University of Economics & Business, Viena - Carme Pinós
Classrooms and Access Building

University of Economics & Business, Viena - Carme Pinós

Classrooms and Access Building

The project is made up of two buildings: one for classrooms located in the interior of the plot and a university building placed next to the edge of the campus, and that will serve as an access hall.

The images of the two buildings are very different. The classroom building is clad in vertical slats while, in the case of the access building, metal beams and concrete infills define the main facade…[+]

Carme Pinós
(Aulario y Edificio de acceso  Classrooms and Access Building)

Arquitecto de proyecto Project Architect
Carme Pinós Desplat

Colaboradores Collaborators
Holger Hennefarth, Roberto Carlos García, Juan Antonio Andreu, Alexandra Clausen (arquitectos architects), Robert Brufau —BOMA— (estructura structure), estudio Carme Pinós (maqueta/fotografías model/photographs), Daniel Cano (infografías renderings).