Barclay & Crousse. Remote Concrete

The studio Barclay & Crousse, based since 2006 in Lima (Peru), was set up 25 years ago in Paris by Sandra Barclay (Lima, 1967) and Jean Pierre Crousse (Lima, 1963). Both received their architecture degrees in Peru and shortly afterwards moved to Europe for further studies in institutions like the École d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville and the Politecnico di Milano. In their practice, which they combine with teaching, much attention goes to exploring the bonds between landscape, climate, and architecture, in an effort to challenge current notions of technology, uses, and quality of life. The work of Barclay & Crousse has garnered international recognition through honors like the Oscar Niemeyer Award in 2016 for the Place of Memory – see Arquitectura Viva 195 – or the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize (MCHAP) in 2018 for Edificio E, a lecture hall presented in the following pages alongside a museum devoted to the preservation of the indigenous Paracas culture, a single-family house, and an apartment building.