(Barcelona, 1955 - San Felíu de Codinas, 2000)
The embt office and the Fundació Miralles are located in a modernist building in the center of Barcelona, close to the Ramblas and Plaça Reial. The property is a characteristic example of late 19th-century architecture and reproduces a typology which
Outside the ideal city that the architect and urbanist Biagio Rossetti built for Ercole d’Este, Duke of Ferrara, in Renaissance times, the Church and Parish of San Giacomo contrasts its organic contour and open form against the compact and rigid natu
Two codes are used to adapt to the context: an exterior and more strict one links up the campus with the city, and another interior one, more organic and exuberant – inspired by Milanese textile design – connects the campus with the green areas...
Located at one of the ends of the centralarea of the campus, west of the lecture hall, the construction of the Rector’s building is part of the third phase of the Special Plan for the new development of the As Lagunas-Marcosende University Campus in
With the desire of recovering its historical roots, the company Gas Natural has builtits new headquarters in the Barceloneta, on the same site where the first gas factory in Spain used to stand 160 years ago. As a living creature that reacts to exte
Con la voluntad de integrarse en el entorno, el edificio mezcla la verticalidad típica de las torres de oficinas con la fragmentación de las construcciones cercanas. La fachada, abstracta en la lejanía, revela, de cerca, una serie de huecos transpare
El Parlamento de Escocia, que en 1560 creó la iglesia protestante independiente de Roma y rechazó la autoridad del Papa, tras la devolución de su autonomía política como región dentro del Reino Unido en 1998, convocó el mismo año el concurso para su
Aunque no pertenece estrictamente a los recientes desarrollos del Fórum, el parque Diagonal Mar es un gran espacio verde de 14 hectáreas, comparable en tamaño a los más grandes de Barcelona, que se extiende entre la ciudad consolidada y el mar, en el
Peter Blundell Jones Look at a couple of photos, or worse the plan, and the cacophony of forms seems to suggest that in this final work Miralles really went over the top.With scant respect for a fine Neoclassical work, he seems to have produced a bui
Following the specifications for a new lowrise, high-density residential quarter, the masterplan for Borneo Eiland in Amsterdam imposed three stories, bays reaching far back, and division of land into plots in such a way that every unit would be in c
La Escuela de Música de Hamburgo, en cuyas aulas reciben formación musical jóvenes entre 4 y 25 años, es el resultado de un concurso ganado en enero de 1998. El edificio, que comenzó a construirse en febrero de 1999, tiene 1.600 metros cuadrados y al
En los pequeños cerros que comienzan a transformar la llanura del Ensanche barcelonés en la base de la montaña de Collserola es frecuente encontrar asentamientos residenciales con una tipología de parcela muy estrecha y alargada, en la que aparecen p
Part og Barcelona's industrial periphery, this sector of Mollet del Vallés will be another major access into the city once the planned changes in the traffic system are carried out. Set in a frontier territory whose urban conditions have yet to be de
A most extraordinary and steep location suggested that the disposition of the three parts of the building follow the contour lines of the site. They are then linked together by a system of exterior spaces with ramps, low walls and small plazas. Two n
Going up the hillside one reaches the excavation which houses the cemetery. A cemetery in a pit, laid out as a quarry in the open. The wound on the ground preserves the feeling of a neglected quarry, whose slopes crumble with the passage of time unde
The program for this building is characterized by both the specificity and complexity of its function. It is a eurhythmic competition center with a hall for 4,000, but also an academic institution for the practice and teaching of the sport, with trai
Founded in 1994, the Barcelona-based studio Miralles Tagliabue EMBT – directed by Benedetta Tagliabue since the premature death of Enric Miralles in 2000 – stands out for a creative process that is characterized by its poetic approach and the attenti
In the year of the dragon, Benedetta Tagliabue completes three decades of work under the name EMBT. Twenty-five years since the premature disappearance of Enric Miralles, his initials and his spirit remain present in the activity of a studio that has
Imagine that Renzo Piano is a cell. The nucleus of his DNA would be an image of the shipyards of the city of Genoa; if the cell were Norman Foster, the helix would be the sequence of a science fiction cartoon strip; and if the cell were the duo Jacqu
Arnau Rovira shares his photographs of the municipal cemetery of Igualada (Barcelona), a work of Enric Miralles and Carme Pinós, completed in the 1990s. The rites of passage between life and death are acted out on a stage where architecture blends wi
Enric Miralles died on 3 July 2000, and the twentieth anniversary of his death was to be observed through a number of exhibitions and events which the pandemic put on hold, but which finally opened this past 14 April 2021. Arquitectura Viva joins the
Veinte años después de su muerte, la memoria convoca imágenes que se desvanecen como tinta en el agua. En el esfuerzo por perfilar los contornos de esta acuarela lenta, rescato textos del papel amarillento de la prensa o las páginas satinadas de las
In line with the 20th anniversary of the death of Enric Miralles on 3 July 2000, we reprint Luis Fernández-Galiano's tribute to the Catalan architect, published in AV Monografías 87-88.
