Ramón Esteve Estudio has won the competition to design the Ciudad Real Biosanitary Campus for the University of Castile-La Mancha. The site of this facility for medicine and biomedical research is strategically located in proximity to the Hospital General Universitario de Ciudad Real, completing a consolidated urban scheme.
All components give their respective program-determined identity, converging and interconnecting to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration. The whole complex fuses with the surroundings by reflecting the combination of earthy and light tonalities of nearby constructions. The general arrangement of the buildings follows a pattern of efficient distribution, adopting a comb formation in a north-to-south direction. The teaching and research buildings are here, while those serving more general uses are placed perpendicularly to them, acting as a boundary with the entrance plaza.
The buildings are notable for their simple and functional design, following an organizational scheme that maximizes incoming daylight. They are highly flexible and adaptable to program-related rearrangements.
The scheme minimizes the buildings’ lifetime carbon footprint through bioclimate design strategies that minimize their energy needs, optimal design and selection of materials, and the harnessing of solar energy through photovoltaic panels. The objective is to achieve the Zero Energy Building (ZEB) category in power consumption and Zero Carbon Building (ZCB) in carbon emissions.
The project is co-financed with FEDER funds of the 20-21/27 operational program and funds of the regional government of Castile-La Mancha.