
The renovation of the building raised in the late 19th century by Pieter Cuypers has had a double purpose: on one hand creating a new access into the museum from the passageway that divided the institution into two parts; on the other hand allowing for intensified use of the courtyards and the improvement of exhibition spaces. The process of working toward these aims generated a new foyer, suited to the museum’s scale, that underneath the passage connects the east and west courtyards, accommodating all the facilities that are indispensable for receiving visitors and channeling movement toward the galleries.

In the spaces that have come into being in the enlargement of the Rijksmuseum, the main material used has been limestone, with a finish that links old to new. Lighting and acoustics are entrusted to chandeliers hanging over the courtyards, striking a contrast with the eclectic decoration of the building, which through a painstaking restoration has regained the splendor of its original colors.

Obra Work

Rehabilitación, adaptación y ampliación del Rijksmuseum de Ámsterdam Refurbishment, renovation and expansion of the Rijksmuseum of Amsterdam.

Superficie construida Floor area

30.000 m²

Presupuesto Budget

141.689.805 euros.

Fecha de proyecto Date of project


Fecha de obra Date of construction


Cliente Client

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam / Verkeer; Ruimtelijke Ordening & Milieu / Onderwijs, Cultuur & Wetenschap / Rijksgebouwdienst.

Arquitectos Architects

 Cruz y Ortiz arquitectos / Antonio Cruz y Antonio Ortiz, www.cruzyortiz.com

Colaboradores Collaborators

Muriel Huisman, Thomas Offermans (coordinadores coordinators); Tirma Reventós, Óscar García de la Cámara, Marije Ter Steege, Alicia López, Juan Luis Mayén, Clara Hernández, Ana Vila, Victoria Bernícola, Jan Kolle, Sara Gutiérrez, Marta Pelegrín, Iko Mennenga, Joaquín Pérez, Lourdes Gutiérrez, Carlos Arévalo.

Restauración Restoration

Van Hoogevest Architecten, www.vanhoogevest.nl

Consultor de estructuras Structural consultant

Arcadis, www.arcadis.com

Consultor de instalaciones MEP consultant

Ove Arup, www.arup.com

Consultor de paisajismo Landscaping consultant

Copjin Landschapsarchitecten.

Infografía Infographics

Cruz y Ortiz arquitectos / Alejandro Álvarez.

Mediciones Measurements

Nebest BV.

Contratista principal Principal contractor

JP van Esteren, www.jpvaneesteren.nl

Cimentación Foundations

Arcadis / De Waalpaal / BAM BV.

Fotos Photos

Pedro Pegenaute, www.pedropegenaute.es