Carme Pinós and Carlos Puente
A honorary distinction, the Gold Medal of the CSCAE (Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes) is awarded since 1981 to individuals or entities that have significantly contributed with their work and dedication, among other merits, to the defense of the interests of architecture and its practice. In the edition of 2022, the Medal has gone ex aequo to Carme Pinós and Carlos Puente, two very different architects who, in words of the jury, exemplify “two committed ways of practicing the profession, which reflect the importance of quality architecture and converge in the excellence and delicacy of unique works.” On this occasion the jury members were Luis Fernández-Galiano, Fuensanta Nieto, Carlos Sambricio Rivera-Echegaray, Juan Antonio Ortiz, Noemí Sanchís Morales, Bernat Nadal, María José Peñalver, and Laureano Matas. The Medal has been awarded in previous editions to Alberto Campo Baeza, Víctor López Cotelo / Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra, Fundación Arquia / Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad / Schools of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) and Barcelona (ETSAB), and Antonio Cruz / Antonio Ortiz, among others.