Anuario YearbookBalance del año
Summary of the Year
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Estaciones de tránsito
Seasons of Transit
Luis Fernández-Galiano
La ciudad mutante
The Mutant City
Luis Fernández-Galiano & Adela García-Herrera
1996: una antología probable
1996: A Probable Anthology
Nudos del territorio
Territorial Nodes
Naves portuarias, Chipiona (Cádiz)Buildings at Chipiona Harbor (Cádiz)
Antonio Cruz & Antonio Ortiz
Comandancia del puerto, Mazagón (Huelva)Harbor Headquarters, Mazagón (Huelva)
Antonio González Cordón
Estación de autobuses, GranadaBus Station, Granada
Francisco Torres
Centro de producción de Canal Sur, MálagaCanal Sur Radio-Television Studios, Málaga
Gonzalo Díaz Recasens
Perfil institucional
Institucional Profiles
Ayuntamiento de Madarcos (Madrid)Town Hall of Madarcos (Madrid)
Emilio Pemjean, Carmen Martínez & Rodrigo Pemjean
Centro cívico de Cobeña (Madrid) Civic Center of Cobeña (Madrid)
Iñaki Ábalos & Juan Herreros
Museo de Bellas Artes, ZamoraFine Arts Museum, Zamora
Luis Moreno Mansilla & Emilio Tuñón
Juzgados de Mahón (Menorca)Courthouse of Mahón (Menorca)
Juan Navarro Baldeweg
Proyectos docentes
Educational Projects
Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, PamplonaFaculty of Social Sciences, Pamplona
Ignacio Vicens & José Antonio Ramos
Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, GeronaFaculty of Experimental Sciences, Gerona
Josep Fuses & Joan Maria Viader
Instituto de Torredembarra (Tarragona) Secondary School at Torredembarra (Tarragona)
Josep Llinás
Escuela Riumar, Delta del Ebro (Tarragona)Riumar School, Delta del Ebro (Tarragona)
Manuel Ruisánchez & Xavier Vendrell
Bienestar social
Social Welfare
Centro deportivo, BarcelonaFitness Center, Barcelona
Carlos Ferrater
Polideportivo, S.S. de los Reyes (Madrid)Sports Complex, S.S. de los Reyes (Madrid)
Sol Madridejos & Juan Carlos Sancho
Centro de salud de Elviña, La CoruñaHealth Center in Elviña, La Coruña
Alberto Noguerol & Pilar Díez
Centro de salud, Viveiro (Lugo) Health Center, Viveiro (Lugo)
Manuel Gallego
Superficies laborales
Work Spaces
Edificio de oficinas, Las Rozas (Madrid)Office Building, Las Rozas (Madrid)
Jerónimo Junquera & Estanislao Pérez Pita
Edificio de oficinas, MadridOffice Building, Madrid
Víctor López Cotelo
Nave industrial, PamplonaIndustrial Shed, Pamplona
Francisco José Mangado
Fábrica Inelcom, Játiva (Valencia)Inelcom Factory, Játiva (Valencia)
Carmel Gradolí, Luis Francisco Herrero & Arturo Sanz
Área residencial
Residencial Area
Residencia de estudiantes, MálagaStudent Residence, Málaga
José Antonio Martínez Lapeña & Elías Torres
Hotel NH Ciudad de Zaragoza, ZaragozaNH Hotel Ciudad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza
Basilio Tobías
Viviendas sociales, CuencaSocial Housing, Cuenca
Enrique Álvarez-Sala, Carlos Rubio & César Ruiz-Larrea
Viviendas sociales, CádizSocial Housing, Cádiz
Álvaro Siza & Rafael Otero
Un año en el mundo
A Year in the World
Luis Fernández-Galiano
La internacional de la inocenciaThe International of Innocence
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Doce meses y cuatro estacionesTwelve Months and Four Seasons
Luis Fernández-Galiano & Adela García-Herrera
Los premios y las pérdidasDistinctions and Disappearances
Luis Fernández-Galiano>
The year of political change-over in Spain has also been one of transits in architecture: the passing away of Alejandro de la Sota, the international consecration of Rafael Moneo, the crystallization of spectacle at the International Union of Architects Congress in Barcelona and the fiasco of the competition for the extension of the Prado Museum in Madrid have in a bittersweet way marked the four seasons of the architectural year.
