Zehnder presents ComfoAir Flex, a compactly designed ventilation unit for multi-family homes that can be installed in a false ceiling, thus saving living space. With minimum measurements – 1068 x 868 x 299 mm (L x W x H) – installation is simple and
A high-resistance electromechanical solution for smart swing doors, Assa Abloy SW300 – executed in 70 mm – is thought out for particularly busy entrances, as in buildings containing healthcare centers and offices.
In Valverde de Leganés, a municipality in the province of Badajoz, in Spain’s Extremadura region, Paradigma estudio – María Navarro Cifuentes & Manuel Jesús Píriz Gil – has completed this health center in an area which is undergoing an urbanizati
Founded in 1891 with the establishment of the Colleges of Dentistry, Medicine, and Pharmacy nestled into the landscape of Mount Sutro, the Parnassus Campus of UCSF (University of California San Francisco) benefits from a dramatic location adjacent to
Within a privileged enclave of the city of Hillerød, the New North Zealand Hospital is nestled in nature and contains a garden in its center. The hospital design transcends conventional operational boundaries, which is rarely achieved by the tall, fu
This center for the palliative care of children, in the Czech city of Brno, also provides rehabilitation, therapy, and holistic support for the patients’ families. In contact with the surrounding nature, the complex is embedded into the slope of the
The new University Children’s Hospital in Zürich-Lengg, Switzerland’s largest medical center for children and adolescents, comprises two buildings: a low-rise acute-care facility on the south plot, and a cylindrical construction for research and teac
The day care center was commissioned by the Alzheimer Society of Ireland to provide flexible respite care for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and to offer support for affected families. The challenge in designing a care environment for thos
Ramón Esteve Estudio has won the competition to design the Ciudad Real Biosanitary Campus for the University of Castile-La Mancha. The site of this facility for medicine and biomedical research is strategically located in proximity to the Hospital Ge
Wrapped in ceramic brick slats and lattices adapted to the different requirements inside, this day center belongs to a network of municipal health facilities that provide long-term treatments, sparing locals the need to commute to the capital. Organi
Conceived as a village, this healthcare center in Dax – in France’s Landes department – is designed specifically for people afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The objective of the project is to improve the quality of life and the overal
This wellness center doubles as a medical facility for staff of KaneKa, which specializes in environmental technology. The 625-square-meter building combines with green roofs that fold and touch ground, besides different systems developed by KaneKa,
On the outskirts of Dubai, and in contrast with its busy activity and density, the project is broken up into small constructions that are disseminated in the landscape and create an ideal atmosphere for the center devoted to longevity and to improvin
The natural therapy center merges into a pine tree forest within the Indian Canyons of California. To respect the environment as much as possible, the project proposes a series of light timber pavilions without foundations that could damage the groun
The multi-layered, transparent facade provides a view into the green inner courtyard and the atrium, which are visible from the main entrance. The naturally ventilated atrium serves as a distribution zone for the modular units...
On Calle Mieses in Valladolid, the Neurocare Home Mieses complex proposes a model for old-age care in the post-Covid 19 era, one which deviates from the idea of floors with a central corridor opening to rooms on the right and left. Instead each floor
Through a project carried out by Francisco José Padilla and Juan Manuel Nicás on the initiative of Fundación Juegaterapia, the roof of Gregorio Marañón Hospital’s maternity and neonatal building – a 2003 work of the architect Rafael Moneo, in collabo
The plot on which these laboratories are located was the last one available at Columbia University’s Morningside campus, and therefore the new gateway to the campus from its Manhattanville expansion. From the start it was decided that the new buildin
The laboratory for Integrated Science and Engineering (LISE) was the answer to a necessary extension for the Department of Physics at Harvard University. The brief called for 3,000 square meters of free space, 1,400 square meters for high-performance
To update the hospital complex to modern medical practice, the buildings will be attached to the existing by gardens, courtyards, and terraces. The modular floor plans in the two volumes of the first phase make future adjustments possible...
