A plot between party walls, partly occupied by an old house, is now filled with a housing block that incorporates the preexisting into a steel-and-glass framework of industrial airs. Above commercial levels that recover the old construction are thirt
With a useful surface of 5,100 square meters, this project is located in Siemensäcker, an 8-hectare new residential neighborhood in the north part of Viena. Selma am Park offers 65 apartments in three blocks varying in dimensions. The design uses the
The Madrid firm Arenas Basabe Palacios, in association with the engineers of Buschina & Partner, was commissioned to build 11 blocks for a total of 82 apartments in Wildgarten, a new neighborhood in Vienna’s Meidling district. The succession of build
With facades resembling a set of shelves bearing plants, IKEA Wien Westbahnhof opens its doors in the Austrian capital. A work of the local firm Querkraft, the 26,200-square-meter building rises seven floors, and on top is the Jo&Joe Hostel – tak
The only opera that Ludwig van Beethoven wrote, Fidelio, has not ceased to attract music connoisseurs since it premiered in Vienna in 1805. For the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth, the Theater an der Wien has presented – with set designs by
A digital algorithm simulates the growth of a substratum inspired by coral morphology. Photosynthetic cyanobacteria are inoculated on a biogel medium into the triangular cells, forming the system’s units of biological intelligence, which convert radi
In allusion to the challenge of ‘living among ruins,’ the train tracks become a platform for circulation and access to vertical mechanized systems, involving the public in the production, use, and recycling processes needed to create a sustainable ci
Ocupying the old site of Wiener Molkerei (Vienna Dairy), close to the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the Wiener Prater park, this student residence recreates the essence of the late 19th-century architecture that characterizes the up
The new industrial type proposed makes the processes visible, minimizes energy costs by making resources more profitable, and adapts to different programmatic needs thanks to the use of two types of structural trays whose location can vary... [+]
A hybrid structure, conceived as a ‘vertical city’ where an extensive variety of units coexist, surrounds a landscaped courtyard that functions as a park, a plaza, and a terrace at the same time, drawing an ‘open perimeter.’... [+]
Imposed by local by-laws, the building volume of this business school clad in glass and aluminum is deformed in such a way that the interior spaces look out to views of the surrounding landscape.
Una piel de madera delinea una silueta que recuerda la de una cabaña elemental, y envuelve una torre abierta, colonizada por hamacas, que prolonga verticalmente el espacio de la ciudad.
The project is made up of two buildings: one for classrooms located in the interior of the plot and a university building placed next to the edge of the campus, and that will serve as an access hall. The images of the two buildings are very differen
With lighting and thermal requirements in mind, the building’s cladding is draped with timber strips placed horizontally or vertically (and with a variable separation) according to orientation…
Two interweaving bands house the program. With an itinerary that goes from the exterior’s straight lines to the sculptural character of the interior, the piece is organized around a large covered plaza…
Conceived as the new ‘gate’ of Vienna’s business district on Danube Island, the asymmetrical DC Towers are home to an extensive mixed program of uses, from offices to a restaurant through a hotel and private apartments. The first of the two construct
This project is part of the revitalization initiative undertaken for the Wiener Gürtel, the name given to an oversized and ring-shaped slice that cuts through the urban fabric of the city of Vienna. Historically, the Gürtel has separated the city fro
Aside from the atrocities of the Nazi regime, the city of Vienna witnessed in the 15th century a wave of anti-Semitism that ended with the Jewish quarter in 1420 and also with one of the greatest synagogues in Europe. After using the stones of its wa
The 35 heights of the Mischek tower – named after the developing company, very much involved in its design –, rise over Donau City, a site which has grown during the last decade opposite the historic Vienna and that houses, amongst other important bu
In the eighties, the new city of Donau intended not only to incorporate the terrains opposite the Danube to Vienna’s development, but also to provide the historic center with an avant-garde and modem counterpoint. Though the urban layout designed to
