Mérida, the old colony of Emerita Augusta, is an inexhaustible quarry of remains from its glorious past, and even more so since the Renaissance, when the interest in classical antiquity bloomed. The purpose of the first Roman Museum in the city, set
The plot that the City Council had reserved for its new hall was that of the former barracks of Alfonso XII, raised – in part at least – on the grounds of the old convent of the Carmelites. It would have been hard to find a more appropriate site in L
The new parliament of the Canton of Vaud melds into a complex historical context, replacing the old building destroyed by fire in 2002 and refurbishing the existing structures.
The seafront location of the site by the Castle of Peñíscola determined both the design and the purpose of this cultural building. The premise was the desire to link all the interior spaces to the park and the sea, so the building displays a continuo
Located in Realejo, on the southeast end of Granada’s historic quarter, the new School of Architecture goes up in an architectural complex that was once a Military Hospital. This large block, which took shape throughout a long period of urban transfo
In this house of reduced dimensions located in the old part of the city of Baiona, the different rooms are defined by a series of variations in proportion, form, type of ceilings, and materials used.
The Born Market was built in 1876 by the Barcelona architect Josep Fontserè (1829-1897), and functioned as the central market of the city up until 1971. In 1998 an architectural competition to build the Provincial Library inside it was called. Durin
The building on Abelias street belongs to the first construction phase of a larger complex consisting of two buildings located on either side of the A-2 highway, to the northeast of Madrid. The compound spreads from one plot to another in a natu
The conservation and Preservation Center has been built with the intention of bringing together the functions of the Spanish Film Library, scattered in different buildings. The neutral character of the environment – it goes up in the Ciudad de la I
This single-family house belongs to the hotel complex located in the old tannery by the River Sarela, forming part of an operation to recover its banks. The Fábrica de Curtidos La Ribera de San Lourenzo (a tanning factory), built in 1790, is an indus
The building, of a single floor, takes up 266 of the 1,334 square meters of the total area of the plot, located in a residential neighborhood of the 1950s. The plot, however, was not large enough to isolate the house from the neighboring ones, and th
La Escuela de Artes y Oficios, de 1910, se transformó en sede de la Obra Social en 1965; la reforma actual recupera el gran espacio del ‘taller de les cosidors’ como sala de exposiciones y dispone bajo él un nuevo salón de actos. Los pavimentos son d
Along the edge of the historic quarter, the intervention has as its objective to articulate two parts of the city of very different value: the Park of Santo Domingo de Bonaval and a series of decaying expansion areas of the sixties. The project wraps
The school is one of the projects included in the ‘Plan de Barrios’ (a local urban plan)promoted by the City Council, also featuring the schools of Oliver, La Paz and Actur, designed by this same studio, and that make up the core of the new municipal
Developed by the Generalitat and Caixa Manresa and with Ferrán Adriá as advisor, the objective of the Fundación Alimentación y Ciencia (Alicia), is to organize and promote, with no profit motive in mind, research and technological development activit
The fast-paced urban development of the city of Gerona over the last decades has prompted the recovery of part of its industrial grounds for residential uses. This was the destiny of the old factory of tartaric acid known as ‘Els Quimics’, out of ser
The new building goes up amid the new city and the old periphery, there where the Diagonal avenue disappears along its path towards the sea, in a complex site marked by the disorderly crossing of the Plan Cerdá grid and the old road towards the Frenc
This residencial complex rises as an urban reference on Barcelona’s seafront. The urban planning development of this part of Diagonal Mar, which includes the park designed by Miralles, defines for this plot (called Illa de la Llum), a building ratio
A 83 kilómetros al suroeste de Zaragoza, en la frontera entre Castilla y Aragón, se encuentra Calatayud, ciudad fundada en época musulmana sobre el antiguo asentamiento ibérico de Bílbilis y que tuvo su mayor esplendor en la época romana. La capital
With the purpose of establishing a physical connection between the self-built settlement that emerged in the sixties (today a neighborhood known as Las Roquetas) with the more recent expansion of Sant Pere de Ribas, the municipality decided to genera
Symbol of the Sabadell of the eighties decade, Maciá avenue makes up the commercial and residential axis which structures the new economic and urban model of the city. Closely controlled by regulations, the mixed volumetry which shapes this street in
Traditional showcase of the industrial and economic activity of the capital, the highway of Barcelona is flanked on Madrid’s periphery by plots that crowd together pursuing the visibility offered by their proximity to the airport. In one of these pl
Ante el crecimiento en el volumen de negocio experimentado en los últimos años por esta consultoría especializada en tecnologías de la información y en el desarrollo de sistemas automáticos de mantenimiento y equipos electrónicos de defensa, se decid
Situada tan sólo a 20 kilómetros de Madrid, la localidad de Tres Cantos acoge un número siempre creciente de empresas que valoran su proximidad a la capital y sus óptimas condiciones de comunicación con ella. Una de las grandes compañías que reciente
1954-2021 The image of Spanish architecture during the fertile period that ended with the crisis of 2008 will always be associated with the photographs of Lluís Casals. Born in Barcelona in 1954, Casals was able to put his demanding retina at the ser
One could make a family album of Spanish architecture from the Transition to democracy to the dawn of the 21st century using only photographs by Lluís Casals. He had colleagues like Ferrán Freixa, Hisao Suzuki, Duccio Malagamba, or Luis Asín, but Cas
In the Swiss city of Lausanne, and in collaboration with the local firm Atelier Cube, the Barcelona-based practice of Esteve Bonell and Josep Maria Gil recently completed the new parliament of the Canton of Vaud. Reinterpreting the typical volumes an
Heritage restoration has in the last years been one of the most vigorously growing fields of architecture. So it is no surprise that many awards of late have been for interventions on the already built. The Prize for Spanish Architecture, annually gi
En las afueras de Santiago de Compostela se encuentran los restos de la antigua fábrica de curtidos de San Lourenzo, hoy objeto de rehabilitación y transformación en instalación hotelera y museística. El proyecto se completa con la construcción de un
Transformed into a global office, Foster Associates began to have a large proportion of its workload abroad. Hong Kong had opened up the Pacific Rim, and Nîmes would be the first significant commitment on the other side of the Channel, soon to be fol
Las soluciones constructivas que reuniremos bajo este epígrafe forman un grupo muy heterogéneo. Aunque cuantitativamente este conjunto es mucho menos importante que el estudiado en el número anterior, no tiene la coherencia que vinculaba todos los ed
Harold Bloom maintains that critical judgment boils down to better, worse, or equal. What if we were to apply such criteria to the match between Madrid and Barcelona? At the risk of charicaturizing, here are some nasty comparisons. Cerdá or Arturo So
Del pabellón alemán que construyó Mies van der Rohe en Barcelona existen algunas fotografías míticas en blanco y negro tomadas en el año 1929, pero no había una serie en color que revelara otros matices de la obra tras su reconstrucción en 1986. A tr
While I am aware that architectural education may need restructuring in order to bring it into line with the societal needs of the next century, I feel that in the case of the ETSAM a certain discretion is in order. The record of the Madrid school ha
Amsterdam is a city of still water (its harbour linked to the sea by canal), while the waters of Rotterdam go in and out with the tide.” This is how the Dutch explain the differences between their first and second largest cities. Both cities are part
The accidents on the sites of works by Rafael Moneo and Eduardo Chillida make us reflect on the fragility of construction and the mortality of art.
With the seventies arrived a profound crisis, which in Spain proved to be not only economic but also political, coinciding with the transition between regimes. The crisis provoked many dismissals, and one of the least necessary and perhaps least just