(Kuortane, 1898 - Helsinki, 1976)
Funded by a Finnish entity and executed by a local team, the scientific restoration of this modern masterwork has made it possible to bring back the original design and materials of Alvar Aalto.
Alvar Aalto built the summer house of Muuratsalo after a long bout of depression that began in 1949 with the death of his first wife, Aino Marsio-Aalto. In 1952, while building the Town Hall of Säynätsalo, he met Elsa Mäkiniemi, a young assistant in
Converging in the history of the Finlandia Concert and Congress Hall are two frustrations of Alvar Aalto that were to remain as such until his death on May 11, 1976: the plan for Helsinki’s new center and the Essen opera house. They date back to 1959
Almost totally destroyed in 1940 on account of the second war with Russia, the city of Rovaniemi - capital of the Finnish Lapland - was the object of a project by Alvar Aalto in 1944, when he was appointed to prepare a large-scale plan for its urban
The notion of a civic center where people can gather around public functions represented by monumental buildings took up a central place in Alvar Aalto’s mind. The 1944 masterplan for the Swedish locality of Avesta was the architect’s first opportuni
Notwithstanding his Voltairean agnosticism and admiration for the anarchist Piotr Kropotkin, church design was much a part of Alvar Aalto's career since early on in his classicist phase. Dating back to this period is his elegant chapel of Muurame (19
In a letter Alvar Aalto wrote in 1949 to his friend William W. Wurster, dean of MIT’s architecture department, to explain that he intended to delay his return to the USA because he had just won the competition for a campus at Otaniemi, the architect
Alvar Aalto still had a foot in the United States in October 1948, when he submitted his entries to the competition for the National Pensions Institute, but his winning first prize the following year in both this competition and that of the universit
Aino's death was a point of inflection in the life and career of Alvar Aalto, and coincided with his relative distancing from more directly social approaches, both where fields of investigation are concerned and in the typologies undertaken by him. T
Though alvar Aalto had a lifelongrelationship with the United States, it was particularly intense in the forties thanks to a series of prolonged stays. The first was in 1940, at the height of war in his country, when he busied himself with activities
Even before the inauguration of the Viipuri library, Alvar Aalto had begun to move away from some Modern Movement postulates. Influenced perhaps by the political situation of his country, he also started to question hard-core internationalism and to
The protacted process that the development of the project for the municipal library of Viipuri involved reflects Alvar Aalto’s transition from classicism to the postulates of the Modern Movement, and subsequently to his abandonment of both. It could
Alvar Aalto’s years of residence in Turku, from 1927 to 1933, coincided with his period of enthusiasm for functionalism, during which, in 1928, he became an active participant of the CIAM. True enough, he began to distance himself from Modern Movemen
When Arvovo Kitonen, owner of Turku's main newspaper, the Turun Sanomat, commissioned Alvar Aalto late in 1927 to design its new office and production building, the young Finnish architect, along with his friend and eventual collaborator Erik Bryggma
La vivienda en Berlín La ciudad moderna La Hansa VierteI, barrio de la Interbau, 1958. Obras de Aalto, Gropius, Scharoun, Max Taut, Jacobsen, Niemeyer y otros. 22 Edificio de Alvar Aalto en el barrio Hansa. Klopstockstrasse, 30, 32, Tiergarten. La re
Las grandes figuras del siglo XX transformaron el lenguaje de la arquitectura desde su familiaridad con los cánones clásicos. Aun en el caso de aquellos que no tuvieron una educación académica convencional, la sensibilidad clasicista les llegó a trav
Luis Fernández-Galiano was twice on a scholarship program of the Fundación Juan March – in Spain in 1976-1977 and abroad in 1966-1968 – but his first lecture at the foundation headquarters took place in 2010. In the course of a decade thereafter, he
He built wild, magical buildings and furniture that is still thrilling today. But a new film suggests the celebrated Finn was also a domineering philanderer deeply indebted to his talented wives. Wonky lumps of misshapen, scorched bricks burst from a
Luis Fernández-Galiano gave a series of lectures over different years for the Friends of the Prado Museum Foundation: ‘Jerusalén y Babilonia en el siglo XX’ ‘Del Gabinete al Campus: las transformaciones de la sede del Museo del Prado’ ‘El clasicismo
Finland is updating its tentative list in line with the World Heritage Agreement. In summer 2018, an open, online questionnaire survey was conducted for new nominations to be world heritage sites, which were considered in 2019 by a workgroup set up b
Para el ruso Melnikov, su vivienda se convirtió en su cárcel. Philip Johnson exhibió su día a día en la Glass House y Le Corbusier eligió para él la cabaña más pequeña que jamás había diseñado. El edificio de viviendas sociales de El Ruedo (Madrid, 1
Visitable until 10 January 2016 at the CaixaForum of Madrid is ‘Alvar Aalto, 1898-1976: Organic Architecture, Art and Design,’ a major exhibition which first went on view in Barcelona during the summer, after a first run at the Vitra Design Museum in
The Madrid exhibition on Alvar Aalto presents not only plans, photographs, and models, but also a carefully selected collection of chairs and domestic objects.
