Logic Emotion

Some irregular forms define the perimeter of the roof of what at first sight looks like a huge shed. Viewed from afar it is a rather anonymous construction, a bit coarse perhaps in outline and almost offhandedly rendered. Broken and exact perimeters that charge forward and penetrate the nearby dunes, probably in an attempt to come up with a plane that merges with the layers of sand surrounding the building. Is there an underlying desire here to contain capricious nature? Nature that is constantly being altered by the wind? That, at least, is what one sees and understands in a first, quick, and surely simplistic glance, particularly from the high point that affords a privileged remote view of the Visitors’ Center of Doñana’s Marine World. A close-up perspective in the course of a slow tour of the grounds, however, reveals an architectural reality that is much more complex: the interior spaces, featuring pieces of an unexpected geometry, rich and diverse within the unity of the premises, the concatenated circuits or the light that never shines in directly, are just a few of the building’s virtues that clash with one’s first impression of it...