Zurich University Hospital
First Prize

Zurich University Hospital

First Prize

To update the hospital complex to modern medical practice, the buildings will be attached to the existing by gardens, courtyards, and terraces. The modular floor plans in the two volumes of the first phase make future adjustments possible...[+]

Zurich University Hospital (Switzerland)
Cliente Client
Universitätsspital Zürich

Arquitectos Architects
Christ & Gantenbein, a|sh Architekten

Equipo Team
Emanuel Christ, Christoph Gantenbein, Mona Farag, Anne Katharina Schulze, Olivia Gerber, Matthias Schäfges, Florian Gast, Catia Polido, Loes Martens, Sever Petroy, Marko Koops, Zhengxiao Wang, Oliver Karl, Francesco Mazzi, Riccardo Ferrari, Sophie Van Riel, Wilson Fung, Anna Bijak, Per Mangold, Silke Baumann, Richard Mudry, Levin Arnold, Aaron Wahl

Consultores Consultants
Schnetzer Puskas Ingenieure; Arge-GP Christ & Gantenbein AG | Fanzun AG – Confirm AG; Balliana Schubert; PPEngineering

Fotografía Photographs
Stefano Graziani