Fundación Ibercaja presented the project for the renovation of the Goya Museum of Zaragoza, following a scheme drawn up by the local practice of Sergio Sebastián Franco, winner of the anonymous ideas competition held for the purpose. The institution’
With a built area of 274.87 square meters, the project involved a full refurbishment of premises located on a curved chamfered corner, between two streets in the center of Zaragoza, for a new Arquia Banca branch. They take up part of the ground floor
Completed in 1941, the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters was the first school to go up on the University of Zaragoza’s San Francisco campus. Designed by Regino Borobio and José Beltrán, it stretched out longitudinally with a symmetrical layout. Subse
The new Kindergarten and Elementary School is located in the Parque Venecia residential area, southeast of Zaragoza. The different types of buildings around it – a police station and a grocery store –, the absence of urban references, and the periphe
The Aragonia Complex was designed with a clear objective: to create a social hub in a densely populated area of Zaragoza, and to do so not through a monumental affirmation, but through an architecture that speaks of the richness and diversity of soci
The refurbishment of this chapel, a project of Sebastián Arquitectos, is included in the second phase of a series of interventions on the French Way as it passes through Aragón. Facing the Leyre mountains, amid elms and oaks, the building once treasu
The Miralbueno-El Olivar sports complex has its origin in the purchase of two estates, in the 1960s, and the project to build two swimming pools and a park, commissioned to the architect from Zaragoza José Romero. Later on, the farmhouse was enlarged
Illueca is a town located in the western part of Zaragoza, and is the administrative center of Aranda, one of the least populated areas of Aragón. To prevent depopulation and provide leisure activities, the town council called a competition to build
The neighborhood of Arcosur is the first residential expansion towards the south of Zaragoza. The building is located on one of the structuring axes of the area, and it is the first public facility completed there, so these two aspects together give
The topographic difference, which reaches 14 meters, is solved with an armored ground wall that contains the land. The wall consists of four steps made of galvanized steel mesh and large boulders, set back 1.5 meters from each other... [+]
On the San Francisco campus of the University of Zaragoza, the Center for Biomedical Research takes up a narrow plot between the Hospital Clínico and the sports complex. Because of its location, this space had a residual character, without a defined
On the southern border of the city, between a new residential area and the Z-40 beltway, the project addresses the conditions of the place. The plot initially had an area of 60,000 m² for all educational stages, with an unevenness of almost 20 meters
Taking up part of a school courtyard, the sport facility is raised on thick legs of reinforced concrete which serve to delimit a covered playground. Connected to the courtyard level by means of a ramp, the upper area is enclosed with a metal lattice
THE NUESTRA Señora del Carmen Neuropsychiatric Center is located on the outskirts of Zaragoza, surrounded by harvest lands and scattered small-scale structures. The construction of the new building was motivated by the need to extend the facilities.
The CaixaForum in Zaragoza competition was called in 2008. The new building goes up on the Milla Digital (digital mile), an area recovered from the grounds of the old El Portillo train station. Developed by the City Council in collaboration with the
The project for the creation of a museum space in Zaragoza devoted to painter Francisco de Goya y Lucientes (Fuendetodos, Zaragoza, 1746 - Bordeaux, 1828) started in 2005 after a call for ideas convened by the government of Aragón. The program for th
The proposals arise from the analysis of different plots of land located in the center of Zaragoza, empty spaces whose use can open new flows and urban perspectives. In them, the reading of the city is based on the codes of an 'unbuilt' urbanism, cap
The density of Zaragoza’s historic center was one of the reasons why opening an elementary school in this area took so long, despite the growing demand for this kind of facility because of the increased birthrate and the growing number of women in th
Building a house for a poet. That was the starting point of the project, located on a plot of some 440 square meters in a residential development in the southwest of Zaragoza. The house follows a clear and simple scheme, occupying three rectangular f
La sede asume una función pedagógica, manifiesta en la elección de materiales y soluciones constructivas, planteándose como un recorrido tejido con tableros de madera de ipé.
