Trofa is Portugal’s youngest municipality, belonging to the district of Porto, in the north. For more than 25 years, the City Council occupied spaces scattered across the city. A 2016 competition to turn some old industrial facilities into a single T
In the wake of decolonization in Africa, Benin achieved full independence from France on 1 August 1960, then under the name of Dahomey. The building in which the declaration was signed at the time has until now served as the headquarters of the Parli
The Seville-based firm Vázquez Consuegra has won the competition to build the town hall of Montegiorgio, Italy, on the remains of the old Convent of San Francisco. The project includes refurbishing one of the elements left of the monastic complex, th
The new Town Hall building of Unterschneidheim, a municipality in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, is split into two offset blocks, forming spaces in between for lingering and holding outdoor events. The symmetrical gable roofs and attic forms
As part of the expanding military academy at Karlberg Castle in Stockholm, the present historical context and the new building’s relation to the 17th century park are the starting point for this project. The new mess building is conceived as a freest
A Danish team comprising the architects Cobe, Arcgency, and Drachmann, in collaboration with engineers from Sweco, has won the competition to design the future Danish Parliament in Copenhagen. The project includes a visitor center and an underground
Up in the Torozos Mountains, in the comarca of Tierra de Campos, the small municipality of Valverde de Campos in Valladolid province has a population of slightly over a hundred. The surpluses produced by wind farms were invested in this building with
The idea of combining the terms ‘archive’ and ‘avant-garde’ holds within itself a contradiction. The fusion of these two concepts may seem paradoxical at first glance, as an archive is created to safeguard the documentary legacy of the past, while th
Continuing with the first refurbishment and conversion into educational and cultural space carried out by the studio in 1984, the intervention on the Madrid headquarters of the José Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Marañón Foundation (FOM) sought to address
The town of Fuentes is nestled in the Sevillian countryside, in the Guadalquivir valley. Settlements from different periods have left a rich cultural and monumental heritage, further enhanced by its landscape and agricultural history. Within the Prog
Although senates are, in general, bodies made up of elected citizens, they have not managed to shake off a certain elitist whiff. At least by etymology, the senex (the elders of the tribe) and the patricians, peers, and heroes congregate in them. Sen
The Commissioners of Public Works developed this new building to house the Department of Finance. It is the first new Government Department Building completed in Dublin since 1939. The project incorporated a link into the adjacent Government Building
The renovation wraps up the Rue du Luxembourg axis and establishes an essential connection between city and nature. The building breaks up into smaller scale elements, each with its own logic and appearance, that culminate in the public roof garden..
The plot that the City Council had reserved for its new hall was that of the former barracks of Alfonso XII, raised – in part at least – on the grounds of the old convent of the Carmelites. It would have been hard to find a more appropriate site in L
The Heinrich Böll Foundation is closely linked to the political party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and is committed to promoting democratic decision-making, socio-political engagement, and international understanding around the globe. The Foundation headqua
Since its construction in 1732, the Blockhaus, situated on the banks of the Elbe River as it flows through Dresden, is one of the key historical buildings in the city. In the competition decided in 2018, the project designed by Fuensanta Nieto and En
Images of the project that has won the international competition, organized by the European Parliament, to renovate the Paul-Henri SPAAK Building in Brussels have been unveiled. Officially announced in July 2022, the winner is Europarc, a collective
In dialogue with the grand courthouse building next to it, the new seat of the law bar association completes the judicial complex that has activated the peripheral Batignolles district. A metro station under the site made it necessary to dispense wit
In the heart of the University of British Columbia campus in Vancouver stands this institution that addresses the story of the indigenous children who for more…
The proejct ‘Futuro Precedent’ (Future Precedent) – drawn up by the Spanish practices of Jesús Aparicio and Donaire Milans, in collaboration with the local architects and heritage experts Francesco Cellini and María Margarita Segarra with the restore
A scheme drawn up by Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos in collaboration with Ulargui Arquitectos has won the competition organized by Spain’s Finance Ministry to raise a new institutional building at Padre Damián 52, in Madrid. With a rectangular courtyard in
Founded by Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea and Nasser B. Abulhasan, the firm AGI architects has won the competition to renovate and expand Castilfalé Palace, which harbors the Municipal Archive of Burgos. Adjacent to the palace, the enlarged archive depot w
Selected from a pool of 29 entries, the project Pati-Oh! – drawn up by NULA-STUDIO, the Madrid practice of Laia Cervelló and Miguel Fernández-Galiano, in collaboration with the A Coruña firm Fernández Carballada y Asociados (FCA) – won the public com
In the hills above Beirut, cranes swing above a vast new American embassy with Morphosis Architects as the architect for the project. Covering more than 43 acres, it will be the second-biggest diplomatic outpost in the world, surpassed only by Americ
JDS, Coldefy, NL Architects, Carlo Ratti, ENSAMBLE STUDIO, UTIL cvba, and Ramboll have together won the bid to revamp the Paul-Henri SPAAK Building, main home…
The municipal government house of Foios, located in the region of Valencia, will be renovated by Madrid-based NULA.STUDIO, in collaboration with A Coruña firm Fernández Carballada Arquitectos. Organized around an inner courtyard that serves as an ext
In the capital of the Indian state of Odisha, the New Delhi-based firm Studio Lotus has built new offices for the Department of Agriculture. As a government building it was conceived at the outset strictly for official use, but the architects propose
In the Swiss city of Lausanne, and in collaboration with the local firm Atelier Cube, the Barcelona-based practice of Esteve Bonell and Josep Maria Gil recently completed the new parliament of the Canton of Vaud. Reinterpreting the typical volumes an
Inspired in the linear archetype of a house with a gable roof, the architecture of the Fondazione Feltrinelli becomes three-dimensional to address the topography and memory of the place.
