In the international competition for the new Finnish Museum of Architecture and Design, five of the 624 anonymously submitted schemes have been shortlisted for the second phase. They are: 96 Tyrsky, 351 Kumma, 486 Moby, 545 Tau, and 616 City, Sky and
In the city of Mänttä, Finland, the extension of the Gösta Serlachius Contemporary Art Museum – designed by the architects Héctor Mendoza, Mara Partida, and Boris Bezan – was inaugurated in June 2014. In the south part of the park that surrounds the
The building seeks to reconcile the history of the city with its inhabitants, opening up to its environs through a facade raised with bright red bricks that pays tribute to what in the past was one of the most important textile factories of Tampere..
A snow-white prism contains a curved cavity lined in wood and bathed in brightness by a generous skylight, in an abstract echo of the lush landscapes that abound in the Nordic country...
A series of interventions to promote and boost production, work, and housing take place in key areas within the fabric of the city, capable of transforming Hyvinkää into a vibrant, busy, and dynamic urban environment...
ALA Architects – headed by Juho Grönholm, Antti Nousjoki, and Samuli Woolston – has built a new central library for Helsinki in the Töölönlahti cultural district, opposite the Finnish Parliament. A competition was held for the purpose in 2013 and bro
The parking lots, traces of an obsolete urban model, are interpreted as spaces of opportunity to create a more compact and functionally complex city, with porous and hybrid architectures strengthened by a network of programmatic patios... [+]
To address the growing demand for housing and offices for students and researchers at the Alvar Aalto University campus, the scheme proposes a series of buildings with a central core clad with a polyhedric lattice that creates semi-open spaces... [+]
Developed by ten students based on active bending studies, the pavilion is made up of a set of structural pine wood parts which are bent into shape and held blocking the movement of the remaining pieces without the use of glue... [+]
Departing from the idea of the museum as a curatorial controlled space, here public space is brought inside via an interior street that goes through the building and which citizens can make their own, functioning as an impromptu street lab...
‘Helsinki Five’ proposes a large central space encircled by five wood-clad towers connected by bridges that offer new views over the port, also giving access to the stacked boxes that house the exhibition halls of the museum...
The proposal ‘47 Rooms’ reuses the wood structure of Makasiini terminal to build a shed that preserves the original geometry and the views; the halls have independent climate conditioning, using an innovative system called ‘thermal onion’...
A slightly curved textured glass skin wraps the entire building, increasing its transparency as one goes up and filtering sunlight to precisely adapt its degree of intensity to the different conditions the interior spaces need...
The complex is organized in two parts: one at harbor level connecting the building with the city and its industrial flavor, offering views over the port; and a second one that hovers over the former and contains the large open-plan exhibition spaces.
The project proposes a seamless transition between indoor and outdoor spaces. The concave-roof pavilions are connected by a series of garden patios that favor direct contact with the context; a lookout-tower rounds off the complex. The building is cl
The scheme proposes reactivating the public park with a museum organized in two buildings and that can be transformed thanks to a system of parts that can be extracted from the initial volume, adapting to the different needs.
The proposal, ‘The Red Line’, generates a linear public promenade through Ratinanniemi’s peninsula, naturally divided into three distinct zones characterized by three different typologies. A new building with retail and cultural spaces also serves as
The new residential and leisure complex is located in Levi ski resort, in the municipality of Kittilä, in the Lapland region. Extending the existing topography, the project proposes four buildings that radiate out from a central square creating a net
El sistema de construcción de viviendas industrializadas Moduli 225, concebido por Kristian Gullichsen y Juhani Pallasmaa (este último conocido también como historiador y crítico de arte), entronca con el acervo finés de edificación en madera, pero s
El pabellón de Finlandia se presenta bajo el lema ‘Compartiendo la inspiración’, si bien su nombre propio es Kirnu (la caldera del gigante), y pretende ser un retrato en miniatura del país, su territorio y su sociedad. El pabellón se eleva sobre una
Inspired by the designs of the typical wooden railings seen in the town’s houses, three patterns of slats juxtaposed in different combinations give rise to the organic motifs adorning the envelope of the stand.
