Formed in 1956 in Patiala, a city in the Indian state of Punjab, Thapar University commissioned the Dublin practice of Valerie Mulvin and Niall McCullough to unify its disparate campus by devising a masterplan and raising a series of buildings for ho
The London firm of Kevin Carmody and Andy Groarke designed this museum that harbors a boat collection on the shores of Windermere, England’s largest natural lake, in Cumbria County’s Lake District National Park. Outside the town of Windermere, the si
The project transforms the medieval St Mary’s Church into a museum, recovering its spatial complexity through the reconstruction of the north aisle and the choir, and using wood and lead, a material that connects with the stone of the original walls.
The museum Folkwang, founded in Hagen by Karl Ernst Osthaus in 1902, was the first museum of contemporary art in Europe. The most significant works were transferred from Hagen to Essen in 1922, from which point on, aside from a period when the Nation
Following the establishment of international trading relations in 1842, with the Treaty of Nanking, Shanghai became a major East Asian commercial and cultural center. The arrival of European businesses and consulates influenced architecture in the ea
The new Modern Wing for the Art Institute of Chicago is not only the most ambitious extension undertaken by the institution, but it also turns this museum into the second largest in the United States. Consisting of two pavilions connected by a large
Located in the heart of Berlin, the new headquarters of the National Metrology Institute of Germany harbors a very diverse program – including workshops, labs, storage and training rooms –, but on the outside it presents a highly compact and restrain
Located in Hilversum, a town southeast of Amsterdam, the headquarters of the Television and Radio Center of the VPRO Public Broadcasting Corporation does not follow the usual spatial configuration rules of an office building. Villa VPRO – as it is co
Located in the Western Garden Cities of Amsterdam built midway through the past century, the block is part of a densification plan set forth in the 1990s. The increased density threatened the parks and open green spaces, one of the main qualities of
The National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Wei-Wu-Ying) symbolizes the huge transformation of the Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung over the last years. The city is China’s second largest in size and importance after the capital Taipei, with a population
Despite the attempts to escape the shoebox-shaped auditorium, experience shows that this type of concert hall offers the best acoustics. In this case, the design chosen reinterprets the type, redefining the relationship of the concert hall with the e
Within a city plan to extend and modernize the public network of reading centers, the project sets out to redefine the concept of archive, creating a civic space for the circulation of knowledge in all media, and an innovative organizing system for a
The aim of the project was to reinvigorate the IIT Campus, planned by Mies van der Rohe in the 1940s. Over the years the campus had sprawled but lost half its population, and was separated by elevated railway tracks. The competition called for a new
After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, planning guidelines for the reconstruction of Berlin demanded that new buildings reflect the local 19th century architectural style. Located in Mitte, in the old East section and by the Spree, the project proposes a
In 1999, the National Assembly of Norway decided that the new Opera House was to be constructed on the Bjørvika peninsula, on the shores of Oslo’s fjord. The new construction was a first step in the development plan for this formerly industrial water
The museum devoted to Pierre Soulages – artist born in 1919, one of the fathers of informalism in France – rises in a park of his hometown, Rodez, very close to the great Gothic cathedral that lords over the urban fabric. The location determines the
Set out by the architect as a reflection on density, the Towada Art Center, located in a small city north of Honshu Island, is constituted by sixteen volumes that create an urban landscape that is independent but in tune with the fragmentation of the
In 2009, the Serpentine Gallery in London commissioned the design of its ninth summer pavilion to Sejima & Nishizawa. Located in Kensington Gardens, the structure was constructed as an undulating aluminum sheet resting on light metallic columns float
The commission to build this production building on the Vitra Campus is a new strategic step of the Swiss furniture design and manufacturing firm, which is entrusting the design of its buildings to prominent international architects and turning its W
Drawn up as a series of boxes of different sizes stacked and placed off-axis with respect to one another, the building for the New Museum grows vertically to fit the museum program required into a small site. Each volume has a different function and
Sitting on the south border of the Novartis Campus, this simple office block functions as a boundary between the facilities of the pharmaceutical company and a park that connects them to the city of Basel. The building, a rectangular prism with an in
A stone prism with a filigree of Stars of David harbors the synagogue of the community of Ulm, a replacement of the one that was burned down during the infamous ‘Kristallnacht’ of 1938.
Bonded with bricks rendered in bluish tones, the bold walls of this church harbor within it a misty space bathed in the light filtering in through a sinuous and diaphanous roof.
