Developed by a group of owners constituted as a cooperative, this project for 34 dwellings in Santiago de Compostela is situated in the area around the Ermite de Santa Marta, next to Rúa Monte de Conxo. This way of associating reduces construction co
Located on the grounds of the old railway station, the development comprises 125 dwellings with 22 different typologies, both single-story units and duplex apartments. The urban plan foresaw the construction of three linear blocks and two open priva
One hundred years after the arrival of the railroad to Santiago de Compostela, the trench occupied by the extramural rails continues to be an almost insurmountable barrier between the historic center and the neighborhoods that emerged along the roads
The Fundación Laboral de la Construcción found the most convenient site for the Centro de Referencia Nacional en Materia de Rehabilitación (public research and innovation center in the field of refurbishment) in the old 18th century tannery of Pontep
The project has a double objective: to connect the outskirts with the center and to become the gate of entrance to the city; like a bridge, the new building features different accesses and looks out to the natural context like an urban balcony...
The intervention is carried out over some ruins located in a degraded area of Santiago de Compostela, which is restored through a network of orchards and resting spots.
Appropriating one of the pavilions of the Cidade da Cultura, the café and store program unfolds in an open space where the only built elements are a continuous bar counter and some pieces of wooden furniture.
Across the Platerías facade of the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, and nestled in the shadow of the Berenguela Tower, stands the new Museum of Pilgrimages. A part of it is incorporated into the stone facade of the Banco de España building, erected
AFTER YEARS of vicissitudes, the City of Culture of Galicia emerges like a fossil vieira on the hillside of Mount Gaiás, in Santiago de Compostela. In the wake of the cultural projects of the 1990s, this work aimed at placing the city in the select
This single-family house belongs to the hotel complex located in the old tannery by the River Sarela, forming part of an operation to recover its banks. The Fábrica de Curtidos La Ribera de San Lourenzo (a tanning factory), built in 1790, is an indus
Along the edge of the historic quarter, the intervention has as its objective to articulate two parts of the city of very different value: the Park of Santo Domingo de Bonaval and a series of decaying expansion areas of the sixties. The project wraps
The project is based on two essential ideas: the first one springs from the conception of the place and of the building’s process of topographic adaptation; the second entails a sense of efficiency, which in this case has to do as much with the speed
The new Headquarters of the Sociedad General de Autores y Editores (General Society of Authors and Editors of Spain) is located in the privileged environment of the VistaAlegre park of the Galician capital, next to a series of academic and cultural b
Inspirado en una vieira, el proyecto desarrolla una topografía a partir de la superposición de la traza medieval de la ciudad y de parámetros del entorno natural. El conjunto se estructura en torno a cinco calles peatonales entre las que se ubican se
Auditorium of Galicia, lies the country estate Vista Alegre, a park which has been transformed into a university campus. Separated from the city by a stone wall, it concentrates buildings devoted to academic and research activities. Among them rises
A few minutes from the Plaza del Obradoiro, Santiago de Compostela breaks into an array of scattered constructions which show the agricultural and stockbreeding activities that still go on in its close surroundings. On this borderline, where country
In Sanctiago de Compostela, the years of St. James (when the feast has fallen on a Sunday) can be tracked down through the architectural works that the city’s different administrations have carried out to celebrate the ephemeron, and the ‘Burgo de la
In the foothills of the Compostela campus, and next to one of its main access ways, arise three equal and distinct prisms. Their similarities and differences derive from both a lack of definition in the program and from the characteristics of the sit
The second project realization of the Portuguese master in Spain is also one of his most successful works of the nineties. Although his fragmented architecture has not always provided the most appropriate setting for the display of contemporary art,
Among the many architectural projects undertaken for the 1993 Saint James Holy Year celebrations in Santiago de Compostela is Siza’s Center of Art, located next to the monastery of Santo Domingo de Bonaval. Next to the monastery, an old stable of the
The Galician Center of Contemporary Art will be the second building to be erected by Álvaro Siza in Spain, this time in line with the celebration of the year of St. James. The site is naturally within the complex urban scheme of Santiago. It is more
La incertidumbre política producida por la grave crisis económica afecta a la industria cultural española, y parece ensañarse con dos de sus más mediáticos emblemas: la Cidade da Cultura de Santiago de Compostela y el Centro Niemeyer de Avilés.
Coincidiendo con la inauguración de la Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia, Eisenman ha conversado con Moneo, Chipperfield y Zaera sobre su obra. Los tres diálogos, moderados por Luis Fernández-Galiano, se editarán como libros; presentamos aquí un extra
La inauguración oficial de dos de los seis edificios que forman la Ciudad de la Cultura —la Biblioteca y el Archivo— abre una nueva etapa en el dilatado proceso de construcción del proyecto de Peter Eisenman en Santiago de Compostela. La puesta en ma
En las afueras de Santiago de Compostela se encuentran los restos de la antigua fábrica de curtidos de San Lourenzo, hoy objeto de rehabilitación y transformación en instalación hotelera y museística. El proyecto se completa con la construcción de un
El Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo, cuya magnífica sede en Santiago de Compostela fue construida por Álvaro Siza, es uno de los pocos espacios de arte que mantiene en España una programación expositiva actual, rigurosa y, sobre todo, continuada.
American architect Peter Eisenman is the winner of the international competition to design the Galician City of Culture in Santiago de Compostela.
Concept-designed between 1993 and 1995, these landmark buildings share a preference for almond shapes and tapered volumes, and a simplistic belief in the ability of the curve to call attention and raise the symbolic profile of a structure. In the Val
La primera incursión de Dan Graham en el mundo artístico se produjo en 1964. Graham no era todavía artista, era el director de la galería John Daniels de Nueva York. En sus paredes colgaría la primera exposición individual de Sol Le Witt, que venía d
After the passions of 1992,1993 was a year of hangovers, low profiles and everyday dramas. The emblematic year of the 5th Centenary could have been summed up by four forceful silhouettes in four big Spanish cities: the steel octopus designed by Frank
El Centro Gallego de Arte Contemporáneo, construido en Santiago de Compostela por el maestro portugués, abre sus puertas en vísperas electorales.