The main objectives in this commission were to ensure views of the lake, one of Chile’s largest, for the entire house, and to make it easy to adapt to different situations (owners being alone or with their children or other visitors). The solution ev
This wooden house in the south of Chile responds to a privileged natural environment, between a green plateau and a forest of coihues that descends to Lake Ranco. The 147-square-meter residence is organized on a rectangular floor positioned parallel
The village of Santa Lucía Alto, in the region of Yungay, is surrounded by fertile plains and high peaks. One of its lush forests in the foothills of the Andes Mountains becomes the site for his house-studio, an ambitious project of over 2,400m² that
Project carried out by Iván Bravo together with Martín Rojas (associate architect), in collaboration with Juan Oyarzún. “To avoid being tied up / Let nothing unite us.” These verses from Pablo Neruda’s poem Farewell were proud thoughts of a couple th
The architecture office of Nataša Stanaćev and Manu Granados, based in Santiago, Chile, was commissioned for this small, 72-square-meter dwelling in Matanzas, on the coast of the commune of Navidad. Casa Kuvo is a 6 x 6 x 6 prism built with wood and
In southern Chile's Malleco Province, specifically in the commune named Los Sauces, stands this building that is part of the education ministry's drive to build eight small schools in Araucanía Region, where a high percentage of the population is Map
This theater in Panguipulli, a small rural municipality in southern Chile, in the region of Los Ríos, rises on the shore of the glacial lake it takes its name from. On a concrete plinth containing dressing rooms and services, the volume is actually t
A set of basic volumes that are easily recognizable to the children is oriented towards an arcaded courtyard in order to guarantee a learning environment free of external distractions. The exposed structure and the insigne pine wood finishes have the
This residential building made of shipping containers, meant for young users, is a 1,400-square-meter, 4-floor construction raised with 6 prefabricated blocks of stairs and 70 recycled containers, which dynamically alternate to form little balconies.
Located close to the Palacio de la Moneda in Santiago, on Plaza Bulnes, this inflatable structure was the setting of the ceremony that kicked off the 23rd Chile Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism, which took place from 14 to 22 January 2023 and ad
The vertical laminated timber elements that form the structural module of the ensemble are exposed to the exterior. In this way, the five dwellings open up to the street as one volume, concealed behind a rhythmic and continuous facade. On the transve
Designed by the architect Ignacio Rojas Hirigoyen with The Andes House, this project seeks to provide an affordable solution to the problem of scarce decent housing that afflicts Chile and Latin America at large, through a modular building system tha
The project resulted from the decision of four families (a total of fourteen people) to together build themselves a vacation home facing the bay of Navidad. A work of Iván Bravo in collaboration with Martín Rojas and Gino León, the house addresses t
A residence located on gently sloping land in a narrow valley faces the landscape in the manner of a pedestal that stands out on account of its strict geometry and straw-like color tone.
The house sits in a clear stretch between trees. It is built over posts that separate it almost a meter from the ground, allowing the flow of streams that run towards a lagoon in front of the main facade. Its triangular geometry, in this wilderness,
Nicolás del Río and Felipe Camus designed this animal park on the north bank of Lake Rupanco, in Chile’s Osorno Province. The project involved arranging the routes, organizing the pens, and raising a series of facilities in a common language: prefabr
The jumping horses trained in an equestrian center located at the foot of the Andes Mountains are housed in a shed under a pitched roof ripped at the top to bring in natural light...
It may seem that nothing ever happens in the craggy slopes of the Andes and that the cordillera is in the collective memory of Chileans little more than a political border or the poetic locus of Gabriela Mistral, Pablo Neruda, and Nicanor Parra. The
Foster+Partners’ first commission in Chile involves regenerating an existing mid-20th-century textile factory in the heart of Santiago. It will be part of a new mixed-use urban quarter. The masterplan extends onto an adjacent site, towards the plant’
The firm of Juan Pablo Duarte Macaya and Hernán Fournies Aracena was commissioned to build a house in Frutillar, on the banks of Lake Llanquihue in southern Chile. In a region of low temperatures, abundant rain, and lush vegetation, the timber constr
With a built-up area of 5,500 square meters, the Matta Sur complex comprises two volumes. First is the former Metropolitan Lyceum of Santiago – built in 1891 and structurally gravely damaged by the 2010 earthquake – has been consolidated and renovate
We were told that when resources are scarce, intensity compensates for high performance (because there seems to be a deep gap between ingeniousness and intelligence). Any project is a reaction to its circumstances. This is an apparently simple and re
On a steep hillside overlooking the fertile Maipo River Valley, the Chilean firm MAPAA – Cristián Larraín and Matías Madsen – has for a family enterprise completed small offices within three bays raised on supports over the slope and covered with bar
