The Catalan team formed by the practices of Carme Pinós and Carles Enrich won the competition to remodel the Lourizán, a parish of the Galician municipality of Pontevedra. The premises are currently home to the Center for Forest Research, and will co
Construction work on the extension of the Bodegas La Horra facilities, in the Ribera del Duero comarca of Burgos province, has begun. Integrated between hills crowned by pines, marjorams, lavender, and rockroses, the half-buried new winery boasts a
Located at the foot of the Serra de Tramuntana, close to the town of Pollença, in the southernmost tip of Mallorca, Son Brull is a five-star hotel located in an old Jesuit monastery from the 18th century, and which was carefully restored in 2003 by i
The Madrid firm Paredes Pedrosa has won the idea competition for Plaza del Mar, a square in the Galician city of Sanxenxo, and its immediate surroundings. Carme Pinós and Emilio Tuñón came in second and third. There were 35 entries in all. The winnin
The pavilion is designed as an elongated gallery that rises and folds tracing a spiral shape, embracing a central oasis cladded with glazed tile in blue tones. Its modular and reconfigurable design guarantees the pavilion a second life after the Expo
Carme Pinós (Barcelona, 1954) has inaugurated her pavilion for Melbourne’s Queen Victoria Gardens, which will host various cultural activities through 3 February 2010. Since 2014, each year the Naomi Milgrom Foundation commissions a different archite
The new Massana School is part of a long process of urban transformation around Plaça de la Gardunya, in the Raval neighborhood, in the historic center of Barcelona. The project analyzes the place in detail. Unlike the residential block on the same
Located in Guadalajara (Mexico), the tower is part of an entire new urban development of the city, surrounded by buildings of similar height. To distinguish itself from them, it adopts a very expressive, almost sculptural slanted form. This form, how
The CaixaForum in Zaragoza competition was called in 2008. The new building goes up on the Milla Digital (digital mile), an area recovered from the grounds of the old El Portillo train station. Developed by the City Council in collaboration with the
The project is made up of two buildings: one for classrooms located in the interior of the plot and a university building placed next to the edge of the campus, and that will serve as an access hall. The images of the two buildings are very differen
The block traces a U-shape so that all apartments face the park. Corners are freed up to afford good views, and meanwhile, at ground level, the alignment is preserved constituting a commercial plinth. The scheme aimed to generate a monolithic buildi
The plot is located inside a trapezoidal urban block within the residential fabricof Castelldefels, a town of Barcelona’s Bajo Llobregat region. One of the sides of the plot is bound by railway tracks. This physical and sound barrier, along with the
In an area know as Puerta de Hierro, in the Mexican town of Zapopan (Jalisco), there is an increasing number of corporate and office buildings. This changing environment, with a high risk of earthquakes, was chosen to accommodate a tower for offices
Emplazado en un lugar paradisíaco en medio de la selva, el edificio trata de entremezclarse con la naturaleza. Para ello se diseñan unas vigas con el canto de una habitación y se disponen siguiendo las líneas de la topografía. Por debajo de ellas un
El lugar donde se ubica el instituto de Mollerusa es una zona agrícola plantada de árboles frutales, en la que abundan los cobertizos a dos aguas. La idea de repetición tan presente en las plantaciones y la geometría de estas pequeñas construcciones
A most extraordinary and steep location suggested that the disposition of the three parts of the building follow the contour lines of the site. They are then linked together by a system of exterior spaces with ramps, low walls and small plazas. Two n
Going up the hillside one reaches the excavation which houses the cemetery. A cemetery in a pit, laid out as a quarry in the open. The wound on the ground preserves the feeling of a neglected quarry, whose slopes crumble with the passage of time unde
The program for this building is characterized by both the specificity and complexity of its function. It is a eurhythmic competition center with a hall for 4,000, but also an academic institution for the practice and teaching of the sport, with trai
Winner of the competition held in 2008, the project for the cultural center of La Caixa Foundation in Zaragoza stems from a double challenge: in the first place, to create a building that generates city through its uniqueness and because of the publi
In line with the opening of the new Arquia headquarters at Tutor 16 in Madrid, a forum was held there on 30 November, titled ‘Sharing Experience,’ in which prominent architecture figures, with Luis Fernández-Galiano as moderator, voiced their reflect
No puedo decir que sean malos tiempos para la arquitectura, ni que no haya buenos ejemplos con los que animarse. Pero la aceleración de acontecimientos, una crisis detrás de otra y el miedo que esto ha generado me llevan a preocuparme por el mundo de
Arquia’s new base in Madrid officially opened with an encounter where eight architects, in person and in writing, reflected on the profession.
