Olot, Spain
Like a small city, the Dar Al Marefa school in Dubai spreads out in modular volumes set between streets and squares, encouraging discovery and learning. Using standardized components, the project of the Catalonian firm RCR – Rafael Aranda, Carme Pige
A collaboration between the Catalonia-based firm RCR Arquitectes and the property developer Muraba, the Veil residential skyscraper – 380 meters tall – stands next to Dubai’s main transport artery, Shekh Zayed Road. The slender 73-story tower contain
As a result of the close collaboration between the architects and the owners – the Suqué-Mateu family –, the project to build the new winery, by fields of vineyards and a country estate, started to take shape a decade ago. The relationship with the l
On the premise of fusing architecture with the landscape in the city of Lagos, in Portugal’s Algarve region, RCR arquitectes – Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, Ramon Vilalta – designed this construction for the Palmares golf resort, with the restaurant Al
This project by the Catalan firm RCR – Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, and Ramón Vilalta – seeks to blend the architecture with the landscape through interiors and exteriors that blur its limits, adapting to the topography of the site in Lagos, in southe
Located in the city of Bordeaux, the project renovates an old warehouse with vaulted spaces that were once cellars for storing fish and supplies. The intervention seeks to reactivate the area by making the most of its central location and the existen
Located at the bend of a road that joins Camprodón with Olot, the town of La Canya is growing in the form of residential developments similar to those around large cities. However, its location in a rural region has permitted a comfortable combinatio
Executed with steel and composite panels, the kitchen and the tasting tables are arranged organically in a space whose forms and atmospheres try to give clients the impression of being in a cloud.
The new media library located in Ghent’s historic center presents a stack of horizontal slabs in what is a highly flexible volume. A series of external metal louvers set before the facade of the media library serves to protect the building against su
In a sports complex in Taradell, a small town in the province of Barcelona, the site of this indoor swimming pool and the precipitous terrain determine its configuration, articulated in four parts: the outdoor tracks, the wall, the services building,
This purpose of this project of the Catalan, Olot-based firm RCR arquitectes – in collaboration with G. Tregouet – was to merge a preexisting, 1960s building in an expansive meadow in Girona with a new construction, to then reconnect the complex with
Located north of Bordeaux, across from the locks that close the canal of access to the city’s seaport from the Garonne River, this urban intervention spans a large dock whose port facilities, already obsolete, are replaced by a complex of mixed-use b
Located in the university campus of Pessac, outside the metropolitan area of Bordeaux, the building gathers different uses to service university facilities scattered over the surrounding area. This varied program is unified by a central atrium, which
Devoted to the history and art of the region, the Museum of Lorraine takes up a historical complex in the heart of the city of Nancy, comprising the buildings next to the Palace of the Dukes of Lorraine – a magnificent construction of the French Rena
Located in the renewed neighborhood of Saint-Cyprien, on the southern bank of Garonne River by the urban center of Toulouse, the plot assigned used to be occupied by an old laundry that was demolished to build Charles de Fitte Avenue. The existing co
The international competition for the new congress center in Nancy, called in 2007 by the public administration, aimed at giving this municipality of 105,000 inhabitants a multipurpose and flexible space to boost its position as commercial center bet
The project for this single-family house in the city of Ghent was chosen in a private competition called by the future owner, also an architect, who invited three teams to submit proposals. The site assigned is in the interior of an urban block, surr
The Brazza area, north of Bordeaux, comprises old industrial terrains between the train tracks and the Garonne River, an area that is now undergoing an urban renewal process. The project, on a corner across from the train tracks, proposes a program o
The house where the painter Pierre Soulages was born, located halfway between the Soulages Museum, devoted to his work, and the cathedral of Rodez, occupies a small building between party walls with three levels plus basement and attic. The house is
Located in Lormont, in the metropolitan area of Bordeaux, the estate where this project goes up includes a large garden with tall trees and the Bois Fleuri manor house, a structure in the style of the small châteaux dotting the French countryside. Th
The building, known as ‘L’Ilot Plaza,’ takes up the west part of an urban block in the neighborhood of Mérignac, on the outskirts of Bordeaux. Addressing a complex urban situation and a diverse environment – including, to the north, Mérignac church a
Located in the old district of Bordeaux, the project proposes renovating an old structure used originally as a warehouse and that offers beautifully vaulted spaces that were once cellars to store fish and supplies. The intervention tries, furthermore
