Wei-Wu-Ying National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts
Mecanoo- Type Congress center Culture / Leisure
- Material Metal
- City Kaohsiung
- Country Taiwan
- Photographer Kouzi Isita Harry Cock Christian Richters

The National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Wei-Wu-Ying) symbolizes the huge transformation of the Taiwanese city of Kaohsiung over the last years. The city is China’s second largest in size and importance after the capital Taipei, with a population of almost three million residents, and the new arts center promises to become a new icon marking the transition from international port to modern, diverse metropolis. Mecanoo, the Dutch office led by Francine Houben (Sittard, The Netherlands, 1955), is completing the building within the government’s program for the construction of cultural facilities on an old military site, as part of an adjacent subtropical park... [+]
Propietario / Promotor Owner / Developer
Preparatory Office of The Wei-Wu-Ying Center for the Arts of the Council for Cultural Affairs
Fechas Dates
Inicio de las obras Construction start date: Abril de 2010 April 2010
Arquitectos Architects
Mecanoo Architecten
Consultores Consultants
Archasia Design Group (arquitecto local local architect); Supertech (inegeniería de estructuras structural engineer); Yuan Tai (ingeniería mecánica mechanical engineering); Heng Kai (ingeniería eléctrica electrical engineer); Xu-Acoustique (acústica acoustic); Theateravies, Yi Tai (auditorios theatre consultant); CMA lighting (iluminación lighting); Ju Jiang (seguridad frente a incendios fire safety); Oliver Latry (órgano organ); CWI (cubierta y fachada roof and facade); Lead Dao (3D); Su International (tráfico traffic); Chien Kuo Construction Co. (contratista contractor)
Fotos Photos
Kouzi Isita (pp. 56-57)
Harry Cock (pp. 57 arriba top, 59, 63, 64)
Christian Richters (pp. 58, 60, 61)