The main facade of the medical facility takes on a representative role with a loggia that, from the street, differentiates the spaces destined for public use from the office and lab areas, distributed in the modular column-free floors of the rear vol
Within the Alder Hey children’s hospital in Liverpool, this facility offers counseling and services to anyone affected by the death of a child. A 2016 competition organized by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) was won by the firm Allfo
In the peaceful ambience of the forests, only a short walking distance from two of Norway’s largest hospitals, Snøhetta has designed two secluded wooden shelters aspiring to make hospitalization easier for patients and their families. Designed for th
Famous for its cutting-edge treatments, a medical center in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh will be expanding its facilities to provide healthcare services to all Sicilians. The hospital facilities take up an unobstructed, permeable gro
The compact campus envisioned to go up over an old Citroën factory will seal the merger of two hospitals in the suburbs of Paris, and serve as a center for medical university practicums. Conceived as a superposition of neutral trays that are easily a
Both praised by Bill Gates, the Czech-Canadian scientist and political analyst Vaclav Smil and the Danish economist and political scientist Bjørn Lomborg propose a reality check: Smil’s How the World Really Works and Lomborg’s Best Things First invit
The bathroom deserves a revision. We routinely recall inventors like Elisha Otis or Willis Carrier because the elevator or air conditioning transformed architecture, and ritually remember women who, like Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, created the modern
Do you know who wrote this? On 7 August 2021, Renzo Piano sends me a picture of the laconic interior of his refuge in the Alps, another of the bucolic view from his window, and a third of a yellowish press cutting with lots of underlines. Can it be a
One hundred years after Anni and Josef Albers met, their work, philosophy and funding clout have made possible a stunning hospital that is saving lives in one of the hottest places on Earth. When Anni Albers began weaving at the Bauhaus in the 1920s,
By turns easeful, communal and private, Amanda Levete’s elegant new Maggie’s centre defers to the New Forest-inspired garden that surrounds it. The new Maggie’s cancer care centre in suburban Southampton, it is the landscape, which occupies almost t
In 1842 edwin chadwick, a British social reformer, published his “Report on the Sanitary Condition of the Labouring Population”. By documenting evidence of social and geographic inequalities in health, Chadwick showed that poor sanitation was associa
Large Covid-19 vaccination programs are transforming football stadiums, parking lots and even art museums. But building the infrastructure of inoculation can get complicated. In Berlin, the process of transforming large, now unused public spaces int
It is fitting to use the name of the nurse Isabel Zendal, a key figure in the extraordinary expedition that took the smallpox vaccine to the confines of the Spanish Empire early in the 19th century, for the Community of Madrid’s new hospital for epid
In the village of Rudrapur, located in the Dinajpur Disrtict of northern Bangladesh, the German architect Anna Heringer – in conjunction with Veronika Lang and the non-profit organization Dipshikha – recently completed a therapy center for people wit
Inspired and financed by the recently deceased Charles Jencks (see Arquitectura Viva 219) as a posthumous tribute to his wife, the Maggie’s Cancer Care Centres are a network of places devoted to giving emotional support and practical information and
Rome, 35 ad. An epidemic strikes a city recently decked with marble monuments. A city, moreover, that has since time immemorial boasted the Cloaca Maxima, which Augustus had ordered cleaned, enlarged, tended to by a maintenance corps, and placed unde
Architecture plays an important role in the response to catastrophes of all kinds, and this role is raising a great amount of interest in society. Nevertheless, it must be made clear from the start that in emergency architecture, many conventional fe
Grimshaw announces the D-Tec suite of prefabricated health facilities created in partnership with SG Blocks and Osang Healthcare for on-site immediate Covid-19 testing...
If we were to pinpoint an emblem for Spain’s successful public healthcare system, one sure candidate would be La Paz Hospital in Madrid. At least that is the opinion of the institution’s authorities, who, faced with a dire need for more space, found
Variations on a theme are common in art. The genre gives opportunity to test techniques or ideas alongside those of other authors on one same pattern. The architect takes fragments here and there and adapts them to an altogether new work, use, and co
Acaba de terminarse el Centro de Investigación Biomédica (CIB) del Hospital de Navarra en Pamplona, proyectado por el equipo de Antonio Vaíllo y Juan L. Irigaray. El edificio aprovecha al máximo la edificabilidad del solar, agrupándola en un volumen
Surgida de sucesivas oleadas migratorias, Badalona es hoy la tercera ciudad de Cataluña, pero sigue presentando problemas estructurales, combatidos en los últimos años con intervenciones de acupuntura urbana. La construcción en el populoso barrio de
Después de llevar años persiguiéndolo, Las Vegas por fin tiene su Gehry; magnates del juego y clientes multimillonarios cortejaron al arquitecto sin éxito, hasta que en 2006, Gehry aceptó la oferta del empresario Lou Ruvo para construir un centro de
El particular emplazamiento del edificio —un solar en considerable pendiente situado justo en el límite entre la Sierra de Collserola y la trama urbana de la Ciudad Condal—, y la claridad y especificidad del programa —una clínica oftalmológica—, han
Bjørn Lomborg Las 12 soluciones más eficientes para erradicar la pobreza y alcanzar los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU
Vaclav Smil Una guía científica de nuestro pasado, presente y futuro
Various authors New Architecture for Hospitals
Pilar Chías Tomás Abad Nuevas tendencias en arquitectura sanitaria
Lia Piano L' ospedale dei bambini, Entebbe, Uganda
Beatriz Colomina
Barcelona 2021
Puente Editores - 208 Pages
Sigfried Giedion
New York 1947
Oxford University Press - 744 Pages
Lawrence Wright The fascinating history of the Bathroom and the W.C.
Paul Overy Modern Architecture between the Wars
Beatriz Colomina
Zurich 2019
Lars Müller Publishers - 200 Pages
Alfonso Casares Reinaldo Ruiz-Yébenes Aidhos
María Hurtado de Mendoza Wahrolén An Architecture of Variation with Repetition