It is common to sum up a period through a list of buildings, but 1996 is best described by events; on hindsight, no project completed during the year seems as significant as some of the occurrences that befell us. Within the fractured framework of a world that is at once interdependent and egoistic, and in the ambiguous ambit of a country where economic prosperity and political upheaval coexist, Spain's architectural year is reflected by two personal transits and two institutional ones.
Winter of the Master
The death in February of Alejandro de la Sota, the most respected of Spanish masters, was the close of both a tenacious biography and a luminous chapter of contemporary architecture in the peninsula. A dogged defender of ideas against forms, De la Sota left us a number of essential works, including the Civil Government headquarters of Tarragona and the Maravillas Gymnasium in Madrid, as well as a distrust of style which he elevated to the category of ethics, and which his 'Sotian' disciples paradoxically interpreted with the technological minimalist language of his final projects.
But the winter of contemporary architecture also witnessed other transits. François Mitterrand's demise in January and Felipe González' electoral defeat in March symbolically marked the end of fifteen years of 'Mediterranean socialism' in France and Spain, two countries that during this period efficiently used signature architecture as cultural avant-garde and political propaganda. Between social democracy and social opulence, from the presidential projects in Paris to the Olympic works of Barcelona, architecture and power lived a blissful and fertile romance.
Spring in the Summits
Rafael Moneo won the Pritzker Prize in April, and accepted it in June on the Los Angeles hilltop that is the building site of the Getty Foundation's new headquarters. But the Brentwood heights where architecture's unofficial Nobel was awarded were not the only ones to be visited by the Navarrese, who this year also received the Gold Medals of French Architecture and the International Union of Architects, and elegantly wrapped up his streak of international triumphs by beating the Californians Frank Gehry and Thom Mayne in the competition for the cathedral of Los Angeles.
Significantly, the Pritzker rewarded Moneo for a traditionalist rigor that is diametrically opposed to the figurative avant-gardism of Rem Koolhaas, the Dutchman who is now his colleague at Harvard and whose monumental manifesto S,M,L,XL has been the year's most talked about book; an architect, incidentally, whose most important commission this season is also situated in Los Angeles, having been selected in May to design a colossal extension for Universal Studios, which has no qualms about competing with the Disney empire in the fascinating and equivocal field of leisure.
Summer and Smoke
The frivolous and friendly mood of summer in Barcelona served as a framework for an architects' congress that was equidistant between a rock concert and a political rally. Overwhelmed by the multitudinary attendance, the initial session of the chaotic event took place outdoors, in front of Meier's new museum, and subsequent assemblies were held in the city's largest covered arena, the Palau Sant Jordi built by Isozaki for the Olympic Games. For three days in July, the spectacle of architecture became a spectacle of architects, feted and hounded like mediatic stars.
Among them, no one as popular as Peter Eisenman, who donning a Fútbol Club Barcelona sweat shirt preached the gospel of the 'formless' (perfectly exemplified by his Aronoff Center in Cincinnati, which was completed in August); or as Norman Foster, who had to flee from a swarm of paparazzi that was more interested in his marriage to the Spanish psychologist Elena Ochoa (finally celebrated in September) than in his colossal and painstaking architecture, so admired by Mayor Maragall and spread out from the Berlin of 'new simplicity' to the Hong Kong of Asia's vertiginously accelerated Pacific Rim.
Autumn without a Project
Autumn anticipated its melancholic mood with the decision that left the competition for the extension of the Prado Museum without a winner: yet one more episode in the troubled history of Spain's leading cultural institution. The October exhibition of the 500 entries exposed the fact that the causes of the fiasco lay in the actual competition guidelines, whose confusion was but a reflection of the drifting course of a museum which the new conservative government hopes to turn into its flagship.
No less a flop was the Biennale di Venezia, which closed its jumbled seismic metaphors in November, after paying tribute to Johnson, Niemeyer and Gardella. Proving more energetic than Venice was Rome, which by Christmas had launched a huge urban regeneration program, with the main pieces to be undertaken by Renzo Piano and its vision already focused –like millennium London– on the fast approaching year 2000.
