Some artists are characterized by their style; others, by their sensibility. The first group imposes their languages on the world; the second lets themselves be carried away by their fascination with the world. The style ones ‘create from nothing’; the sensibility ones are happy inquiring into the richness of what already exists. The former search; the latter find.
Undoubtedly Juan Navarro Baldeweg belongs in the list of artists with sensibilities that are as personal as they are valuable: a sensibility, far from introverted, which opens up its pores to the physical world around us. Events like light brightening our view, gravity keeping us firm on the ground, time simultaneously constructing and destroying, are his creative tools. Thus his work is a dialogue with material, an ode to the physical. Navarro Baldeweg’s sensibility is what also explains his facets as an artist: the painter fascinated by Matisse’s enveloping atmospheres; the sculptor building atmospheres after György Kepes; the architect whose eclecticism addresses the same obsessive penchant for material. These facets are chained together in a stubborn coming and going of the same themes, a ritornello which without prejudices crosses the frontiers between artistic disciplines...