Built in the 13th century, the listed ensemble of the Reales Atarazanas (Royal Shipyards) is in a privileged spot in the center of Seville: the Arenal quarter, halfway between the Guadalquivir and the monumental complex of the Cathedral, between the
In Seville, in an environment characterized by its heterogeneity – very diverse in architecture, uses, and sizes – this residential complex seeks to effect a morphological continuity between the new construction and the adjoining buildings and public
The Royal Shipyards of Seville are the city’s most impressive civil construction. They are located in a privileged spot: in the Arenal neighborhood, midway between the river and the monumental site of the Cathedral, the Archive of the Indies, and the
On a plot that is more deep than wide, the house is designed to differentiate work space from the domestic realm. The voids, concatenated on section, provide the different degrees of privacy requested, with extendable spaces for the interior rooms –
The town of Fuentes is nestled in the Sevillian countryside, in the Guadalquivir valley. Settlements from different periods have left a rich cultural and monumental heritage, further enhanced by its landscape and agricultural history. Within the Prog
In Arahal, a municipality in the province of Seville that takes its name from the Arabic term Ar-rahal, meaning a place along a path where one stops to rest, stands this 1920s house which José Luis Daroca Bruño and Jaime Daroca Guerrero have refurbis
Thought up as a system rather than as a building, the timber ‘villa’ is protected by an energy production roof fit out with solar paneles that autonomously generate a comfortable microclimate for visitors and staff of the new research center...
The huge canopy that rests on the rhythmic structure of timber supports, along with the greenery that fills all floors, brings air and shade into the complex spaces created by these green ‘lungs,’ reinterpreting the traditional Andalusian courtyard h
Taking as reference the Sevillian system of pergolas, a cloud of solar canopies held by a forest of slender columns will protect the research building, the garden, and the plaza, creating a variety of public spaces underneath it...
Located within the complex of the Colegio Bienaventurada Virgen María de las Irlandesas – designed in 1964 by the Sevillian brothers Fernando and Joaquín Barquín y Barón –, the project foresaw the construction of a kindergarten, as well as solving
Following the theme of the 1992 Expo in Seville, ‘The Age of Discovery,’ the pavilion was conceived as a highly refined place that had to unify the traditional culture of Japan and advanced technology and, furthermore, enhance interactions that excee
The Seville firm Baum Lab – Marta Barrera Altermir, Javier Caro Domínguez, Miguel Gnetil Fernández – was commissioned to refurbish an 18th-century house-with-courtyard in the old quarter of the city of Seville. The intervention on a built area of 310
The young Málaga architects Eugenia Álvarez Blanch, Elena Sánchez Montero, and Enrique Bravo Lanzac have turned an old retail space in Seville’s central neighborhood of San Luis – at Calle Aniceto Sáenz 1, close to Plaza de Pumarejo – into a home and
On an elongated plot parallel to the Avenida de las Universidades, in Dos Hermanas, Seville, the new campus is, along with that of Córdoba, the second largest of Loyola University in Seville. Because of very extreme temperatures in the region, the p
This work of the Seville practice of Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra is located on the Andalusian capital’s La Cartuja Island, on the right bank of the Guadalquivir River. With a built area of about 40,000 square meters, the terrain shaped the Triana Gat
In the old quarter of Seville stands this house, a work of the local firm Vázquez Consuegra. The lot is very irregular, long and narrow. The project reuses a metal structure of floor slabs and pillars that addresses a different sort of program, not t
The proposal transforms the Royal Shipyards of Seville, a 13th-century building with a floor area of 7,200 m² and comprised of 17 warehouses, into a space for social and cultural interaction in the heart of the city, accessible through Dos de Mayo st
On the Isla de La Cartuja, next to the Pabellón de la Navegación – built in 1992 by the same studio – and at the foot of Sevilla Tower, designed by César Pelli, sits the eighth venue of CaixaForum, a network of cultural centers promoted by la Caixa,
The plot where this residential building goes up is located in the city of Seville, within the perimeter of its historic center, and more specifically in the east sector – between the Jardines de Murillo and the San Bernardo quarter. Its main facade
The project won a national and open competition for the construction of 245 social housing units in El Porvenir, one of Seville’s most famous historic quarters, a high-value area located by María Luisa Park and close to Plaza de España. The proposal,
In an old pottery center in Triana, a Sevillian neighborhood, the project includes a space for exhibitions, an interpretation center – with a deeply rooted ceramic tradition – and areas for the activities of the Cerámica Santa Ana factory. The orig
Completely constructed with shipping containers transformed beforehand in the factory, the new cruise terminal of the city of Seville was set up in less than fifteen days.