La Fundación Caja de Arquitectos, dentro de su colección ‘arquia/temas’, ha editado un muy recomendable libro sobre Enric Miralles. La edición, que ha estado a cargo de Josep M. Rovira, cuenta con contribuciones de diversos autores: Oriol Bohigas, Ra
Entre los proyectos más singulares del arquitecto catalán, que murió en 2000 a los 45 años, se encuentran cuatro cementerios: el de Igualada, donde hoy descansa, y otros tres no realizados, para Aranda, Gijón y Venecia.
Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh Considered the Oscar of British architecture by its promoters, this £20,000 award created in memory of James Stirling marked its 10th anniversary by naming the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh the year’s best work. Des
After the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, architectural deconstructivism extended its fractures as a stylistic disease. The deliberate evocation of earthquakes, fires, explosions and collisions tried to surprise with cracks, disturb with tilting wal
From the vantage point of Spain’s visibility in the 1992 of the Olympic Games and Expo, and the 2004 of the economic and cultural boom, three generations of Spanish architects and three works by foreigners in Spain serve to test a taxonomy of the eye
La historia de la arquitectura española del pasado siglo que nos ocupa es fruto de una exposición de promoción oficial. Para no caer en la habitual «visión enciclopédica», Xavier Costa, comisario de la muestra, recurre a tres argumentos: hábitats, co
(1955-2000) Fleeting and brilliant like fireworks, the life of Enric Miralles ended as precociously and unexpectedly as his talent had burst onto Barcelona’s professional scene in the eighties. A professor at the ETSAB and Frankfurt’s Städel Schule b
Gaudí and Koolhaas, Herzog & de Meuron or Calatrava play the lead in a year sombered by the simultaneous losses of Miralles and Oíza.
The deaths of Miralles and Oíza, which have coincided with those of the American Hejduk and Dieste, give a melancholy glow to the placidity of summer.
El mes de julio fue testigo de la desaparición de dos grandes figuras españolas, el joven Enric Miralles y el veterano Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza.
A veces, durante alguna enfermedad infantil, mi madre me leía los cuentos de Babar. Y después yo dibujaba con mis lápices casas como las de Babar; recuerdo vivamente el episodio en que el rey Babar construye la ciudad con sus palacios y sus calles. E
«¿Por qué no puede describirse la arquitectura de Enric Miralles? Dicho de otra forma, ¿por qué da pereza describirla? ¿por qué cualquier intento de dibujarla con líneas o con palabras carece de interés? Precisamente porque es arquitectura. Los otros
The monotonous rhythm of the seasons and days hardly concurs with the beat of history, which either halts or quickens, like a heart asleep or gone wild. The fall of the wall initiated a period of uncertainty that augured cardiac arrhythmias, but noth
Silencio y extravío son dos elementos que configuran el alma veneciana. Quienquiera que se haya encontrado vagando, lejos de San Marcos, por el dédalo de calles y canales que forma Venecia, se habrá sentido invadido por una placentera sensación de ex
A lyrical and emblematic project by the Catalan Enric Miralles wins the competition for the new Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh.
Con ocasión de la ceremonia de entrega del premio Pritzker en el Guggenheim Bilbao, los doce arquitectos y el escultor cuyas opiniones se recogen aquí tuvieron la ocasión de conocer el edificio y de cambiar impresiones con su autor.
Enric Miralles Cosas vistas a izquierda y a derecha (sin gafas), vol. III
Luis Fernández-Galiano Textos y dibujos
Carolina Beatriz García Estévez Josep M. Rovira 1983-2000
Catherine Spellman
New York 2017
Actar Publishers - 388 Pages
Josep M. Rovira 1972-2000
David Bestué (and without glasses)
Arquitectura española contemporánea