Located on a hillside facing south in the Eastern Pyrenees, the school complex includes different facilities for kindergarten and primary school for three towns: Font-Romeu, Odeillo and Via. The situation of the site, as well as its exceptional views
The Soulages Museum in Rodez (France) shows a monographic exhibition on the work of RCR Arquitectes that exposes the transversality and richness of their work. Landscape, architecture, design, sketches, and thought are the main themes of this exhibit
On view up to 11 September at VETA, the Madrid art gallery of Fer Francés, is a journey through eleven projects of RCR Arquitectes. They are presented by means of 160 works on paper, some in large format. The exhibition also presents the renovation o
On view through 15 August at Museu de la Garrotxa in Olot (Girona) are 48 black-and-white photographs taken by Hisao Suzuki (Yamagata, Japan, 1957), considered one of the best photographers of contemporary architecture of the past 30 years. The exhib
Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, and Ramon Vilalta of the firm RCR have been made foreign members of France’s Académie d’Architecture, founded in 1840 as the Société Centrale des Architectes primarily to promote architectural quality. RCR in 2015 received
RCR Arquitectos The trend that the Pritzker Prize seemed to have adopted in its latest editions with laureates like Alejandro Aravena or Shigeru Ban did not seem to point in the direction of RCR Arquitectes, a trio whose radical architecture at first
Land architecture, but also architecture of the land. After three decades of work, Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, and Ramon Vilalta have obtained universal recognition for a stubbornly local oeuvre: the most media-savvy award of them all has distinguish
The architecture of Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta combines romantic rauxa with rational rigor. Based in Olot, the capital of La Garrotxa – a Pre-Pyrenean region in Catalonia, filled with extinct volcanoes and pleasant landscapes that h
The direction that the Pritzker Prize seemed to have marked by honoring the likes of Alejandro Aravena and Shigeru Ban in the last cycles gave no inkling that this year’s winner would be RCR, a trio whose radical architecture, a priori, does not tall
An exhibition on RCR Arquitectes at the ICO Museum in Madrid traces an itinerary through the over three decades of shared creativity of its three Catalan members.
Museo Soulages Promoted by the Foro de la Arquitectura Española (Spanish architecture forum) of the CSCAE (Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes), the International Spanish Architecture Prizes were presented during a ceremony held at the Ple
Any description of the bright and dark work of RCR must resort to oxymoron. One may use geometric landscapes, weightless gravity or – as their projects were presented here in 2010 – rigorous romanticism: these antithetic terms express the tension bet
Although its walls have yet to be decked with drawings, oil paintings, engravings, and other works of art, one can already get a good idea of the spaces contained in the newly completed Soulages Museum, designed by the firm RCR and built in collabora
In the spirit of “returning to the disciplinary values of the profession,” the FAD Architecture Award has gone to ‘Assisted pedestrian route from the center to Saint George’s Castle’, carried out by João Pedro Falcão de Campos to connect Lisbon’s hig
Barcelona tendrá una nueva diagonal, perpendicular a la anterior... y verde. El concurso para el nuevo Parque Lineal de la Sagrera, también denominado Parc del Camí Comtal, ha sido adjudicado (ver AV Proyectos 45) al equipo formado por los holandeses
Delimitado por el río Ter, dos medianeras con patios de ventilación y una estrecha calle del centro de Ripoll, el nuevo espacio urbano diseñado por el estudio RCR (Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem y Ramón Vilalta), junto al barcelonés Joan Puigcorbé, aúna
El estudio catalán RCR junto con los flamencos Coussée & Goris ha ganado el concurso de la nueva mediateca en el centro histórico de Gante, Bélgica. La propuesta consiste en un apilamiento de losas, un volumen horizontal cuya planta baja transcurre e
En el municipio de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, vecino en continuidad con el de Barcelona, se alza el Distrito Económico Gran Vía L’Hospitalet, un conjunto urbano a base de torres de oficinas entre las que contrasta, como una misteriosa caja negra, el
Aranda Pigem Vilalta – RCR Arquitectes – are magicians of mineral and natural discoveries. Their architecture conjures sensual intimations, refractions, and densities from the most elemental material conditions, whether a single sheet of Cor-ten stee
They did not gag or blind-fold me, but for two days I was a guest of a group of architectural extremists, in the lost horizon of Olot. This small city rests amid the remains of a few extinct volcanoes at the foot of the Pyrenees between Catalonia and
The architecture of RCR (Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramón Vilalta) combines romantic rauxa with rational rigor. Based in Olot, the capital of La Garrotxa – a Pre-Pyrenean region in Catalonia, filled with extinct volcanoes and pleasant landscapes
A unos 70 kilómetros al norte de Toulouse, en un pintoresco pueblo de Midi-Pirineos llamado Nègrepelisse, los olotinos RCR —Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem y Ramón Vilalta— han resultado ganadores del concurso europeo para la construcción del centro de ar