(Seville, 1947)
The Seville-based firm Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos has won the competition to expand and renovate the Reina Sofía School of Music in Madrid, located at Calle Requena 1, next to the Plaza de Oriente. Unifying the premises, the project integrates two adja
The former headquarters of Banco Mercantil takes up a whole urban block of Santander’s gridded expansion area. The building is a 1900 project by the architect Casimiro Pérez de la Riva (1851-1934). The building is horizontally divided into three part
The new stadium of the Atlético de Madrid extends the old Athletics Stadium of the Community of Madrid - nicknamed ‘La Peineta’ -, completed in 1994 by the same architects and with capacity for 19.000 spectators, a building whose distinctive image be
The new element is incrusted between the south facade’s two projections and contains reception and circulation areas, creating an atrium connected to the Hall of Realms and, on the other side, opening to views.
The scheme proposes a new central station and a transportation hub with a bus station and a car park along with a green axis that organizes the city from east to west, crossing the end point of Bari’s pedestrian axis at a new cultural area...
A set of buildings that adjust themselves to the existing volumes are suggested marking out ‘La Cours Joliot-Curie’. The large 350x44m courtyard serves as a meeting point for the surrounding universities, rearranging the current urban fabric. The dif
The covering of the tracks is conceived as a park that unifies two urban areas. The oval geometry of the openings that allow the illumination of the platform is kept throughout the park. The project proposes dividing the extension of the Xesús Pousa
La Peineta Stadium is expanded to become the new football field for the Atlético de Madrid, with the possibility of becoming an athletics stadium if Madrid hosts the Olympic Games in the year 2020. The stadium will be built 10m below the current leve
En el punto donde confluyen Alemania, Francia y Suiza, y el Rin se hace navegable, Basilea, con 200.000 habitantes y treinta museos, extiende su denominación como ciudad frontera y cultural con el proyecto de ampliación de la estación ferroviaria. Ub
El primitivo graderío, por el que el estadio se conoce como La Peineta, se extiende hasta alcanzar las 55.000 localidades; en eventos olímpicos, otro anillo de gradas provisional, apoyado en la crujía exterior, permitiría llegar hasta los 75.000 asie
La discreción es la divisa del proyecto, que traslada el centro de visitantes al nuevo puente de Miraflores por su cercanía al centro histórico. El resto del programa, salvo el aparcamiento, se aloja bajo una cubierta de cobre, donde aparecen las abe
Basilea station shows the typical inconveniences of all stop and go train stations that stand parallel to the railway lines. The proposal for its transformation assigns this important piece of infrastructure with a new urban role: that of gate for tr
The unevennes between the plot borders and an extending program which comprised eight soccer fields, athletics tracks, ground hockey fields, as well as an exercise circuit, a stadium and a shopping mall; urged to undertake the project with an archite
The great infrastructures that the Lisbon Expo left behind have served to regenerate an old industrial plot next to the Tajo’s estuary as an area for mixed uses. All of this within the second phase of the urban plan that will conclude in 2010. Next
The proposal for the Museum of Human Evolution and the Burgos Congress Center is located in the plot known as Solar de Caballería and is connected by scattered poplars to the walkways that run alongside Arlanzor River. With an architecture built with
Ceramique Avenue is the central axis of the recent extension along the river that Maastricht is carrying out in an industrial area close to the center of the city which had gradually fallen in disuse. Following the guidelines of the urban plan – that
The rectangular floor plan of the Chapín stadium in Jerez is rounded off by two semicircles that clearly reflect the shape of the athletics track which surrounds the soccer field. Without significantly altering its plan, the extension project foresee
Four kilometers to the northwest of Granada lays the Almanjáyar area, a place whose character is yet to be defined. Inscribed within the heterogeneous layout foreseen in the regulating plan of the neighborhood – which includes residential and commerc
The plot designated for the extension of the Reina Sofía Museum, at the rear of the Madrid art center, has inspired a medial solution by which its peripheral position with respect to Atocha square is made up for by an architecture which displays the
What do you think of the buildings, the series of boxes, at the Port of Chipiona? —They are like an exercise, a minimalist exercise. At first we didn’t want this project published. It seemed to us too much of an impersonal exercise. The commission wa
And what of the provincial government headquarters of Seville? When we saw this project we mused on the possible influence of Salvisberg, on a certain essentiality we might classify as professionist. —Not directly. It’s difficult to talk about the Se
Why don’t we talk about the housing development for the miners of Tharsis? —Though this project was carried out with a certain naivety, it did much to help us in subsequent works. Now we realize that it was a germinal piece. Everything about it we ha
Is Seville’s culture office from the same period as your intervention in the Candelaria fortress of Cádiz? —It came before the provincial government seat of Seville, and shortly after the fortress. The idea was to join two houses, a large one and a s
In line with the opening of the new Arquia headquarters at Tutor 16 in Madrid, a forum was held there on 30 November, titled ‘Sharing Experience,’ in which prominent architecture figures, with Luis Fernández-Galiano as moderator, voiced their reflect
Se me hace un poco raro que me leas. Siempre te leo yo a ti, Luis. Se hará lo que se pueda. Sobre el tema que me pides: me resulta difícil y un tanto cansino hablar sobre el momento actual de la arquitectura, y no te digo nada sobre hacia dónde podrí
Arquia’s new base in Madrid officially opened with an encounter where eight architects, in person and in writing, reflected on the profession.
If there is a common note in the career of Antonio Cruz and Antonio Ortiz, from their splendid housing on Doña María Coronel street in Seville (1974-1976) up to the stadium, currently under construction, for the Atlético de Madrid Football Club, that
Antonio Cruz y Antonio Ortiz The Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes (CSCAE) has given its Gold Medal of 2014 to Antonio Cruz and Antonio Ortiz. This annual prize goes to individuals and institutions whose paths have done much to highlight
Abrir los espacios a la luz del norte fue la principal directriz del proyecto, que busca integrarse a la arquitectura existente manteniendo su entidad con una silueta reconocible.
Hay quien sostiene que las sucesivas bienales de arquitectura constituyen un resumen de la producción española. Desde un transitorio puesto de observación como director de la VII Bienal, puedo afirmar que nada hay de cierto en esa afirmación. Los edi
Some irregular forms define the perimeter of the roof of what at first sight looks like a huge shed. Viewed from afar it is a rather anonymous construction, a bit coarse perhaps in outline and almost offhandedly rendered. Broken and exact perimeters
The sevillians Cruz & Ortiz quote Nabokov with obsessive frequency. I have only seen such fervor for the Russian writer in Ángel Díaz, an architect given to reciting whole paragraphs from his works in the dawns of Seville, and in my uncle Manuel Fern
Whoever has closely followed the work of Antonio Cruz and Antonio Ortiz, admirable for its continuity, may be surprised at the appearance, as something new in their career, of projects like their entry to the competition for the extension of the Rein
Cruz y Ortiz Created in 1993, this prize will be awarded on odd-number years, alternating with the Gold Medal for Architecture of Spain's Upper Council of Architectural Institutes, which thus changes from yearly to biennial, covering even-number year
Las obras seleccionadas para la II Bienal de Arquitectura Española están lejos de ser representativas de la reciente producción de nuestro país.