The partitions of an apartment traversed by a narrow corridor were eliminated to reveal the concrete structure in all its glory and harness it as a new organizing element. The bedrooms and the bathrooms are grouped in a compact band to ensure a fluid
Prioritizing the entrance of daylight into a narrow but very deep apartment, a central core of services and storage makes it possible to place all the main rooms flush with the facade. The wall that separated the living room from the kitchen was remo
The renovation of an old barn puts in partitions of angular lines that result in a changing visual impression, an effect reinforced by a palette of finishes rendered in electric color tones. A family legend, according to which lightning slipped throu
Over and above the neighborhood’s street-level shops, the dwellings are organized around a courtyard and a staircase that has landings thanks to the existence of an alternative passageway along the outside. By means of a large ceiling fan, the heat t
Soaring prices determined the choice of the usual concrete structure, the basic unidirectional scheme of which proved ideal for establishing an efficient arrangement of twelve living units and shared facilities and amenities provided on the ground fl
A large foyer gives access to the dwellings and a multipurpose hall that doubles as a dining room and, at the request of the residents, can be used separately to connect with the area’s fabric of community associations. Harnessed for acoustic filteri
Integrated into the landscape of Pals, a municipality of the comarca of Baix Empordà, in Catalonia, this house rises over the remains of an old farmhouse named Mas Geli, of which only two facades with buttresses and a pair of spaces with stone vaults
The project takes off from the idea of building two homes for a family in Rupiá, a municipality in the Baix Empordà region of Girona province. Combining bioclimatic, functional, and integration arguments, the intervention analyzes the relationship be
At the foot of the Collserola mountain range, in the Barcelona municipality of Sant Just Desvern, this social housing development presents continuous terraces on all its facades, which widen at the corners to form spaces in direct contact with the li
These semi-detached houses are located in a neighborhood on the outskirts of a town near the city of Girona. Each dwelling faces two opposite sides and is joined back-to-back to its partner, in the manner of Janus the two-faced god. The union comes a
Located at the highest point of an agricultural property given over to the growing of olive and almond trees, near the Monastery of Santes Creus in Tarragona province’s comarca of Alt Camp, a small stone shelter is part of an ensemble of isolated roo
For the purpose of mitigating its visual impact, a building raised in the historical quarter of the town maintains the scale of neighboring constructions and uses traditional materials. Connected by an open gallery, two volumes are composed in terrac
An open block presents a low volume and a tower connected by a bioclimatic atrium thanks to which all the apartment units, meant to be rented out, face two directions. The artisanal bricks baked with biomass provide inertia to the inner void – which
An abandoned house integrated into its environs has been refurbished by occupying the ruin and expanding a series of interwoven interior spaces and gardens. Generating a counterpoint with the tower of the neighboring house, the stone, mud, and concre
Initially conceived as a house on a podium, to which floors were added with the aim of accommodating a hotel, the building was turned into a geriatric residence, and then abandoned for thirteen years. The original idea of the project involved demolit
A clean-up of the rear brick wall revealed the word .lavadero, the place having been one of the public laundry spaces built in Barcelona during the 19th and part of the 20th centuries, at the intersections of the torrents flowing down from the Collse
In Gavá, a municipality in Barcelona province, in the comarca of Bajo Llobregat, this residential complex takes the form of three stepped volumes to adapt to the natural slopes of the terrain. With a built area of 16,509 square meters, the project se
Located at Carrer de Pallars 180, in Barcelona’s Poblenou neighborhood, the project sought to give the block a sense of continuity and engage with preexisting elements. A work of BAAS, a Catalan firm led by Jordi Badía, the office building presents a
The Rec Comtal is one of the most important hydraulic infrastructures of Barcelona, having suppled the city with water and irrigated the territory of the Besós agricultural basin from the 10th century to the mid-20th. Because of urban growth, a large
The Sabadell-based studio Harquitectes has transformed an old industrial building located in Esplugues de Llobregat into the corporate headquarters of the pharmaceutical company Galenicum. With a new envelope that provides better insulation to cool t
In the comarca of Baix Llobregat, specifically in the Barcelona municipality of Sant Vicenç dels Horts, stands this house on a plot delimited by an openwork brick wall. On the pilastered base of the same material, which contains the clayey earth
The project is located in La Joncosa del Montmell, in the comarca of Baix Penedés, where the old vineyards come together on the interior slopes of the massif that lends its name to the municipality. At the end of a pleasant promenade from the town c
Born out of the Cheap Housing Law of 1929, the Bon Pastor neighborhood went up with 784 one-level homes. Impelled by the Barcelona City Hall's IMHAB (Institut Municipal de l'Habitatge i Rehabilitació), the Bon Pastor Redevelopment Plan involves demol
The cooperative that calls itself Lacol came into being in 2009 as an initiative of young architects and students averse as much to the usual logic of hierarchical study programs as to professional exploitation. It was also a bit more than ten years
The deep-rooted association culture of Barcelona’s Sants neighborhood revealed to a group of young professionals setting up an office there what would become the foundation of their practice: the idea that architecture is less about projects per se t
The anthropologist Marvin Harris stressed in his book Theories of Culture in Postmodern Times (1999) how much postmodernity had done to make science and reason – associated with the pressure and oppression of totalitarian regimes – give way to emotio
With his multifaceted work, which went far beyond the confines of construction, the eminent architect became one of the leading figures of the Renaixença.