Brick is the Esperanto of construction. While a few cultures may ignore its grammar, those that command its vocabulary are legion, expressing physical needs and immaterial yearnings through the essential language of ceramic prisms. Versatile as no ot
That climate has a bearing on architecture is a commoplace. Nevertheless, to explain how this bearing has come about is an achievement, and for this the latest books published by Professor Dean Hawkes deserve recognition: two histories of architectur
El valor de la literatura, como el de la vida, sería menor sin el recurso de la contradicción o de la paradoja. Don Quijote es la encarnación de una paradoja errante; el final del Canto a mí mismo de Whitman concluye así: «¿Me estoy contradiciendo? /
Anuncia muy bien su título el contenido de este libro, con el que el autor añade nuevos capítulos a su ya nutrida colección de textos de arquitectura. Tres son a mi entender los territorios que habitualmente explora como escritor Antón Capitel: la ar
La editorial Taschen nos tiene acostumbrados a libros de dimensiones descomunales, más aptos para el deleite con sus enormes fotografías y el estudio de sus planos en una mesa de trabajo que para su lectura pausada, algo para lo que, por otro lado, n
Con la monografía de Norman Foster, la revista Descubrir el Arte ofrecía la primera de las ocho entregas de la colección ‘Arquitectos Pritzker’, con la que se acerca a la obra de algunos de los arquitectos reconocidos con el prestigioso galardón. Los
No es éste el lugar para glosar la labor fundamental que está realizando la Fundación Caja de Arquitectos, tanto con sus publicaciones como con la edición de películas en su colección Arquia/documental; las correspondientes a los números 13 y 14 tien
«Un profesional puro, no un dialéctico ajeno a la práctica de la arquitectura». Las palabras que Alvar Aalto dedicó a Erik Gunnar Asplund tras su fallecimiento hubieran sido sin duda idóneas para describir al propio Aalto y a Jørn Utzon, a quienes ha
El arquitecto Miguel Fisac, fallecido hace ahora cuatro años, protagoniza dos publicaciones recientes, ambas esperadas. Por un lado, un libro editado por Ricardo Sánchez Lampreave para el Ministerio de la Vivienda con ocasión del Premio Nacional de A
The houses of the masters are at once self-portrait and experiment. From the several residences and offices of Frank Lloyd Wright to the mythical, essential cabanon of Le Corbusier, the gods of the 20th-century have taken a human dimension in the hou
The masters who yesteryear hoped to appear on paper money, are satisfied today with the papier couché. The Swiss bill of Le Corbusier or the Finnish one of Aalto – one in use, the other disappeared after Helsinki adopted the Euro –coin an epic story
Aquel empuje radical de la modernidad no encontró fácil acomodo en los países nórdicos; su pretendida universalidad no encajaba bien entre un pueblo reacio a perder su identidad y tradiciones. Y, de algún modo, tuvo que despiezar su vocación de total
Me parece que hay cierta analogía entre el joven Aalto y el joven pato: la de pertenecer a una segunda generación, posterior a la de los personajes más éticos o más idealistas de los años veinte. Aalto entró en el reino de la arquitectura moderna cua
«Aalto es el representante más genuino del acuerdo entre la producción en serie y la irracionalidad, de manera que la primera modalidad pasa, de ser señora, a ser sierva. (...) La tentativa de Aalto de liberar la arquitectura del peligro de la rigide
Marc Treib Wright, Mies, Neutra, Aalto, Barragán
Mateo Kries Jochen Eisenbrand Second Nature
Eduardo Delgado Orusco
Madrid 2013
Casimiro Libros - 71 Pages
Rax Rinnekangas
Barcelona 2010
Fundación Caja de Arquitectos
Juhani Pallasmaa
Barcelona 2010
Gustavo Gili - 95 Pages
Antonio Román
Londres 2003
Laurence King - 240 Pages
Antón Capitel
Madrid 1999
Akal - 197 Pages