Museo Soulages
Promoted by the Foro de la Arquitectura Española (Spanish architecture forum) of the CSCAE (Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes), the International Spanish Architecture Prizes were presented during a ceremony held at the Plenary Hall of the Senate, in Madrid. In the second edition of the prizes – created with the objective of promoting works carried out by Spanish architects abroad –, the distinctions were awarded in the following four categories: Architecture award to RCR Arquitectes for the Soulages Museum in Rodez (France); Competition Project award to Alberto Campo Baeza and Raphäel Gabrión for the Conservation and Restoration Facility for the Louvre Museum deposits in Liévin (France); Urban Planning prize to Walter Beltrán, Agustín Cabrera, and Gumersindo Trujillo for the Schéma Directeur d’Aménagement Urbain de l’Agglomération du Gran Agadir (Morrocco); and the award for Support to Internationalization to the Fundación Arquitectura Contemporánea for the program MadeinSpain: Ciclos Internacionales de Conferencias (lecture programs).