San Juan de Ruesta Chapel Restoration
Sebastián Arquitectos 

San Juan de Ruesta Chapel Restoration

Sebastián Arquitectos 

The refurbishment of this chapel, a project of Sebastián Arquitectos, is included in the second phase of a series of interventions on the French Way as it passes through Aragón. Facing the Leyre mountains, amid elms and oaks, the building once treasured an important collection of Romanesque paintings, on display today at the Diocesan Museum of Jaca. The new volume rests on the previous one with a composition of horizontal lines that prolongs the original brick masonry. The new front is slightly set back with regards to the original one, and the roof slabs descend along the facade. Outside, the stones recovered from the chapel are placed in an orderly pattern that invites visitors inside.

San Juan de Ruesta Chapel Restoration (Zaragoza)

Cliente Client
Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro, UTE Yesa 

Arquitecto Architect
Sergio Sebastián Franco 

Equipo Team
Alejandro Alda, Giorgio Bernardi, Valeria Gasparini, Laura Martínez 

Colaboradores Collaborators
Javier Camaño, Matute Manrique (Ingenieros Ingeneers); Álex Garris (Historiador Historian); Patrocinio Jimeno (Restauración Restoration) 

Arqueología Archaeology

Constructora Contractor
RubioMorte, UTE Yesa 

Fotografía Photographs
Iñaki Bergera