Pages 4 -7
Pages 8 -9
Pages 10 -16
Ubicación: España
Pages 18 -21
Arquitecto: Cruz, Antonio; Ortiz, Antonio
Proyecto: Naves portuarias, Chipiona (Cádiz)
Ubicación: Andalucía
Pages 22 -29
Arquitecto: González Cordón, Antonio
Proyecto: Comandancia del puerto, Mazagón (Huelva)
Ubicación: Andalucía
Pages 30 -33
Arquitecto: Torres, Francisco
Proyecto: Estación de autobuses, Granada
Ubicación: Andalucía
Pages 34 -36
Arquitecto: Díaz Recasens, Gonzalo
Proyecto: Centro de producción de Canal Sur, Málaga
Ubicación: Andalucía
Pages 38 -41
Arquitecto: Pemjean, Emilio; Martínez, Carmen; Pemjean, Rodrigo
Proyecto: Ayuntamiento de Madarcos (Madrid)
Ubicación: Madrid
Pages 42 -45
Arquitecto: Ábalos, Iñaki; Herreros, Juan
Proyecto: Centro cívico de Cobeña (Madrid)
Ubicación: Madrid
Pages 46 -53
Arquitecto: Moreno Mansilla, Luis; Tuñón, Emilio
Proyecto: Museo de Bellas Artes, Zamora
Ubicación: Castilla y León
Pages 54 -60
Arquitecto: Navarro Baldeweg, Juan
Proyecto: Juzgados de Mahón (Menorca)
Ubicación: Baleares
Pages 62 -65
Arquitecto: Vicens, Ignacio; Ramos, José Antonio
Proyecto: Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Pamplona
Ubicación: Navarra
Pages 66 -69
Arquitecto: Fuses, Josep; Viader, Joan Maria
Proyecto: Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales, Gerona
Ubicación: Cataluña
Pages 70 -73
Arquitecto: Llinás, Josep
Proyecto: Instituto en Torredembarra (Tarragona)
Ubicación: Cataluña
Pages 74 -76
Arquitecto: Ruisánchez, Manuel; Vendrell, Xavier
Proyecto: Escuela Riumar, Delta del Ebro (Tarragona)
Ubicación: Cataluña
Pages 78 -81
Arquitecto: Ferrater, Carlos
Proyecto: Centro deportivo, Barcelona
Ubicación: Cataluña
Pages 82 -85
Arquitecto: Madridejos, Sol; Sancho, Juan Carlos
Proyecto: Polideportivo, San Sebastián de los Reyes (Madrid)
Ubicación: Madrid
Pages 86 -89
Arquitecto: Noguerol, Alberto; Díez, Pilar
Proyecto: Centro de salud en Elviña, La Coruña
Ubicación: Galicia
Pages 90 -92
Arquitecto: Gallego, Manuel
Proyecto: Centro de salud, Viveiro (Lugo)
Ubicación: Galicia
Pages 94 -101
Arquitecto: Junquera, Jerónimo; Pérez Pita, Estanislao
Proyecto: Oficinas de Caja de Madrid, Las Rozas (Madrid)
Ubicación: Madrid
Pages 102 -105
Arquitecto: López Cotelo, Víctor
Proyecto: Oficinas del Ministerio del Interior, Madrid
Ubicación: Madrid
Pages 106 -109
Arquitecto: Mangado. Francisco José
Proyecto: Nave de Gamesa Eólica, Pamplona
Ubicación: Navarra
Pages 110 -112
Arquitecto: Gradolí, Carmel; Herrero, Luis Francisco; Sanz, Arturo
Proyecto: Fábrica Inelcom, Játiva (Valencia)
Ubicación: Comunidad Valenciana
Pages 114 -117
Arquitecto: Martínez Lapeña, José Antonio; Torres, Elías
Proyecto: Residencia de estudiantes, Málaga
Ubicación: Andalucía
Pages 118 -121
Arquitecto: Tobías, Basilio
Proyecto: Hotel NH Ciudad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza
Ubicación: Aragón
Pages 122 -125
Arquitecto: Álvarez-Sala, Enrique; Rubio, Carlos; Ruiz-Larrea, César
Proyecto: Viviendas sociales, Cuenca
Ubicación: Castilla La Mancha
Pages 126 -128
Arquitecto: Siza, Álvaro; Otero, Rafael
Proyecto: Viviendas sociales, Cádiz
Ubicación: Andalucía
Pages 130 -131
Pages 132 -189
Pages 134 -137