With a population of a million, Birmingham is one of the United Kingdom’s leading financial and educational centers. Its urban core has historically been maltreated, however, so the past two decades have seen ambitious plans for it launched with the
The facade free of structural constraints postulated by Le Corbusier in his five points towards a new architecture was the logical consequence of the open plan. The liberation of the two families of planes – perpendicular or parallel to the ground –
Born in 1979 in the old German Democratic Republic, Christian Richter was still a child when the Berlin Wall fell. Many buildings were abandoned in East Germany after the Reunification, and the young photographer found his source of inspiration in th
El estudio suizo Diener & Diener es el responsable del proyecto de reconstrucción del ala este, recientemente inaugurada, del Museo de Historia Natural de Berlín, uno de los más importantes del mundo por su colección de 25 millones de especímenes zoo
En el concurso celebrado en 2005 para construir en Lérida un Palacio de Congresos resultó ganador Mecanoo; la Llotja recientemente inaugurada muestra su deuda con la modernidad holandesa de los años sesenta.
Junto al río Segre y próximo a la estación del AVE, se levanta el Teatro Municipal y Centro de Negocios y Convenciones La Llotja. Obra del estudio holandés Mecanoo —dirigido por Francine Houben— en colaboración con los barceloneses Labb Arquitectura,
El británico David Chipperfield ha terminado la ampliación del Museo de Anchorage, la ciudad más poblada de Alaska. La organización del nuevo edificio se basa en cinco volúmenes lineales de distinta longitud y altura dispuestos a lo largo del frente
Dominique Perrault ha finalizado la ampliación del Tribunal Europeo de Justicia en Luxemburgo. El proyecto, ganador de un concurso convocado en 1996, proponía la reforma de un conjunto de edificios construidos entre los años setenta, ochenta y novent
En la oscuridad, la nueva Biblioteca Central de Seattle es un resplandeciente candelabro para colgar nuestros sueños. Si una ciudad norteamericana puede levantar un proyecto cívico tan soberbio como éste es que el sol todavía no se ha puesto en Occid
Rem Koolhaas ve precipitarse los acontecimientos. Finales de octubre, el Praemium Imperiale japonés; mediados de noviembre, una gran exposición en la Neue Nationalgalerie de Mies van der Rohe en Berlín, mientras terminan de construirse la Biblioteca
Con el inicio de la segunda etapa de lo que desde mediados de los noventa se conoce como «el debate arquitectónico berlinés» (Berliner Architekturstreit), el significado de la fachada en sí y su presencia en el espacio urbano va adquiriendo cada vez
Wood is the material of tradition. A material which industrial construction relegated to domestic architecture, claddings, and the manufacturing of carpentry. For modern architecture, wood was an organic element first applied by Nordics on the minera
This text is an excerpt from the conversation between the French Jacques Lucan and the Swiss Martin Steinmann regarding ‘A Matter of Art’, an exhibition on current Swiss architecture held at the Centre Culturel Suisse of Paris in the spring of 2001.
Se dijo que el museo había sido el tipo arquitectónico de la década de los ochenta, pero se ha mantenido testarudamente vigente en los años noventa y persevera en el nuevo milenio en variantes infinitas, como una forma de alta cultura pero también co
Just as the annals of twentieth-century architecture began drawing to their close, a thrilling and largely unexpected denouement was provided by Frank Gehry. The completion of his Guggenheim Museum Bilbao of 1991-1997 in the Basque country’s largest
En los artículos publicados hasta ahora hemos recorrido diversas construcciones cuya taxonomía se basaba en el tipo de materiales utilizados y en las relaciones que se establecían entre los elementos constructivos. Vimos así la construcción convencio
‘Bigness’ era un término poco usado, pero Rem Koolhaas lo ha hecho frecuente a fuerza de repetirlo en sus escritos, y sin duda esta palabra es la que con más colorido describe su pasión pertinaz por la gran escala. Esa fascinación por la Nueva York a
They design it like a chinese puzzle of housing types, gave it the paradoxical title “Berlin Voids”, and won a first prize in Europan. In 1991, after this project, Winy Maas (1959), Jacob van Rijs (1964) and Nathalie de Vries (1965), all Delft gradu
While still a student at Delft, in the era of Herman Hertzberger, Carel Weeber and Rem Koolhaas the Belgian Willem Jan Neutelings (1959) started working for the Office of Metropolitan Architecture. After 5 years with OMA, Neutelings opened his own st
Until members of the next generation came to dispute his title, Ben van Berkel (1957) was the enfant terrible of Dutch Architecture. He studied at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam and at the Architectural Association in London, and worked in the off
At what age are you still a young architect? Several answers have been proposed: young equals under forty; you are young when you haven´t yet built your first big building. Young architects cannot afford to refuse commissions. Young architects, the
A review is intended as a private, priviliged communication between writer and public. If the writer is an architecture critic, the architect(ure) discussed is merely the subject – spoken of, but not addressed. Reading a review of one’s own work is l
The architectural development of the past fifteen years has made it clear that in its essence modernism is not a visual stylistic canon at all, but a dialectic philosophical position in relation to the reality of culture. The modernist position is an
The new headquarters of a broadcasting station illustrates the popularity of the fold among an artistic avant-garde that exchanges Derrida for Deleuze.