Alvar Aalto built the summer house of Muuratsalo after a long bout of depression that began in 1949 with the death of his first wife, Aino Marsio-Aalto. In 1952, while building the Town Hall of Säynätsalo, he met Elsa Mäkiniemi, a young assistant in
The parish of Kärsämäki, a small town in the center of Finland, decided to organize (in collaboration with the University of Oulu), a competition for the construction of its new church. One of the requirements was that the building be raised with tra
The competition for the Guggenheim Museum of Helsinki has been one of the most talked about here in recent years, at least because of the number of entries that were submitted in phase one (a total of 1,715 coming from all over the world) and because
The Madrid architects Fuensanta Nieto and Enrique Sobejano now have the Alvar Aalto Medal, the prestigious award that the Finnish Museum of Architecture and the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA) have given every three years since 1967 in ackno
«Tres arquitecturas diferentes, pero una sola conexión urbana.» Tal es el lema con el que el estudio de Bjarke Ingels resume su propuesta ganadora para el diseño de un plan director en la ciudad finlandesa de Tampere, la tercera más grande del país.
Anna y Eugeni Bach no pudieron decir ‘no’ a sus hijos cuando estos les pidieron una casa. Y se la construyeron, como si fuesen unos clientes muy especiales, en la granja que sus abuelos tienen en Finlandia. Geométricamente, la casita surge de una sec
Esquiar desde la azotea hasta las pistas será posible en el nuevo complejo residencial y centro de ocio de Levi, situado en la región finlandesa de Kittilä, y diseñado por el estudio danés de Bjarke Ingels. El proyecto se organiza en torno a una plaz
El Museo Colecciones ICO muestra ‘Raili y Reima Pietilä, un desafío a la arquitectura moderna’, la primera retrospectiva celebrada en España de la obra de esta pareja de arquitectos en activo entre los años sesenta y los ochenta, representantes del o
Aki Kaurismäki (1957), cuya singular producción cinematográfica ha recibido la atención de la crítica desde principios de los 80, es el director finlandés más aplaudido internacionalmente. Sus películas se ambientan en el mundo de los desfavorecidos,
The crisis that shook the Finnish economy in 1992 put an end to the ephemeral dream of a group of students that went by the name of Monark, who saw their proposal for the Finnish pavilion at the Universal Exposition of Seville carried out before they
Mass housing spread throughout the West toward the fifties. Europe’s postwar reconstruction and economic development gave the residential project a formidable push. This was housing for a future that was becoming a reality and which endeavored to be
Contemporary architecture has been criticized for its sensory poverty and lack of meaning by the public and critics alike. When almost any old building, a ruin or an abandoned house evokes our imagination and invites our emotions, standard buildings
Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto (Kuortane, 1898 - Helsinki 1976) was born in the northeastern corner of Europe, where the solitary landscape hails the proximity of the North Pole. But such peripheral origins are not to be taken as marginal: Aalto was born in
The master from Kuortane turns one hundred with unanimous health. After the critical parenthesis of the last stage of his life, Alvar Aalto posthumously recovered the mythical stature he had attained back in the fifties, and lived on to our days cano
When the Second World War came to an end, the Nordic countries, though still strongly related by similar culture, were in very different economic shape. Finland had fought the Russians twice, then the Germans, and in the process had lost important pa
Nordic architecture does not seem to have existed before the 20th century for the rest of the world. But in the era of modern revolution it became a universally admired cultural power, and some of its masters came to be held as true paradigms of mode
Recently I had the opportunity of seeing an exhibition of Nordic painting of the turn of the century entitled ‘The Northern Light’ at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid. The paintings were cleverly hung thematically irrespective of their country of ori