Venecia Park in Zaragoza
Héctor Fernández Elorza Manuel Fernández Ramírez- Type Park Landscape architecture / Urban planning
- Material Stone
- City Zaragoza
- Country Spain
- Photographer Montse Zamorano
The topographic difference, which reaches 14 meters, is solved with an armored ground wall that contains the land. The wall consists of four steps made of galvanized steel mesh and large boulders, set back 1.5 meters from each other... [+]
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Autor Author
Héctor Fdez. Elorza & Manuel Fdez. Ramírez
Cliente Client
Junta de Compensación del Sector 88/1 de Zaragoza
Arquitectos Architects
Héctor Fernández Elorza, Manuel Fernández Ramírez
Colaboradores Collaborators
Félix Royo Millán, José Antonio Alonso García (ingeniería de caminos?civil engineering); Antonio Gros Bañeres (ingeniería industrial?industrial engineering); Beatriz Navarro Pérez (arquitectura técnica?building surveying)
Fotos Photos
Montse Zamorano