The youngest generations of architects have demonstrated that Catalan architecture can well pursue courses deviating from the cosmopolitanism of disseny and Barcelona. It is true that the teaching and practice of the profession in Catalonia has to a
Tying up the histories of Catalonia and Scotland from the 15th century to the present, John Elliott has written a book that is both topical and timeless. It is comparative history in the most genuine way – like his studies of Richelieu and Olivares o
Harquitectes is a collective that represents well a way of doing in today’s context. A small collective with a clear focus on an issue at once broad and narrow, and that we could sum up in two words: matter and air. Their work includes an interesting
A well-known Barcelona architect, when introducing Harquitectes during a recent seminar, referred to the new aesthetic proposed by “that school of Vallès.” That “vallesana” imagery is not coincidental, but in fact emerges from an approximation to for
The work of Harquitectes encourages to propose a new version of the Vitruvian triad. Instead of the Latin terms that have carved in stone the message of the Augustan architect, a carefree formulation in plain language: appropriate, attractive, afford
Defining features of young Catalan architecture include a toned down air, the small scale, a penchant for working with the preexisting, and an aesthetic strong in materials and sustainability.
Architecture is moving from bling to bareness. The economic devastation left by the crisis and the symbolic decay of emblematic works have favored the rise of a new attitude. In contrast to the dazzling glare of the architectures of social-opulence –
The book by Juan Benet is already fifty years old. A half-century has passed during which the nation Spain has gone from bimillenial to bicentennial and ended up a mythical space not unlike the novelist’s Región or Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha. Myt
Founder of Grupo R and part of a generation marked by the Spanish Civil War, Sostres remained committed to the principles of modernity.
Why do the best architects build for the worst regimes? This is the question that Richard Lacayo raises in Foreign Policy. Illustrating his article with works of Norman Foster and Rem Kool-haas in Russia and China, the critic of Time magazine br
A diferencia de la pintura, las obras arquitectónicas aún no han llegado a la época de su reproductibilidad técnica, aunque quizás poco les falte. Hasta que ese día llegue, todavía hay que desplazarse y peregrinar hasta lugares concretos para conocer
The promise and the risk of global culture have been expressed in Spain through three cosmopolitan feasts and a parochial funeral. The inauguration of the Domus in La Coruña, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona and the metro of Bilbao contras
The elections in Catalonia choose not only individuals, but also ideas about regional planning, town development and urban design.
Siza, Meier y Gehry construyen en España tres nuevos museos que expresan una voluntad de legitimación simbólica a través de las instituciones del arte de vanguardia.
Such was Oscar Tusquets’s comment on the news that his housing project at Fukuoka was the favorite of Japanese housewives —even above those of the country’s own architects—, and it has become a slogan of his attitudes toward design and architecture.
Of all the facets of the figure of Oscar Tusquets, the most attractive one may well be his very personality. Charming, self-centered and unique, the personage he has decided to represent provokes corrosive envies and heated criticisms. Great connoiss
Al fifty, Oscar Tusquets has the retina of an old man and the reflexes of an adolescent; in the contrast between elderly sight and young muscle lie both his weakness and his genius. His visual culture is sparkling and panoramic: the product of a pupi
Basta con hacer un poco de turismo para comprobarlo: la destrucción de la costa levantina y catalana no es sólo consecuencia de la barbarie y la explotación de guante blanco, es también un expolio que sólo puede darse allí donde apenas hay resistenci
Los inicios Lógicamente, los inicios de la preocupación por la búsqueda de una arquitectura nacional entre los arquitectos catalanes se producirán como efecto de las corrientes romanticistas y nacionalistas definidas por el pensamiento alemán, que re