Photo: Javier Echánove
The Minister of Transport, Mobility, and Urban Agenda, Raquel Sánchez, handed Spain’s National Award for Architecture to the architect Carme Pinós in a ceremony held on 26 May at the Llotja de Palma.
As announced in December, the 2021 National Award for Architecture was given to Carme Pinós in recognition of her work and career. Minister Sánchez referred to the architect’s importance and called her “a benchmark of Spanish architecture whose name is heard in the world’s best schools and whose models are shown in leading international museums.” In her acceptance speech Pinós spoke of the social work that impregnates her architecture, stating that “the client is always there, but beyond that is our one true client: society.” Thanking the jury for its generosity in nominating and declaring her worthy of the prize, Pinós ended by expressing her desire to continue offering “many things to society.”
Video: Carme Pinós, Premio Nacional de Arquitectura 2021
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‘Carme Pinós. Escenarios para la vida’