Cristián Undurraga is a permanent figure in the development of architecture produced in Chile during the last decades of the 20th century. Following his career and analyzing his work is, as perhaps in no other case of his generation, to take stock of
At the threshold of the 1990s, at the instigation of Francesco Dal Co, the Vicenza construction enterprise Caoduro decided to create an architecture award bearing the name Palladio that would be given in recognition of works built by architects under
Cristián Undurraga and Ana Luisa Devés have created works without pedestals. Over four decades ago they set up a studio that became known around the world with the Palladio Award, a prize for architects under forty that James Stirling, Manfredo Tafur
Alberto Valenzuela Llanos (1865-1925) was the most brilliant Chilean painter of this generation. Influenced by the impressionists during his stay in Paris in the early 20th century, his landscapes reflect that fleeting and diffuse hour, so specific o
The studio Barclay & Crousse, based since 2006 in Lima (Peru), was set up 25 years ago in Paris by Sandra Barclay (Lima, 1967) and Jean Pierre Crousse (Lima, 1963). Both received their architecture degrees in Peru and shortly afterwards moved to Euro
Seven years after winning the competition that was held for the purpose, the Chilean trio of architects composed of Smiljan Radic, Eduardo Castillo, and Gabriela Medrano has been able to inaugurate the Biobío Regional Theater in the city of Concepció
Theory of Location “Pezo von Ellrichshausen is an art and architecture studio established in Concepción, southern Chile, in 2002 by Mauricio Pezo and Sofía von Ellrichshausen.” I think about these words, from the information section on the pezo.cl we
I have not met Mauricio Pezo and Sofia von Ellrichshausen, but can easily notice in them the symptoms of the disease I also suffer. The geometric obsession, stubborn repetition or an Oulipo fixation on linguistic games are indeed features of an intel
Like Vicente Huidobro’s Altazor, Alejandro Aravena was born at 33. After his training in Santiago and Venice, at the turn of the century he went to Harvard to teach, founded Elemental, and started his Quinta Monroy project, an exemplary experience in
La casa que Mauricio Pezo y Sofía von Ellrichshausen han construido a las afueras de Concepción, en Chile, fue el encargo de una pareja de artistas (él trabaja sobre papel y ediciones digitales; ella, con cerámica esmaltada) que habían vivido juntos
Con el fin de intervenir mínimamente sobre el frágil paisaje natural de la Isla de Pascua donde se ubican, las cabañas prefabricadas Morerava se posan delicadamente sobre el terreno. Diseñadas por el estudio chileno AATA para uso turístico, las cabañ
El joven arquitecto chileno expone la situación de su país tras el terremoto de febrero de 2010, narra la experiencia del ‘do tank’ Elemental, y se define como gestor de incertidumbres.
En el siglo pasado, el desembarco en América Latina de las propuestas de la modernidad arquitectónica europea produjo un ‘desencuentro fructífero’; Brasil y Chile dieron réplicas poéticas, como muestra esta exposición.
8,8 en la escala de Richter es algo brutal. Dado que es una escala logarítmica, el sismo fue 500 veces más fuerte que el de Haití. La tierra se licuó; fue posible ver a ojo desnudo las ondas sísmicas propagándose por la tierra como si se tratara de o
Since the year 1990, Children architecture has been receiving growing international attention. The wide publicity bestowed on the Chile Pavilion at the Universal Exposition of Seville in 1992 was among the initial signs of this phenomenon. The appear
Latin America celebrates in 2010 the bicentennial of its independence. The Bolivarian Venezuela begins the commemorative cycle on 19 April, Argentina will follow on 25 May, Colombia on 20 July, Mexico and Chile on 16 and 18 September. These last four
El equipo de arquitectos afincado en São Paulo, Estudio América, ha finalizado la construcción del Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos en Santiago de Chile. El proyecto, que se inscribe dentro de los actos conmemorativos del bicentenario de la
Chile is having days of wine and roses. Neither the regular Mapuche protests nor the cases of corruption that have tainted the Concertación government, nor the judicial vicissitudes of a dictator lost in his own labyrinth of solitude have managed to
Hay un encanto inefable que se desprende de nuestro imaginario de Chile. El primer premio Nobel de literatura otorgado a las letras latinoamericanas fue para una mujer chilena, Gabriela Mistral. Pablo Neruda obtuvo el segundo de los apenas cinco gala
In the past decade, a new generation of architects has come to the fore in Chile, drawing national and international attention. Though true that this architecture co-exists with the quality production of pre-vious generations, it has done much to mar
En las reuniones preparatorias de la última Cumbre de América Latina, Europa y el Caribe, los delegados latinoamericanos hablaron de Chile como «el país 16». Lo dijeron en broma, en los pasillos, sin hostilidad, casi con admiración, o con admiración
Chile is a geographical oxymoron. From the desert to the floes, this endless country slithers by the meridian to reconcile fire and ice, sliding between the Andes and the Pacific with the confidence of one who acknowledges being both cordillera and o
Juan Borchers
Madrid 2017
Fisuras - 142 Pages
Max Aguirre González
Santiago de Chile 2014
Editorial Universitaria de Chile - 299 Pages
Pedro Alonso Ecología e industria en el desierto de Atacama
Pezo von Ellrichshausen Ten Pavilions for Chile
Miquel Adrià Recent Architecture in Chile