(Santander, 1939)
Un atrio central bañado de luz organiza el edificio de la nueva biblioteca, cuya compleja estructura está diseñada para no afectar a las ruinas arqueológicas existentes en el subsuelo.
Located on the riverbanks of the Arlanzón as it flows through Burgos, the new complex has a material and fluvial relationship with the Atapuerca site. The paleontological and archaeological findings of Atapuerca were so considerable that it was nece
Many aspects converged in this project.?In the first place, the intrinsic nature of its program made reference to the creation of a space of illusions, to a world of fantasy; that is, to the imaginary as substance of the project. Secondly, the except
El edificio se presenta como un gesto directo y abstracto, como una caja misteriosa que invita a ser descubierta. Los dos auditorios se embolsan en un prisma de perímetro irregular seccionado por planos inclinados que abren visuales al paisaje. Alred
El diálogo con el casco histórico, el ferrocarril y el río, determina la escala y la volumetría del edificio. Asimismo, la interacción con el parque vecino define una plaza pública interior desde donde se accede a todo el instituto. La piel facetada
In an area that is particularly close to the center, right next to the meander that surrounds the stadium, the Balcón del Guadalquivir project restores the blurred banks of the river, builds a park in the areas that are cleared with the intervention,
El color se utiliza como sustancia constructiva básica; inspirado en los recortables de Matisse, el teatro se manifiesta exteriormente como un animado conjunto de piezas envueltas en una tersa piel de vidrios de distintas tonalidades y con diferentes
In the Altamira cave, close to Santillana del Mar, the Stone Age paintings were discovered in 1879 and since then the number of visitors has increased to the extent of putting their conservation in danger. Closed since 1977, these representations of
The weight the tourist industry carries in the Canaries often works to the detriment of other, less profitable but equally necessary activities. To draw attention to an educational life on the rise, the University of Las Palmas has invited teams of a
Its reduced scale does not prevent this piece from assuming a role as a referential element in the heterogeneous fabric of the Santa Eulalia quarter, in the capital of Menorca, one of Balearic Islands. The accentuated verticality of its principal ent
Volumetrically emphatic and silent, this convention center forms part of the base which maintains the monumental profile of the city. A solid body and an airy one give shape to the project. The first of them, a box inside another box, opens with grea
En el estado de Nueva Jersey, en la Costa Este de los Estados Unidos, se encuentra el campus de la prestigiosa Universidad de Princeton, cuya estructura formal resulta de la superposición de varias tramas: por un lado, la trama de edificios, que se e
In the mid-seventies, after a long stint in the United States, Juan Navarro Baldeweg unveiled a multifaceted profile: as an artist, with simultaneous shows in Madrid and Barcelona; as an architect, winning the competition for a 'House for an Intersec
To understand this particular project, it is important to consider the overall design of the Puerta de Toledo complex. An obvious intention of the architect, which at the same time serves to explain the shape of both library and social services cent
Peter Buchanan El primer proyecto construido de Juan Navarro es la casa que diseñó para su hermano. Está situada cerca de Santander, y desde el principio se ha denominado Casa de la Lluvia. Aunque la belleza de la planta impresiona de inmediato, a pr
In line with the opening of the new Arquia headquarters at Tutor 16 in Madrid, a forum was held there on 30 November, titled ‘Sharing Experience,’ in which prominent architecture figures, with Luis Fernández-Galiano as moderator, voiced their reflect
Uno de mis mayores intereses creativos radica en considerar el arte, la práctica de las distintas artes, como fuentes primarias de signos. Fuentes: en el sentido de favorecer o potenciar el surgir de apariciones en gran medida inesperadas y al marge
Arquia’s new base in Madrid officially opened with an encounter where eight architects, in person and in writing, reflected on the profession.
Arquitectura Viva and its director, Luis Fernández-Galiano, understand and regret the discomfort caused by the series Conversations. Filmed between 2013 and 2018, this documentary series of Fundación Arquia, now being streamed on Netflix, was left un
Organized by the Municipality of Brescia and the Brescia Museums Foundation, the exhibition – on view until 5 April – presents Juan Navarro’s career through “Architecture, Painting, Sculpture”...
The Alhambra and art as a notion of mediation between nature and ideas are the themes of a talk between William Curtis and Juan Navarro Baldeweg.