El encargo consistía en el proyecto y obra de un espacio educativo infantil desarrollado en tres unidades: aulas y áreas de descanso para edades de 4 a 11 meses, de 12 a 23 meses y de 24 a 36 meses. Se completa con una sala de usos múltiples, servici
Enmarcada en las actuaciones del Plan de Barrios del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza y situada junto a una dolina hoy inactiva, la Escuela Infantil Oliver se presenta ante su entorno inmediato como un elemento urbanizador. Comparado con el tamaño de los bl
Included in the corridor of the River Ebro, the park stretches along the Ranillas meander, which includes several infrastructures and facilities. The idea was to preserve the park’s use during the sporadic flooding of the river and, at the same time,
Fundación Ibercaja has organized the exhibition ‘Lunar Metropolis’ in two Zaragoza venues: Museo Goya and Mobility City. Until 2 March 2025, Zaha Hadid’s bridge at the Zaragoza Expo grounds, turned into Mobility City, presents three cities created by
On view through 2 February 2025 at Mobility City, a space run by Fundación Ibercaja in Zaragoza, is ‘The History behind the Myth,’ an exhibition of sixteen vehicles of the British luxury car maker Rolls-Royce. On Zaha Hadid’s bridge for the Expo of Z
Una pareja de recién casados a punto de jubilarse desea construirse una casa en un pequeño pueblo de la provincia de Zaragoza y pide a los arquitectos dos cosas disímiles: por un lado, que la nueva vivienda siga cumpliendo las funciones de su antiguo
En el paseo Echegaray y Caballero de la capital maña, dentro del parque fluvial de San Pablo, se ha inaugurado la Escuela Infantil Casco Histórico, de la que son autores Santiago Carroquino, Ignacio Grávalos y Patrizia Di Monte. Con capacidad para 7
El Pabellón de España en la Expo 2008 de Zaragoza, obra de Francisco Mangado, ha recibido el Premio Construmat 2009 de Edificación. El galardón, que se concede cada dos años coincidiendo con la celebración del Salón Internacional de la Construcción e
Un año después de la inauguración del CaixaForum de Madrid, la Obra Social de La Caixa ha presentado el proyecto de su séptimo centro cultural, que estará en Zaragoza, en los terrenos de la antigua estación de Portillo. El concurso restringido convoc
Finalizada la Expo 2008 de Zaragoza, algunos pabellones buscan nuevos usos mientras otros, como la instalación que proporcionaba climatización centralizada a todo el conjunto, los mantienen. Se trata de la central de trigeneración —frío, calor y elec
Sicilia Arquitectos ha sido el estudio seleccionado para la construcción del nuevo estadio de fútbol de Zaragoza (véase AV Proyectos 27). Este equipo local, que se impuso a participantes como Coop Himmelb(l)au, FOA o Francisco Mangado, propuso un
De las más de cincuenta publicaciones incluidas en el catálogo oficial de la Sociedad Estatal Expoagua Zaragoza destacan estas dos monografías centradas en el ‘más allá’ de la Expo. El gran parque fluvial en que se ha transformado el meandro de Ranil
Con el objetivo de ‘exponer’ los proyectos impulsados en ocasión de la Expo, la revista de la Demarcación de Zaragoza del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Aragón ha dedicado tres números dobles a analizar, respectivamente, el ámbito del proyecto, la
No se debe juzgar a un libro por su portada. Al menos no éste de Miguel Aguiló: doctor ingeniero, economista y catedrático de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Aguiló fue uno de los miembros del jurado que adjudicó el Pabellón Puente a la arquite
Pabellón de España es una de esas publicaciones que expresa el entusiasmo, el esfuerzo y los logros detrás de una sobresaliente obra de arquitectura. Se podría examinar este documento de múltiples formas porque amplía, ilumina y explora el significad
Al parecer, es cada cien años cuando ocurren cosas en Zaragoza; la ciudad se prepara para ello, enlaza ilusiones e influencias, desea transformarlas en bienestar futuro. Todo eso es muy largo de contar, pero la esencia queda dicha: se trata de añadir
El lema de esta Expo es ‘Agua y desarrollo sostenible.’ Pero Roque Gistau, que preside Expoagua, la sociedad estatal organizadora, ya daba pistas y matizaba el motto cuando declaraba en marzo al diario ABC que «el cambio climático no hay que combatir
“The day we won the Expo bid was a Wednesday or a Thursday in December, a working day in winter. The city became a hotbed of happy people. It was like the day Zaragoza won the Recopa football league with a goal of Nayim’s. Then came the day-to-day pr
An expo is an expo is an expo is an expo. It cannot be judged like conventional construction; its success or failure lie elsewhere. To begin with, an expo is an urban project that transforms a city with exceptional investments justified by the event;
Zaragoza es una milenaria ciudad del sur que desde hace unos cuarenta años pugna por atravesar el río Ebro y establecerse también al norte. Esta lucha, en contra de su condición geográfica y fundacional, ha tenido esos años intensidades distintas, ac
El 16 de diciembre del 2004, en París, Zaragoza fue designada Sede Oficial de la Exposición Internacional del 2008, desbancando en la competición a otras dos ciudades del arco mediterráneo: Trieste y Tesalónica. Entre 2004 y 2010, la agenda del Burea
“Accepting the best solution is easy if personal remarks are left aside.” The words of the architect Juan Carmona sum up the critical spirit of Grupo Z in the seventies, a period governed by ‘speculative mediocrity’. Heirs to the modernist mood of th
Como casi toda España, Aragón comenzó su arquitectura del siglo XX sin saber a qué atenerse. Había entonces una creciente curiosidad por la novedad, ocurrían cosas que no hubieran podido sospecharse tan sólo diez años antes; las circunstancias envolv
The motto coined for Teruel holds for the region. With the resignation of landlocked countries, Aragón has become used to neglect, and seldom claims the attention it deserves. However, neither the stratified density of its history nor its strategic p
¿Qué hacer con los viejos cines? ¿Remodelar, derribar, embalsamar? Son preguntas que siguen siendo actuales y que pasaron a ser populares precisamente cuando el propio cine se hizo cargo de la cuestión en películas como Cinema Paradiso. En nuestro ca
Zaragoza 2008
ºExpoagua Zaragoza - 508 Pages
Zaragoza 2008
Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Aragón
Miguel Aguiló Zaragoza 2008
Luis Fernández-Galiano Expo Zaragoza 2008
Zaragoza 1997
COA de Aragón - 209 Pages