Àvila 77, Barcelona (Spain)
Aramé Studio 

Àvila 77, Barcelona (Spain)

Aramé Studio 

The partitions of an apartment traversed by a narrow corridor were eliminated to reveal the concrete structure in all its glory and harness it as a new organizing element.

The bedrooms and the bathrooms are grouped in a compact band to ensure a fluid space that connects the kitchen to the living room, the layout of which is defined by furniture pieces adapting to the contour of the flat...

Obra Work
Reforma de apartamento en la calle de Ávila 77, Barcelona (España)
Apartment Renovation at Carrer d’Àvila 77, Barcelona (Spain)

Arquitectos Architects
Aramé Studio / Andrea Arriola Fiol, Adrián Mellado Muñoz (socios partners)

Fabricantes Manufacturers
SIKA (pavimento de microcemento microcement flooring); Moblart Fusters (mobiliario a medida bespoke furniture); DTILE (azulejos tiles); Miki Beumala (textil textile); Vivers Camprubí (jardinería gardening); Marset, Artemide (iluminación lighting); Strugal (carpinterías window frames)

Presupuesto Budget
240.000 €

Superficie Area
250 m²

Fotos Photos
Bani Del Río