Juan Navarro Baldeweg
Given in the three previous editions to Lluís Clotet, Carlos Ferrater, and Oriol Bohigas, the National Architecture Award – the latest edition of which was in 2010 – went in 2014 to Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Awarded, among others, by the ministerial department with authority over housing and construction, and coming with an endowment of 60,000 euros, it honors individuals who have in an extraordinary way contributed to enriching the social, technological, and sustainable aspects of Spanish architecture and urban planning. Born in Santander in 1939, Navarro Baldeweg is also a painter of international renown and a chair professor at the Madrid School of Architecture, as well as guest professor in universities around the world. As a practicing architect he has an abundant career to show for, with works like the House of the Rain in Santander (1982), the Segura River Mills in Murcia (1988), the Convention Center of Salamanca (1992), the Altamira Caves Museum (2000), the Canal Theaters in Madrid (2007), and the complex enlargement of the Hertziana Library in Rome (2012).