The architect of Cordovan roots was an exponent of Spanish modernity, and for his centenary we reproduce the speech delivered at the Academy to celebrate his posthumous Gold Medal…
Many architects are hesitant to acknowledge the influence of mentors, but Josep Llinàs has always been explicit in this regard, in particular about his devotion to Jujol and Sota. Combining the former’s vital spark and the latter’s rational serenity
Carme Pinós and Carlos Puente A honorary distinction, the Gold Medal of the CSCAE (Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes) is awarded since 1981 to individuals or entities that have significantly contributed with their work and dedication, am
Alberto Campo Baeza In October, the Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes (CSCAE) gave its most important award, the Gold Medal, to Alberto Campo Baeza, one of the most prominent architects in Spain and also one the country’s most influentia
The recent awarding of the Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes (CSCAE) Gold Medal to Alberto Campo Baeza suggests that there has been much reflection on the currency of his oeuvre and trajectory. A trajectory and oeuvre obstinately faithfu
Created in 1981, the Gold Medal for Architecture that is given by the Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes (CSCAE) – on this year’s jury of which have sat Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Manuel Gallego, Francisco Jarauta, and Jordi Ludevid – has gon
Arquia / FAS / ETSAB / ETSAM The Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España (Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes) has given its Medal to the Fundación Arquia, the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad, and the ETSAs (schools of
On 24 September the Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE, or Higher Council of Architects in Spain) announced that the winners of the 2015 Medals are the Fundación Arquia, the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad, and the ETSAB (
Antonio Cruz y Antonio Ortiz The Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes (CSCAE) has given its Gold Medal of 2014 to Antonio Cruz and Antonio Ortiz. This annual prize goes to individuals and institutions whose paths have done much to highlight
Following in the wake of other leading Spanish architects, Antonio Ortiz and Antonio Cruz have received the Gold Medal awarded by Spain’s National Association of Architecture Institutes (CSCAE). Since they set up practice in 1970 in Seville to shortl
Manuel Gallego Created to acknowledge “people and institutions that commend and ennoble architectural activity”, the Gold Medal of the Council of Spanish Architectural Associations has gone in its 2010 edition to Manuel Gallego Jorreto (O Carballiño,
Javier Carvajal Created to acknowledge “individuals and institutions that enhance and ennoble architectural activity”, the Gold Medal of the Council of Spanish Architectural Associations for 2012 went to Javier Carvajal. Born in Barcelona in the year
Con la concesión a Javier Carvajal de la Medalla de Oro de la Arquitectura, se premia la dilatada trayectoria de un maestro de la modernidad española, dotado de un personal e inconfundible lenguaje de formas tan bellas como rigurosas.
Creada para reconocer a ‘personas e instituciones que, en su trayectoria, ensalzan y ennoblecen el quehacer arquitectónico’, la Medalla de Oro del Consejo Superior de Arquitectos de España de 2010 ha sido otorgada a Manuel Gallego Jorreto (O Carballi
Juan Navarro Baldeweg The architect, painter and sculptor Juan Navarro Baldeweg has received the Gold Medal of the Spanish Architectural Association. Presided by Carlos Hernández Pezzi, the jury noted that Navarro “acknowledges the place and history
El Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España ha concedido su máximo galardón, la Medalla de Oro de la Arquitectura, al artista plástico, arquitecto y académico de la Real de Bellas Artes, Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Valorado en todas sus f
Luis Peña Ganchegui Born in 1926 in Oñate (Guipúzcoa) and graduate from Madrid’s School of Architecture in 1959, Peña Ganchegui is the first Basque to receive the prize of the Spanish Council of Architectural Associations, whose list of awardees inc
Antonio Fernández Alba The Spanish Council of Architectural Associations has awarded Antonio Fernández Alba, at the age of 75, with its gold medal, recognizing the “excellence of his built work, his constant commitment with the intellectual avant-gar
Rafael de La-Hoz Rafael de La-Hoz died on 13 June and could not pick up the gold medal bestowed on him by Spain’s Council of Architectural Institutes. The widow Matilde Castanys had to do it for him, in a ceremony held at the San Fernando Academy of
With the common purpose of acknowledging excellence in the field and promoting quality in the built environment, architectural prizes are having a heyday. In the decade of spectacle culture, architects have had an ever-growing mediatic presence, and
Fernando Chueca Goitia The Spanish Council of Architectural Associations has honoured the 83 year old architect and historian Fernando Chueca Goitia with its Gold Medal, in recognition of his “relevant contribution to the theory and history of archi