Arquitecto: Von Spreckelsen, Johann Otto / Pei, Ieoh Ming / Perrault, Dominique
Proyecto: Arco de La Défense Pirámide del Louvre / Gran Biblioteca de Francia
Ubicación: Francia
Pages 138 -141
Ubicación: Estados Unidos
Pages 142 -145
Arquitecto: Cruz, Antonio; Ortiz, Antonio / Foster, Norman / Bonell, Esteve; Rius, Francesc / Johnson, Philip / Moneo, Rafael
Proyecto: Estación de Santa Justa, Sevilla Torre de Collserola, Barcelona / Palacio de los Deportes, Badalona / Torres KIO, Madrid / Museo Romano, Mérida
Ubicación: España
Pages 146 -149
Arquitecto: Pei, Ieoh Ming SOM / Jahn, Helmut / Von Gerkan, Meinhard / Grimshaw, Nicholas
Pages 150 -153
Arquitecto: Graves, Michael Johnson, Philip / Rossi, Aldo
Proyecto: Celebration, Florida
Ubicación: Estados Unidos
Pages 154 -157
Arquitecto: Koolhaas, Rem
Libro / Autor: Koolhaas, Rem. S,M,L,XL. 010 Publishers
Pages 158 -161
Pages 162 -165
Ubicación: Canarias
Pages 166 -169
Arquitecto: Calatrava, Santiago Meier, Richard / Ando, Tadao / Siza, Álvaro / Botta, Mario / Moneo, Rafael / Gehry, Frank / Morphosis
Proyecto: St. John the Divine, Nueva York Iglesia del año 2000, Roma / Capilla de Meditación UNESCO, París / Parroquia, Marco de Canavezes / Ermita del Monte Tamaro / Concurso para una capilla en Los Ángeles
Pages 170 -173
Arquitecto: Libeskind, Daniel Eisenman, Peter / Kulka, Peter / Gehry, Frank
Pages 174 -177
Pages 178 -181
Arquitecto: Foster, Norman
Pages 182 -183
Arquitecto: Sota, Alejandro de la
Pages 184 -185
Arquitecto: Moneo, Rafael
Pages 186 -187
Pages 188 -189
Proyecto: Ampliación del Museo del Prado, Madrid
Ubicación: Madrid
Pages 190 -193
Arquitecto: Premiados: Moneo, Rafael: Pritzker; Oro UIA / Ando, Tadao: Imperiale / Gardella, Ignazio; Johnson, Philip; Niemeyer, Óscar: Leones oro Bienal Venecia Seidler, Harry: Oro RIBA / Foster, Norman: Medalla UIMP / Martínez Santa-María, Luis; González Gallegos, José; Nieto, Fuensanta; Sobejano, Enrique; Belzunce, Eduardo; García Millán, Juan; Díaz Mauriño, Luis; Viar, Íñigo de; Montero, Francisco Javier: Europan Vaquero Palacios, Joaquín: Oro Consejo Superior de Consejos de Arquitectos
Proyecto: Premiados: Módulo cultural en Ayamonte (Huelva): IV Muestra de Jóvenes Arquitectos Restauración del Teatro Metropol, Tarragona: FAD arquitectura Casa de cultura, Ciempozuelo (Madrid): Iberfad
Pages 194 -199
Arquitecto: Moneo, Rafael
Proyecto: Bankinter, Madrid Ayuntamiento de Logroño / Museo de Arte Romano, Mérida / Previsión Española, Sevilla / L'Illa, Barcelona / Fundación Miró, Palma de Mallorca / Kursaal, San Sebastián / Museo Davis, Wellesley / Museo de Arte Moderno, Estocolmo / Museo de Bellas Artes, Houston
Ubicación: Madrid. La Rioja. Extremadura. Andalucía. Cataluña. Baleares. País Vasco. Estados Unidos. Suecia
Pages 200 -203
Arquitecto: Desaparecidos: Sota, Alejandro de la / Bidagor, Pedro / Simounet, Roland / Happold, Edmund / Posener, Julius / Golsmith, Myron / Chermayeff, Serge / Israel, Frank / Jellicoe, Geoffrey / Jackson, John Brinckerhoff / Cano Lasso, Julio
Pages 204 -207
Arquitecto: Sota, Alejandro de la
Proyecto: Gobierno Civil de Tarragona
Ubicación: Cataluña
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