Carme Pinós. Photo: Jaime Villanueva
Carme Pinós has been distinguished with the National Prize for Architecture, an honor given by the Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda with a 60,000 euro award. It is the second time she receives this accolade, albeit on a different count: in 1995 it was a building being highlighted – the Boarding School in Morella (Castellón), designed with Enric Miralles – whereas this time the jury (Álvaro Siza Vieira, Alberto Campo Baeza, Luis Fernández-Galiano, Mar Loren, Sol Madridejos, Eva Armas, María Langarita, and Iñaqui Carnicero) has rewarded her entire career.
After a time in partnership with Enric Miralles, with whom she gained international recognition through projects like Igualada Cemetery or the Olympic Archery Range in Barcelona, in 1991 Pinós opened her own architecture practice and embraced a broad gamut of projects, from urban redevelopment and public buildings to furniture design. Prominent among her solo creations are the Cube I and Cube II office towers in Guadalajara (Mexico), the Massana School of Art and Design in Barcelona, the Boquería Market extension in Barcelona, Caixaforum Zaragoza, the Hotel Son Brull renovation and expansion in Pollença (Mallorca), and the MPavilion 2018 in Melbourne (Australia).
In 2021 the ICO Museum in Madrid ran the exhibition ‘Carme Pinós: Building for Life,’ which presented her building works following a guiding thread: the importance that context and surroundings bear upon architectural space.
All these years Carme Pinós has combined architecture practice with teaching, and has been invited to lecture at the University of California in Berkeley, the Harvard University Graduate School of Design in Cambridge (Massachusetts), Columbia University in New York, the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, and more.
Luis Fernández-Galiano: The Sensibility of Intelligence
Rafael Moneo: Carme Pinós, Complete Works
‘Carme Pinós. Escenarios para la vida’

Cemetery Park , Igualada, Barcelona, 1985-1991

Archery-Training, Barcelona, 1990-1992

Cube I Office Tower, Guadalajara (Mexico), 2002-2005

Massana School of Art and Design, Barcelona, 2006-2017

La Boquería Market Extension, Barcelona, 2007-2015

CaixaForum Zaragoza, 2008-2014. Photo: Alberto R. Cubas

Son Brull Hotel Extension, Pollença, Majorca, 2015-2019

MPavilion 2018, Melbourne (Australia), 2017-2018

‘Carme Pinós. Escenarios para la vida’ at Museo ICO in Madrid, 2121