The Cité Judiciaire serves to centralize a vast network of courthouses in a tiered tower that rises a hundred and sixty meters, and is already an icon of the new neighborhoods of Paris.
Known for the formal freedom with which it tackles its projects, the Dutch firm Mecanoo has demonstrated more restraint in building the new Palace of Justice of the southern Spanish city of Córdoba. The Delft-based practice has distributed the comple
During the late 1980s, the German architect Hans Kollhoff designed and carried out works of great material force, among them Piraeus – a vast flexing brick apartment block located in one of the dockland sites of Amsterdam – and the ascetic mass housi
In the olden days, when bricks were brought out of the kiln where they were baked, the pieces closest to the focus of heat – and therefore overbaked – were discarded on account of their dark burnt tone and their rough volcanic texture. At the start o
Once ‘pétalos’ de diferentes formas y tamaños cubren el Public Service Hall (arriba), un edificio recién inaugurado por Massimiliano y Doriana Fuksas en Tiflis, la capital de Georgia. Sustentada por pilares de acero que hacen las veces de ramas de ár
La sala de los pasos perdidos del antiguo Palais de Justice en la parisina isla de la Cité ha sido el escenario de la presentación por Renzo Piano del anteproyecto para el nuevo Palais que se ubicará en el barrio de Batignolles. El edificio, que será
¿Cómo compatibilizar utilidad con representación, economía con significación, en un edificio destinado a la admistración de justicia? Tal es la pregunta planteada en la propuesta del equipo liderado por Jesús Ulargui y Eduardo Pesquera, que ha result
El estudio Ehrlich Architects, con sede en Los Ángeles, ha ganado el concurso internacional para diseñar el complejo donde se ubicará el futuro parlamento de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, que estará situado en uno de los mayores bulevares de Abu Dhábi.
La propuesta de Coop Himmelb(l)au ha resultado la ganadora del concurso para el diseño del nuevo parlamento albanés. El edificio será la pieza más emblemática de un campus que reunirá las instituciones gubernamentales más importantes del país, situán
Conseguir que, desde el principio, el edificio formase parte de la ciudad, culminando su proceso constructivo en una perfecta ‘cicatrización’, ha sido el reto que los madrileños Carmen Martínez Arroyo y Rodrigo Pemjean se han propuesto en su nueva se
El Palacio de Justicia de Luxemburgo, un edificio del siglo XVI ampliado sucesivamente en los siglos XVII y XIX, será rehabilitado por Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra —en colaboración con los estudios locales A T architecture y Kaell—, como Ministerio d
De Escuela de Mareantes en el siglo XVII a sede de la Presidencia de la Junta de Andalucía en el XXI; el palacio sevillano ha cambiado de programa, manteniendo su sustancia.
El Palacio de la Diputación Provincial de Zamora será rehabilitado por el estudio dirigido por Atxu Amann, Andrés Cánovas y Nicolás Maruri para alojar un centro cultural y dependencias institucionales. La propuesta actúa mínimamente en el cuerpo hist
Ignacio García Pedrosa y Ángela García de Paredes han presentado su propuesta para la nueva Ciudad de la Justicia de Jaén, desarrollada en colaboración con Iberinsa y ganadora del concurso organizado por la Junta de Andalucía y la Consejería de Justi
La capital polaca cuenta con una nueva embajada británica. El estudio de Tony Fretton, responsable del proyecto —y autor del reciente Museo de Arte Fuglsang en Dinamarca, publicado en Arquitectura Viva 127— ha concebido un edificio horizontal de form
OMA, con Rem Koolhaas y Reinier de Graaf a la cabeza, se ha alzado con la victoria en el concurso para la ampliación del Ayuntamiento de Rotterdam, en colaboración con Werner Sobek y los ingenieros ABT. Los ciudadanos fueron invitados a participar en
Dos vigas curvas de hormigón en T, dispuestas concéntricamente, definen la geometría circular de la nueva comisaría de la localidad madrileña de Villanueva de la Cañada, construida por Picado y De Blas. Los accesos se articulan alrededor del cilindro