Built over twenty years ago by Antonio Sáseta, the Sevillian FIBES Congress and Exhibition Center needed a new auditorium for larger events and also to enlarge its exhibition area. The extension project, which adds 35,000 square meters to the existin
With six sites in different countries of the European Union, the Joint Research Center is the organism that provides the European Commission with scientific support for the conception of its plans and policies. The Seville branch opened in 1994 as a
The Cádiz architect Francisco Reina has been slated to refurbish the 18th-century Royal Artillery Factory in Seville, for it to harbor 9,500 square meters of exhibition spaces, laboratories, and offices serving the Magellan Center for Ventures in Cul
A reference in contemporary Sevillian architecture died in his native city at 68 years of age. Antonio González Cordón graduated in 1975, earned his PhD in 1982, and had an outstanding and prolific career that produced some iconic buildings of the Se
This promenade through Córdoba, Seville, and Granada is also a walk through the intellectual journey of its author. Rafael Moneo brings together three texts, written in successive decades, that examine three monumental works built in the period betwe
Despite all the media hype surrounding the opening of the CaixaForum of Seville, it’s hard not to succumb to nostalgia if we compare the building with what it could have been: the poetic intervention at the Royal Dockyards that the Caixa Foundation b
On view at the CAAC in Seville, Resistance and Tradiction is the first anthology on the artist Ai Weiwei ever to be offered in a Spanish Museum.
La artesanía sacra, uno de los sectores industriales de mayor arraigo en Sevilla, se traslada a un moderno parque empresarial. Surgido de una iniciativa del ayuntamiento para responder a las necesidades de un sector todavía brioso que demandaba un es
Tras un largo proceso, después de que las obras se hayan desarrollado a lo largo de seis años en los que el presupuesto original ha sufrido desviaciones constantes —pasando de los 51 millones de euros originalmente presupuestados a un coste final est
De Escuela de Mareantes en el siglo XVII a sede de la Presidencia de la Junta de Andalucía en el XXI; el palacio sevillano ha cambiado de programa, manteniendo su sustancia.
La colección Cortijos, haciendas y lagares: arquitectura de las grandes explotaciones agrarias en Andalucía recoge los trabajos iniciados en el año 1990 por la Dirección General de Arquitectura y Vivienda dirigidos al estudio de los paisajes rurales
Las Reales Atarazanas, edificio del siglo XIII situado en el corazón de Sevilla, ha sido cedido por la Junta de Andalucía para albergar un Caixaforum. En el concurso, al que se invitó a diez estudios, resultó seleccionada la propuesta de Guillermo V
¿Lo desacogedor? Éste es el neologismo inventado para etiquetar la segunda edición de la Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla, cuyo director artístico, el nigeriano Okwui Enwezor, no desea que pensemos en una reactualización del famo
‘La alegría de mis sueños’, frase extraída de una canción de Camarón de la Isla, es la estimulante divisa escogida por Harald Szeemann para esta primera Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Sevilla. Reconozco haber pensado, yo también, hace unos meses, qu
Some irregular forms define the perimeter of the roof of what at first sight looks like a huge shed. Viewed from afar it is a rather anonymous construction, a bit coarse perhaps in outline and almost offhandedly rendered. Broken and exact perimeters
The sevillians Cruz & Ortiz quote Nabokov with obsessive frequency. I have only seen such fervor for the Russian writer in Ángel Díaz, an architect given to reciting whole paragraphs from his works in the dawns of Seville, and in my uncle Manuel Fern
Whoever has closely followed the work of Antonio Cruz and Antonio Ortiz, admirable for its continuity, may be surprised at the appearance, as something new in their career, of projects like their entry to the competition for the extension of the Rein
Ten years from now we will be talking about the Generation of 92. This will have little to do with the celebrations of that summer, and much to do with the hangover that follows. Besides games, festivals and fairs, 1992 is a key year for Europe: the
From euforia to despondency: rarely has the collective state of mind experienced such an extraordinary mutation in a single year. What began as an annus mirabilis for a nation that confidently readied itself for the fifth centenary of the discovery o
After the passions of 1992,1993 was a year of hangovers, low profiles and everyday dramas. The emblematic year of the 5th Centenary could have been summed up by four forceful silhouettes in four big Spanish cities: the steel octopus designed by Frank
Más puerto y menos aéreo, el aeropuerto de hoy es una representación exacerbada e hiperbólica de la vitalidad, la agitación y el caos de la ciudad contemporánea.
En la Expo se confunden el silicio y la silicona. La isla de La Cartuja albergará durante seis meses un circo mágico que mezcla la tecnología de la imagen con la imagen de la tecnología, desdibujando los límites entre el conocimiento y la apariencia,
En la primavera de 1992 se abren al público la Exposición Universal de Sevilla y el Euro Disneyland de París. Ambas ferias esperan millones de visitantes, ambas han exigido una inversión extraordinaria en infraestructuras, y ambas han utilizado arqui
Luis Asín Vicente Lleó
Madrid 2016
Atalanta - 144 Pages
Rafael Moneo La Mezquita de Córdoba, la lonja de Sevilla y un carmen en Granada
Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra
Madrid 2014
La Fábrica - 128 Pages
Arquitectura de las grandes explotaciones agrarias en Andalucía. Provincia de Sevilla