(Madrid, 1959 - Barcelona, 2012)
In the year 2008, the Madrid-based studio Mansilla + Tuñón won the international competition to build the first of the domes included in the Regional Plan for the Duero Valley: the main building of the Institutional Campus of Eco-City Soria, in Soto
The Institutional Building – also known as Energy Dome – of the Environment City in Soto del Garray, Soria, wishes to become a forceful and optimistic intervention able to qualify the series of natural and artificial spaces surrounding it, endowing i
The Automotion Museum is to be located on a piece of land delimited by the old and the new highway that connects Madrid and Toledo, and by an old drovers’ road. The Varahondas stream crosses the plot, of some 60,000 square meters, dividing it into tw
The Museum of Cantabria strives to resemble the mountains that can be seen on a clear day beyond the Las Llamas valley – a new urban park in the heart of Santander –, with their uneven but similar outlines. Instead of the classical composition mechan
On a vantage site of Madrid’s cityscape, by the Royal Palace and overlooking the Campo del Moro from the plaza of the Almudena, the museum is surrounded by heterogeneous and complex heritage. The project is based on two fundamental principles on an u
The barrié de la Maza Foundation takes up the courtyard and the small bay, parallel to the street, of a building designed by the architect Manuel Gómez Román in 1919. The reduced dimensions of the site, a rectangle measuring 25x15 meters, have been c
Very close to Atocha station, the old El Águila brewery is a reflection of the recent past of Arganzuela, today a residential district in the south of Madrid that was once characterized by its industrial fabric. The construction of its main buildings
The construction of a building devoted to the running of the bulls and the Sanfermines becomes an opportunity to endow the city of Pamplona with a referent from which to see and be seen. The proposal will go up in an old fire station, currently a plo
The house is imagined as a clearing in the forest, a void amidst artificial foliage that unfolds between the two perimeters of the building: the interior perimeter, continuous and transparent, holds the structure, and the exterior perimeter, beyond t
The proposal for the Lalín Town Hall moves between precision and probability, building an antimonumental structure in which, as with clouds, each one can recognize the changing forms starting from personal references, so that collective identificatio
The proposal for the Lalín Town Hall moves between precision and probability, building an antimonumental structure in which, as with clouds, each one can recognize the changing forms starting from personal references, so that collective identificatio
Como un muro de contención habitado, el nuevo museo ocupa un espacio enterrado que prolonga el basamento del Palacio Real; se consiguen así los dos objetivos de la propuesta: que pase a formar parte del paisaje de la cornisa poniente de Madrid y que
Inscribed within the uniform layout of the urban center of Castellón, the new Museum of Fine Arts is raised over the remains of the old school Serra Espadá, taking up almost the entire plot. The canonical division in four groups of uses exhibition, a
Outside town, and situated beneath the collapsing wall overlooking the Duero River, the museum presents itself to the city of Zamora as a coffer containing its jewels and memory. Its bold and cubic form, inserted in the middle of a sloping urban bloc
The San Fernando de Henares Swimming Center completes a municipal sports facility composed of different constructions meshed by the passage of time. The complex, set outside of the urban center, northeast of the city, is developed along Pine Promenad
Like a jewelry box, a treasure chest, or a Wunderkammer, the Royal Collections Gallery opened its doors in the city of Madrid last 28 June to showcase its extraordinary architecture, in addition to its no less extraordinary collection of objects whic
Royal Collections
Palace matters take time. That is why two decades – practically the same as Philip II with his Escorial – have been necessary to complete the great center called to collect the treasures of the Spanish crown. The project was already considered during
The new museum, one of the largest cultural complexes built in decades, showcases its collections along the two main levels, each devoted to one of the reigning dynasties.
A linear volume is attached to the slope that historically marked the border of the city, establishing with its rigorous granite facade a formal and material dialogue with the Royal Palace.
The physical and symbolic magnitude of the work by Mansilla+Tuñón brings to life a long-held yearning of showing an art collection treasured for centuries by the kings of Spain.