Juan Navarro Baldeweg Given in the three previous editions to Lluís Clotet, Carlos Ferrater, and Oriol Bohigas, the National Architecture Award – the latest edition of which was in 2010 – went in 2014 to Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Awarded, among others,
Given in the preceding editions to Lluís Clotet, Carlos Ferrater, and Oriol Bohigas, Spain’s National Award for Architecture this year goes to Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Born in 1939 in Santander, the architect, artist, and chair professor has around the
A major exhibition at the ICO Museum in Madrid presents Juan Navarro Baldeweg’s architecture in the light of his recurring artistic themes.
First and foremost an artist, the architect through his work seeks to decipher unknown essentials: light and gravity, matter and meteors, body and landscape.
Bohigas, Moneo y Navarro Baldeweg son los primeros protagonistas de la nueva colección de entrevistas de Arquia/maestros.
The past disappears, but fragments can remain in the form of testimonies of its protagonists. This is exactly the purpose – especially commendable in a forgetful country like Spain – of the Arquia Foundation, which recently presented at the San Ferna
15 Works Awarded The 12th edition of the BEAU (Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism) chose to commend a group category of fifteen works, divided into five categories. The first one – reconversion projects – included the Cineteca in Matadero
The architecture of Juan Navarro Baldeweg has a prominent place in the international scene not only because of the architect’s trajectory, which has unfolded with success in painting and sculpture as well, but very especially because of its peculiar
Juan Navarro Baldeweg Along with the Argentine César Naselli, Juan Navarro Baldeweg won the Career Trajectory Award at the 8th Iberian-American Architecture and Urbanism Biennial, held in 2012 in the Spanish city of Cádiz. Previously conferred on pro
La multinacional Novartis, dedicada a la industria farmacéutica y la biotecnología, conserva en el área industrial de St. Johann, junto a la frontera francesa, el edificio original de 1939 donde estuvieron las oficinas centrales. A su alrededor y sig
Canal Theaters The Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism has given the?Canal Theaters, by Juan Navarro Baldeweg, the award in Architecture, citing how the work “combines architectural and urban excellence, cultural content and poetic of
En Burgos, a pocos kilómetros del yacimiento paleontológico de Atapuerca, se ha inaugurado el Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH). El edificio se integra dentro del complejo diseñado por Juan Navarro Baldeweg formado por tres piezas, cada una singular
En su décima edición, la Bienal Española de Arquitectura y Urbanismo ha otorgado a los Teatros del Canal, obra de Juan Navarro Baldeweg en Madrid (véase AV 135-136), el premio de Arquitectura. En las demás categorías han resultado ganadores el Hotel
Juan Navarro Baldeweg The architect, painter and sculptor Juan Navarro Baldeweg has received the Gold Medal of the Spanish Architectural Association. Presided by Carlos Hernández Pezzi, the jury noted that Navarro “acknowledges the place and history
A principios de 2009 dará comienzo la temporada regular del Teatro del Canal, recientemente inaugurado. Desde que el Canal de Isabel II —centenaria empresa pública responsable de la gestión del agua en Madrid— lanzase en 2000 un concurso internaciona
El Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España ha concedido su máximo galardón, la Medalla de Oro de la Arquitectura, al artista plástico, arquitecto y académico de la Real de Bellas Artes, Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Valorado en todas sus f
Construido casi al tiempo que el estatuto de autonomía, el Museo de Arte Romano de Moneo marca el punto de partida de esta guía, que recopila las realizaciones de las últimas tres décadas en una región carente de escuelas de arquitectura pero permeab
Juan Navarro Baldeweg
Milan 2024
Skira - 64 Pages
Federica Morgia
Syracuse 2023
LetteraVentidue - 132 Pages
Madrid 2017
Ministerio de Fomento - 402 Pages
Juan Navarro Baldeweg
Valencia 2017
Pre-Textos - 316 Pages
Ignacio Moreno Principios del universo creativo de Juan Navarro Baldeweg
Ramón Rodríguez Llera La vuelta de Hiroshige
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Madrid 2014
Fundación Arquia - 72 Pages
Francesco Dal Co Juan José Lahuerta Ángel Gonzalez García Le opere gli scritti, la critica
Juan Navarro Baldeweg
Pamplona 2011
UPNA - 110 Pages
Guillermo Zuaznabar Conversaciones con estudiantes