Leaving aside the by now mythical incident of employees in the area running into Tilted Arc, claiming the installation was an eyesore that blocked their way to work, and succeeding in getting it removed, it is unanimously considered a powerful experi
The modular wood system developed by Circlewood – a collective of architects, engineers, builders, and researchers headed by OMA/David Gianotten – came about as a response to the City of Amsterdam’s Innovation Partnership School Buildings program of
The nhow RAI Hotel rises in the rapidly developing Zuidas business district, in the south of Amsterdam. The 91-meter building contains a mixed program with workspaces as well as entertainment. The main part is the hotel, which occupies nineteen of th
Ijburg is one of Amsterdam’s new urban developments, extending over seven artificial islands in the southeastern part of the Dutch capital. The largest, Haveneiland, is the location of Solids, a seven-building complex that marks the entrance to the d
The arcade was the starting point of this office building in Oosterdokseiland, an island close to Amsterdam Central Station. The masterplan specified that all constructions within this new urban development area include a public zone. This naturally
The complex shows a large exterior glass facade that interacts with the corporate buildings nearby, and establishes a contrast with the vegetation-covered terraces that define the residential area, achieving a more human scale... [+]
Inspired in the ‘do-it-yourself’ philosophy, the intervention centers on the facade and the circulation cores, and leaves the finishes inside the apartments for the tenants to complete in the course of time.
3D-printed bioplastic and a tense textile structure are combined in the design of a sculptural and distinctive facade, inspired in traditional sailboats, for this temporary construction built to host meetings of the European Union’s Presidential Coun
This complex that houses productive, residential, and commercial uses proposes an urban model adaptable to the future. A ‘superstructure’ of rigid and durable elements is combined with more flexible and versatile ‘guest constructions.’... [+]
Designed to house a flagship store on PC Hooftstraat – Amsterdam’s luxury brand street, which used to be mainly residential –, this building replaces two traditional houses, transforming their volume to increase the interior space and adapt it to ret
So as not to interrupt working activity during the renovation and extension of the Cancer Center Amsterdam, the studio planned the construction of a temporary building made from prefabricated containers on the northern edge of the same block, within
Located in the Western Garden Cities of Amsterdam built midway through the past century, the block is part of a densification plan set forth in the 1990s. The increased density threatened the parks and open green spaces, one of the main qualities of
This apartment building rises in the heart of Amsterdam and is part of a general redevelopment project that took off twenty years ago. Boxed in between alleys and hidden in the dense mass of historical constructions, the block addresses the unique su
The complex renovation of Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum includes a new foyer to give access to the facilities, the expansion of the exhibition space and the restoration of antique ornaments.
Drawn up to connect the eastern end of Amstel Canal with the Hermitage Museum in Amsterdam, the pedestrian bridge designed by the Spanish team formed by Nicolás Montesano, Victor Vila and Boris Hoppek explores a new experience in which the user decid
Holland has a long history of living close to water and thus of coping with its seasonal caprices, which entails living on land protected by dykes or on mounds. Currently the use of floating homes like those of Steigereiland, an island located in the
Built in the decades of the 1950s and 1960s, the Garden Cities of Amsterdam are large residential complexes whose greatest asset are the spatious parks surrounding them. The Parkrand project consists in the remodelation of one of these complexes, sub
The apartment building in Sloterplas lake is part of a renewal plan for the area, which includes the extension of the existing boulevard, applying different urbanistic criteria to either side of the street: towards the west the original structure of
In the Netherlands, architects have focussed for decades on the study and development of minimum social housing prototypes, whereas the field of luxury housing has been reduced to the routinary typology of the freestanding house. This urban scheme fo
On the outskirts of Amsterdam, far away from the canals that characterize its quaint urban center, the landscape next to the freeway around the city bears much resemblance to the edges of many other European metropolis. The headquarter offices of the
The conversion of an old grain silo into an architectural studio has been an invasion in phases, a floor by floor conquest. As so many other port buildings from the beginnings of the 20th century, the Westerdokhuis was a grain shed that, after fallin
Flanking the entrance to the renewed island of Java, the two apartment buildings take up the space that was cleared after the urban transformation of Amsterdam’s docks. This intervention, promoted by the city authorities in the eighties, and which se
The reuse of the plot that housed a storage tank of a former sewage plant was the object of a 1994 competition in Amsterdam-West. The urban plan for the area foresaw a series of single-family housing units in the green area that separated two residen
The Spanish-Dutch team formed by the practices Estudio Lamela and KAAN Architecten, in collaboration with the engineering firms Ineco and ABT, has won the competition for the commision to enlarge Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, carrying the day over c
deFlat Kleiburg Residential Complex The renovation of the deFlat Kleiburg residential complex in Amsterdam, by the Dutch firms NL Architects and XVW architectuur, has won the biennial Mies van der Rohe Award. The other four finalists were: the Ely Co
The biennial European Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award has gone to the unique renovation of the deFlat Kleiburg residential complex in Amsterdam, built by the Dutch firms NL Architects and XVW architectuur. The other fina
Rijksmuseum Promoted by the Spanish Architecture Forum of the CSCAE (Spanish Council of Architectural Institutes), the awards for international Spanish architecture were presented by the Prince of Asturias in a ceremony held at Madrid’s Sen
Twelve years have passed since Cruz & Ortiz won the competition for the renovation and enlargement of Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum. During this time the Sevillian partners have had to deal not only with the predictable – the program’s complexity and t
Siguiendo la tradición holandesa de ganar espacio urbano al mar, en el barrio amstelodano de IJ-burg el estudio de Marlies Rohmer ha diseñado un conjunto de 75 viviendas modulares y flotantes, completamente equipadas, que han sido construidas en un d
Cruz y Ortiz podrán seguir adelante por fin con el proyecto de ampliación del Rijksmuseum, bloqueado desde 2004 a causa de las protestas de la Federación Ciclista de la ciudad. Una nueva solución planteada por los sevillanos satisface tanto a los cic
Junto al nuevo estadio de fútbol Amsterdam Arena, al sureste de la ciudad, se encuentra la remodelada estación Bijlmer Arena, en un barrio conflictivo de vivienda social anteriormente dividido por las vías del tren. Lo que en un principio iba a ser u
En Amsterdam, laboratorio residencial de Europa, se concede cada año el Amsterdamse Nieuwbouwprijs: entre diez obras de nueva planta seleccionadas por un jurado los ciudadanos votan su preferida. La Schutterstoren del estudio holandés DKV, una torre
Abrir los espacios a la luz del norte fue la principal directriz del proyecto, que busca integrarse a la arquitectura existente manteniendo su entidad con una silueta reconocible.
The portrait of the modern architect reflects a sensitivity which does not admit the failure of the avant-garde project, that postmodern skepticism about architecture as a means to transform society. The architect, in his modesty, also contributes to
Viviendas en Amsterdam y Museo en Valencia Dos edificios compartieron este año el premio Grupo Dragados de Arquitectura, que concede desde 1987 y con carácter anual la Confederación Española de Organizaciones Empresariales: las vi-viendas en el muell
Schools are still being built today along the old lines of a row of classrooms along a corridor with coat-pegs and the occasional ‘work-corners’. There are often external reasons for such a plan, and the classrooms themselves may be well-designed and
The New York studio of Richard Meier initially brought together the Dutchman John Bosch (1960) and the Brit Gordon Haslett (1962). Then, while still in the city of skyscrapers, in 1989, they began to work as a team. In 1993, their first prize win in