1926 (Glasgow, Scotland) - 1992 (London, United Kingdom). British Architect born in Scotland.
This Arts Centre forms part of a vast operation to refurbish Salford Quays, a port situated at the head of the Manchester Ship Canal. The redevelopment of this port complex, built in the 1890s and closed in 1981, is a large-scale effort to convert it
Temasek Polytechnic is a large-scale project that presents itself as a true university city for 13,000 persons among students, teachers, and administrative and maintenance staff in four faculties (Applied Sciences, Business, Design and Technology) an
This building is designed to be a campus landmark, seeking both to generate urbanity and increase the variety of pedestrian experiences. Meant to be highly visible from all directions, it will serve simultaneously as a gateway to the Ring Mall Plaza
True masters of architecture tend to make each new work of theirs a surprise, but only some of them manage to maintain this effect throughout their careers. Le Corbusier, for instance, put his followers off track at Marseilles, and still totally diso
Rice, Harvard, and finally Cornell. Stirling’s work in the United States is like a replay of his beginnings in England: university buildings in some of the country’s most prestigious campuses. At Cornell, the brief was for a centre for scenic arts wi
After almost ten years of not building in England, James Stirling finally managed to leave his mark on the British capital, and in no less than one of its most prestigious institutions: the Tate Gallery. Like many others in the city, this museum had
Like most of the modem European masters, Stirling's first commission in the United States was for a university building: the extension to the Rice School of Architecture, in Houston, Texas. There he summoned all his contextualist resources to come up
Berlin has throughout the 20th century been a great laboratory for architectural experimentation. If the Thirties had the Siedlungen and the Fifties the Hansaviertel, the decade of the Eighties was witness to the spectacular feat of the International
Though unanimously acclaimed by critics all over the world, Stirling’s buildings of the Sixties met with a great deal of reticence on the part of their users, whose attacks succeeded in making him a cursed architect in his own country. Projects as in
Olivetti is one of those enlightened companies which not only manufacture efficient products but also pay close attention to the look of their objects, summoning the best international designers for the purpose, both foreign and Italian. This concern
Though Stirling had previously built two housing developments (with James Gowan), the New Town at Runcorn gave him the opportunity to draw up an entire urbanistic plan around an integrally residential programme. If at Ham Common the references to Le
The typological family initiated by Stirling at Leicester and followed up at Cambridge has its third famous member in another student residence, this time at Oxford. Stirling thus left his mark on England’s two most celebrated university towns very e
In Stirling’s series of university buildings, this complex constituted a radical change of environment, program and building technology. St. Andrews is situated along the eastern coast of Scotland, more than a hundred kilometers north of Edinburgh, w
The almost instantaneous success of the Leicester laboratories led to Stirling and Gowan being invited to participate in the exclusive competition for another university building, at Cambridge. But their partnership ended before the project was finis
After a couple of controversial essays on Le Corbusier in The Architectural Review, a series of brilliant projects and a few minor finished works, Stirling suddenly burst onto the international architectural scene with his first major building: works
Palazzo Citterio is an 18th-century patrician residence built in Barocchetto style. In the two hundred years of its life it has undergone all kinds of transformations in structure and use. By 1970, when the building became state property, both its in
The refurbishing of London’s docklands, expounded during the Eighties as an offshoot of the economic euphoria of those years, is a paradigm of Margaret Thatcher’s urban policies, based on private speculation and deregulation. The residential and tert
This proposal for the Tokyo International Forum, designed to be a venue for conventions and exhibitions, tries to emphasize the symbolic importance of the complex by placing a tall building in the center and relating it to an outdoor public space. L
Twenty-three years after his mediatic partner, James Stirling, James Gowan died in London last 15 June. Born in Glasgow in 1923, after studies divided by World War II (between the Glasgow School of Art and the Kingston School of Architecture) he team
El copioso archivo de James Stirling en el CCA ha sido el soporte de una muestra itinerante que recuerda la importancia de su obra manierista, culta y mudable en el tránsito de la modernidad canónica a la postmodernidad.
La imputación de Santiago Calatrava en el caso de la presunta contratación ilícita del anteproyecto para una nueva ópera en la bahía de Palma, encargado en 2007 al arquitecto por el gobierno de Jaume Matas, constituye el último eslabón del proceso ju
Barajas Airport Extension The six finalists in the eleventh edition of this award given by the RIBA and AJ magazine to the “building of the year”, show the thriving state of British contemporary architecture. They included a brick house by Adam Carus
Desde que hace ya más de dos siglos la figura del ingeniero cristalizara como independiente en el antiquísimo y hasta entonces omnipotente mundo de la arquitectura, su papel ha ido fluctuando entre el mero calculista, consultor técnico ajeno al proce
Cecil Balmond lleva 30 años trabajando en la firma de ingenieríamás admirada por los arquitectos: Ove Arup. Muchas obras importantes de este periodo llevan su firma, entre ellas la Staatsgalerie de Stirling en Stuttgart, y el Congrexpo de Koolhaas en
In the last quarter of the 20th century, architecture has moved from the Pompidou to the Guggenheim, following a path summarized here with five images of museums.
Esta viñeta es una de las que más se apartan de la fórmula habitual. No se refiere a un cómic, porque no puede decirse que Alicia fuera un personaje del cómic. Pertenece al mundo anterior y decimonónico de la ilustración, a los antecedentes del graba
«Stirling es, a la vez, un puritano obstinado y un hedonista ecléctico (...) es, en términos de cultura, un conservador preocupado por lo concreto más que un innovador dedicado a lo abstracto... Ha preferido las cosas particulares a las ideas general
The century that began in Sarajevo ended in Berlin. In November 1989, the fall of the wall opened a new historical era of hopes and risks. If Roberto Rosellini’s film made war-torn Berlin the rubble-littered, famished scene of a year zero for a defea
Residential commissions were a laboratory for Team 4: the teachings of Rudolph, Chermayeff and Stirling or the influence of Kahn combined with the popularity of Siedlung Halen, and all were tested in several unbuilt projects and two completed schemes
Mary tiene motivos para estar enfadada. La viuda de James Stirling propuso al historiador Mark Girouard la redacción de una biografía del arquitecto británico, fallecido en 1992. Tras cinco años el libro ha visto la luz, y el retrato que ofrece del q
Stirling’s projects often demand continuous and vigilant attention: they must be interpreted in the framework of the complex conceptual game he sought to propose, based on a radical revision of modem language and on a comparison with forms of express
From Brutalism to Neo-Rationalism, and passing through High-Tech, Contextualism and Postmodernism, James Stirling’s influence on recent architectural history is an indisputable fact. Peter Buchanan points out these influences to us in a run-through o
James Stirling belonged to a generation whose mission it was to consolidate the accomplishments of the architectural avant-garde that had emerged in the Twenties, but at the same time to recover the initiative that the speculative boom of the Sixties
In England there is no Escorial. There is nothing of such austerity and such rigour. Overwhelming greenness - all those lawns and all those trees - may be scarcely compatible with any display of relentless grandeur; and this is, perhaps, why the late
El entusiasmo ante los resultados del concurso fue enorme (concurso de la IBA en la Kochstrasse/Friedrichstrasse). Como presidente del jurado, Bächer hablaba del concurso de vivienda más importante desde 1945, y la revista Bauwelt, que en la duda sie
Para la cultura arquitectónica, las exposiciones han sido siempre una oportunidad de auto-presentación, encuentro y enriquecimiento; además, siempre han ampliado el campo de la experimentación arquitectónica, llegando incluso a traducirla a formas co