Memory speaks in these ten interviews with masters. I borrow from Vladimir Nabokov’s autobiography the title for the presentation of these conversations, transcribed as monologues to place the focus on the protagonists, whose voices I hope to have re
When the German gallerist Helga de Alvear decided fifteen years ago to install her collection of art in a modernist mansion in Cáceres, in Extremadura region, she approached the architects Luis Moreno Mansilla and Emilio Tuñón and commissioned them t
1959 - 2012 “He died as everyone would like to die, suddenly, in his sleep.” With these words Luis Moreno Mansilla referred to his grandfather in the dedication of his doctoral thesis. As it turned out, they would apply to his own death at 52, in Ba
El valor de la literatura, como el de la vida, sería menor sin el recurso de la contradicción o de la paradoja. Don Quijote es la encarnación de una paradoja errante; el final del Canto a mí mismo de Whitman concluye así: «¿Me estoy contradiciendo? /
La Fundación Caja de Arquitectos, dentro de su colección ‘arquia/temas’, ha editado un muy recomendable libro sobre Enric Miralles. La edición, que ha estado a cargo de Josep M. Rovira, cuenta con contribuciones de diversos autores: Oriol Bohigas, Ra
Luis Moreno Mansilla tenía un hermano gemelo con el que era fácil confundirlo, y un socio fraternal en casi todo diferente. Su mellizo Vicente siguió un trayecto profesional en la alta dirección empresarial enteramente divergente del camino creativo
Mansilla & Tuñón’s 2008 competition winning scheme for the Energy Dome of the Soria Environment City begins with a few simple, rule-based operations. The starting point is a half sphere; an easy to describe geometric container, sized to accommoda
Modernity has been a universal passion. All modern poets have chased after that magnetic and elusive figure that fascinates them. Baudelaire was the first. He was also the first to touch her and discover that she is nothing but time that crumbles in
En homenaje a José Antonio Corrales, representante de una generación que hizo arquitectura en tiempos de escasez, los autores repasan su vida, sus obras más destacadas y la ética del trabajo que caracterizó su trayecto profesional.
Ahondar en la vida de los antepasados es un ejercicio que aúna el legítimo deseo de saber con el temor gozoso y un tanto impúdico de descubrir algo insospechado de nuestros mayores. Este libro, publicado con ocasión de la exposición homónima organiza
El arquitecto Miguel Fisac, fallecido hace ahora cuatro años, protagoniza dos publicaciones recientes, ambas esperadas. Por un lado, un libro editado por Ricardo Sánchez Lampreave para el Ministerio de la Vivienda con ocasión del Premio Nacional de A
We look back and are perhaps able to untangle the facts and the ideas, to rebuild itineraries, to sense the complexity of things, and certainly, to observe how interests sail in a particular current, in a certain direction. And we see that ideas and
El año 1992 fue realmente un año favorable para España, en el que los eventos celebrados confirmaron su creciente presencia económica y cultural en el mundo. En ese año se fundó también el estudio Mansilla+Tuñón Arquitectos, como Patricia Molins nos
Luis M. Mansilla: Many things that happen in life are a mix of intention and chance. My father was a naval engineer, but on my mother’s side, too, there were people connected to art. The time came to choose a path and I asked my twin brother, “What a
A pesar de que el canon museístico del arte contemporáneo se ejemplifica en el MoMA de Nueva York, abierto al público en 1929 con la perspectiva de fundamentar un modelo de comprensión de la vanguardia, es interesante recordar que no fue ésta la pri
The music seems to be moving away although the musicians remain where they are. One imagines it has turned the corner because it is not fading out linearly. Instead, random notes or chords suddenly burst forth louder than the rest, as if pushed by al
Para «respetar mejor el pluralismo que caracteriza el pensamiento en el siglo XX, ahondando en la profusión de la información», el historiador Jean-Paul Midant eligió a la hora de contar su arquitectura una forma por excelencia enciclopédica. Y movil
Barcelona 2012
Fundación Caja de Arquitectos - 98 Pages
Erik Gunnar Asplund
Madrid 2002
El Croquis Editorial - 383 Pages
José Manuel López-Peláez
Barcelona 2002
Fundación Caja de Arquitectos - 192 Pages