The Otto Wagner competition bases proposed to study two current questions from the point of view of urbanism: the relationship between dwelling and work under the conditions of a growing mobility and an immaterial communication that is becoming more
On the banks of the Danube, facing the city of Vienna, Donau City is an administrative quarter of the sixties that has now become the bridgehead of the expansion of the Austrian capital toward the northwest. As a prelude to the new district – formed
Como resultado del fluctuante destino de las ciudades europeas, Viena ha pasado del dogma de la renovación urbana sin alteración de su imagen histórica —con ordenanzas que hace poco más de diez años prohibían la construcción de edificios de gran altu
In March 2019, Luis Fernández-Galiano gave a series of lectures at the Fundación March that intended to condense the culture of the 20th century in four episodes with four cities as protagonists: a series that gathered large audiences and since conti
If we could sum up fin-de-siècle Vienna with an image, it would be the Nuda Veritas that Gustav Klimt painted in 1899, a representation of the naked truth that the members of the Secession chose as an emblem. Defenders of a new way of creating and in
This monograph collects the four lectures given at Madrid’s Fundación Juan March between 5 and 14 March of 2019. The series, ‘Four Cities: Episodes in the Cultural History of the 20th Century in the West,’ gathered a large audience, which multiplied
In the cafés of fin-de-siècle Vienna brewed a hundred intellectual circles. Two recent books document the history of the Austrian School and the Vienna Circle, two illustrious representatives of a sparkling crucible of ideas whose expansive waves rea
Luis Fernández-Galiano was twice on a scholarship program of the Fundación Juan March – in Spain in 1976-1977 and abroad in 1966-1968 – but his first lecture at the foundation headquarters took place in 2010. In the course of a decade thereafter, he
The firm of Rem Koolhaas, Office for Metropolitan Architecture, will be building a Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) department store, cum hotel, in Vienna’s historic center, right in the Museumsquartier. The project – OMA’s first in the Austrian capital
On view through 18 March at the Architekturzentrum of Vienna is a monographic exhibition on the American architect, urban planner, and writer Denise Scott Brown, who was born in 1931 in Nkana (Zambia). The retrospective includes her childhood in Afri
As globalism proceeds to annihilate local identities, leaving behind cities that seem cut of the same cloth, a random resistance grows. Lefaivre’s book, while in no way espousing separatism or populist retrenchments, fulfills a certain revenge for th
With the death of its last great architect, Vienna is in mourning. In its prosperous decadence, the city has left far behind its years as a cultural metropolis – times that a Viennese by choice, Karl Kraus, defined as “the last days of Humanity” – bu
Hasta el 13 de febrero de 2012 se puede visitar ‘Architecture for place’ (Arquitectura para el lugar), una exposición dedicada a Glenn Murcutt, del Centro de Arquitectura de Viena en colaboración con la Fundación para la Arquitectura de Australia, pa
La Universidad de Economía de Viena (conocida por sus siglas alemanas, WU, Wirtschaftsuniversität) ha decidido quién construirá los seis edificios de su nuevo campus. En la lista se encuentran dos españoles: Carme Pinós y Eduardo Arroyo quienes se en
Cuando AV publicó en 1988 su número 15 lo tituló ‘Viena pálida’. La nueva arquitectura austríaca era una discreta realidad, y la guía se repartía entre una peregrinación por la Viena imperial, en busca de los pioneros de la modernidad, la Viena roja
Once again, an opportunity to introduce new alternatives in the trite field of residential housing. Something that sounds like a topic from the past century and that at this point, in times of skepticism towards social matters, could be taken as an e
Genius and Austria do not go together, says Thomas Bernhard, and the complex of muse-ums that has been raised in the interior grounds of Fischer von Erlach’s imperial stables confirms the pessimistic opinion of the author of Old Masters. Along
The constant rise of student mobility has increased the number of teams including architects with different nationalities, such as the tandems of Sauerbruch & Hutton in Berlin or Zaera & Moussavi in London and Tokyo. In the early nineties New York’s
Explosivo. Éste es el adjetivo empleado por Hans Hollein para calificar uno de sus últimos proyectos, incluido en la exposición «Hans Hollein, métaphores et métamorphoses» (Centre Georges Pompidou de París, 1987)...
David Edmonds
New Jersey 2020
Princeton University Press - 336 Pages
Janek Wasserman
New Haven 2019
Yale University Press - 368 Pages
Liane Lefaivre Viennese Architecture since Otto Wagner
August Sarnitz New Architecture