Carme Pinós and Carlos Puente A honorary distinction, the Gold Medal of the CSCAE (Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes) is awarded since 1981 to individuals or entities that have significantly contributed with their work and dedication, am
Carme Pinós The Catalan architect Carme Pinós was distinguished with Spain’s National Prize for Architecture, an honor given by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility, and Urban Agenda with a 60,000-euro award. It is her second time to receive the accol
The Minister of Transport, Mobility, and Urban Agenda, Raquel Sánchez, handed Spain’s National Award for Architecture to the architect Carme Pinós in a ceremony held on 26 May at the Llotja de Palma. As announced in December, the 2021 National Award
The American Academy of Arts and Letters announces the recipients of its 2022 architecture awards. The Academy’s annual architecture awards program began in 1955 with the inauguration of the Arnold W. Brunner Memorial Prize and has since expanded to
Carme Pinós has been distinguished with the National Prize for Architecture, an honor given by the Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda with a 60,000 euro award. It is the second time she receives this accolade, albeit on a differ
Arnau Rovira shares his photographs of the municipal cemetery of Igualada (Barcelona), a work of Enric Miralles and Carme Pinós, completed in the 1990s. The rites of passage between life and death are acted out on a stage where architecture blends wi
The Barcelona architect Carme Pinós is the subject of the ICO Foundation’s exhibition ‘Building for Life,’ and the figure ‘8-80’ appears on the cover of the accompanying book. While the title is generic, the numerical formulation refers specifically
Like art exhibitions, architecture ones are often as much a celebration of persons as they are of works. This is particularly true in the case of ‘Carme Pinós: Building for Life,’ curated by Luis Fernández-Galiano and on view through 9 May at the ICO
The exhibition walks us through the oeuvre of Carme Pinós, divided into three sections: the bottom level laconically presents the eight works she completed with Miralles; the main floor showcases eighty projects developed on her own over three decade
All architecture exhibitions force the subject to address the question of what they want said about their work and person, and how. Carme Pinós has responded to these questions with commendable honesty and courage, as rather than being an exegete of
Curated by Luis Fernández-Galiano, the exhibition is a journey through the many works of Carme Pinós that follows a clear guiding thread: the importance of context and environments in the creation of architectural space. Prominent among them are the
On display through 30 April at the ICONNO, showroom in Madrid are elements and complements designed by renowned architects which are linked to buildings designed by them. Organized within the framework of Off de Madrid Design activities and in colla
The ICO Museum in Madrid hosts a retrospective exhibition that the public can view through 9 May, presenting 80 projects by the architect Carme Pinós and the eight she carried out with Enric Miralles. In accordance with the theoretical and spatial ap
Curated by Luis Fernández-Galiano and on view from 10 February to 9 May, the exhibition is a journey through the many works of Carme Pinós that follows a clear guiding thread: the importance of context and environments in the creation of architectura
Architecture is ideas and forms, but both crystallize through matter. While construction is prefigured in the immaterial geometries of the project, it takes shape in the physical world by means of materials and techniques. This entangled relationship
En una gran parcela que, debido a su difícil topografía, quedó excluida del crecimiento urbanístico de Torrevieja, el equipo barcelonés de Carme Pinós ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de regeneración paisajística y medioambiental. Compuesto de diferente
La Universidad de Economía de Viena (conocida por sus siglas alemanas, WU, Wirtschaftsuniversität) ha decidido quién construirá los seis edificios de su nuevo campus. En la lista se encuentran dos españoles: Carme Pinós y Eduardo Arroyo quienes se en
Un año después de la inauguración del CaixaForum de Madrid, la Obra Social de La Caixa ha presentado el proyecto de su séptimo centro cultural, que estará en Zaragoza, en los terrenos de la antigua estación de Portillo. El concurso restringido convoc
Cube Tower Structural clarity, environmental concern, constructive quality and the desire to offer a powerful and attractive urban image are some of the reasons put forward by the jury of the IX Biennial of Spanish Architecture to grant its highest d