Archive of the Avant-Garde, Dresden
Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos- Type Cultural center Refurbishment Institutional
- Material Concrete
- Date 2018 - 2023
- City Dresden
- Country Germany
- Photographer Roland Halbe Albrecht Voss Christoph Reichelt

The idea of combining the terms ‘archive’ and ‘avant-garde’ holds within itself a contradiction. The fusion of these two concepts may seem paradoxical at first glance, as an archive is created to safeguard the documentary legacy of the past, while the avant-garde is characterized precisely by the opposite, by its impulse to break away from previous traditions. The project of the Archive of the Avant-Garde in Dresden reflects this apparent opposition: an institution intended to preserve and disseminate works that displayed a transgressive will in all artistic fields, from the beginnings of the past century, was to be housed in a historic Baroque building...
Cliente Client
Staatsbetrieb Sächsisches Immobilien-und Baumanagement; Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (usuario user)
Premios Awards
Concurso 1er Premio, 2018 Competition 1st Prize, 2018
Arquitectos Architects
Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos
Fuensanta Nieto, Enrique Sobejano, Patricia Grande, Johannes Hanf
Superficie Total floor area
Colaboradores Collaborators
Roman Bender, Kirstie Smeaton (arquitectos de proyecto project architects); Clemens Ahlgrimm, Lucia Andreu, Anna-Lena Berger, Michal Ciesielski, Lorna Hughes, Vissia Portioli, Sebastian Saure, Ina Specht, Kathi Weber, Claudia Wulf, Jean-Benoit Houyet, Anastasia Svirski (equipo de proyecto project team); Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos, AWB Architekten (dirección de obra site supervision); Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos (maquetas models); Drama Estudio (imágenes renders)
Consultores Consultants
Tp management GmbH (gestión de proyecto project management); Wetzel & von Seht (estructura structural engineer); Brendel Ingenieure Dresden GmbH (instalaciones mechanical engineer); Kretzschmar und Partner Freie Landschaftsarchitekten (paisajismo landscape architect); Prof. Rühle, Jentzsch und Partner GmbH (protección contra incendios fire prevention consultant); Müller BBM GmbH (acústica acoustics consultant)
Fotos Photos
Roland Halbe, Albrecht Voss, Christoph Reichelt
Concurso Competition
Proyecto Design
Finalización Completion