ciudad nueva’? ¿Cumple los atributos propuestos por Ricardo Trevisan par
A pesar de la edad del maestro centenario, el estudio de Oscar Niemeyer (véase AV Monografías 125) sigue en plena forma ejecutando obras por todo el mundo. La última en acabarse ha sido un auditorio —bautizado con el nombre del arquitecto brasileño—
La sede madrileña de la Fundación Telefónica reúne maquetas, dibujos, fotografías y proyecciones de las obras más emblemáticas de Oscar Niemeyer, además de siete nuevos proyectos, concebidos en los tres años escasos que han transcurrido desde la cele
La colección de documentales cuya primera entrega acompañó el número 125 de AV dedicado a Oscar Niemeyer ha llegado ya a su sexto volumen. La serie, impulsada por la Fundación Arquia Caja de Arquitectos, ofrece nuevos puntos de vista sobre la histori
Entre las tácticas comerciales del cine actual se encuentra la inclusión del making of en el material promocional. En arquitectura, el relato de las peripecias en la ejecución de una obra no suele acompañar la presentación de la misma sino que, cuand
Sumándose a las numerosas publicaciones aparecidas en 2007 para conmemorar el centenario del arquitecto Oscar Niemeyer, acaban de presentarse dos nuevos volúmenes dedicados a la extensa trayectoria del maestro brasileño. El primero recoge en edición
Influido en su juventud por la precisión estructural de su padre —ingeniero de puertos y canales—, Mendes da Rocha despliega una producción coherente reconocida con los premios Pritzker y Mies latinoamericano. En la entrevista contenida en este volum
In 1971, Charles Jencks published a book of predictions entitled Architecture 2000, wherein Oscar Niemeyer is situated in a trajectory that leads to what was then termed ‘biomorphic architecture’. When the book was reedited in 2000, Jencks populated
The Radical Schools of Oscar Niemeyer, Darcy Ribeiro and Leonel Brizola / Arquitectura Viva 205
Rio de Janeiro 2009
ºViana & Mosley - 176 Pages
Roberto Dulio
Milan 2007
Mondadori Electa - 174 Pages
Roberto Segre 100 years 100 works
Oscar Niemeyer Memorias