Paris, Geneva, Madrid
The station beside the Gustave Roussy Hospital in Villejuif, in the south of Paris, is part of the Grand Paris Express, a 200-kilometer system of metropolitan railway lines and 68 new stations which is one of the largest infrastructural projects unde
The station, covered by a textile canopy, constitutes two referential urban spaces: the platforms and the inner streets. The perimeter paths connect the four sides of the complex and generate different atmospheres for public use…
The planning frenzy that Baron Haussman breathed into the Paris of 1850 led to an ambitious succession of urbanistic operations of an imperial grandeur that continued even after the establishment of the Third Republic twenty years later. It was in th
The French firm headed by Dominique Perrault, in collaboration with the Chinese office Zhubo Design, has won the competition to build a new campus – accommodating 4,000 students – for the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in She
Dominique Perrault Architecture (DPA) has won the competition to cover the tennis court named after the French champion Suzanne Lenglen at Stade Roland Garros, the complex that hosts the French Open. Over a concrete structure and the ensemble of stee
The Santa Elvira sugar refinery was, since the early 20th century until its closing in 1992, one of the key economic motors of the city. The site where the old factory building was located was the place designated for the construction of the new Conv
The French firm Dominique Perrault Architecture, in collaboration with the South Korean office Junglim, has won the international competition for the construction of ‘Light Walk,’ the future intermodal transport hub and shopping center in Seoul’s Gan
The extension is carried out with a wooden structure, lightening the building, and placing a dynamic shock absorber – a vast metal sphere – at the top of the building to stabilize it. The dual-skin facade is conceived as a breathable enclosure... [+]
Inspired in Richard Long’s work, the buildings connect with the landscape by incorporating nature to the project and relying on the calm geometry of the circle to achieve harmony with the valley, while its scale turns it into a symbol of strength and
This is the latest of the interventions that Perrault has planned for the extension of this complex. It’s a third tower that synthesizes the aesthetics of the different buildings of the Court and marks the end of the Gallery that articulates them...
The objective of the intervention is to favor a greater connection between the adjacent public spaces by displacing the current bicycle parking to an underground area and proposing a new tower with a perforated base... [+]
The building is integrated in the urban tissue of the old industrial zone, favoring pedestrian traffic along the north-south and east-west directions by connecting the recessed patios with the protected park – of almost 5,000 m2 – via two public
The aim of the project is not to obtain a historical reproduction of the monumental Post Office Building of the19th century, but to revitalize it by introducing current uses that will be added to the old ones in a block open 24 hours a day. The block
In order to turn the racecourse into an icon for the horse racing world, the project includes refurbishment works, new construction, and landscaping, adding up to a total of 22,000 m2 of built areas and 70,000 m2 of green spaces. The most important i
Taking advantage of the relocation of some of the institutions that occupied the island, the project proposes revitalizing the place, diversifying uses, reclaiming the public space, and highlighting its monuments through 35 interventions. Located in
Located at different height, two disks of 58 and 66 meters in diameter configure a lightweight roof that marks the entrances to the station hovering over a central void that connects the city with the train tracks buried 50 meters deep... [+]
Characterized by its exquisite deference to the surroundings, the intervention on the Pavilion Dufour at the Palace of Versailles manifests itself externally only through a discreet, delicate staircase.
The new mechanics hall of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne follows the 7.2 x 3.9 geometric scheme that has defined the campus since it was built in the 1970s. The result of an international competition, the project organizes its 19,000 sq
Ten years after the French architect won the first prize in the architectural competition called by the Town Hall, the construction of the Convention Center and Exhibition Hall of León is now reaching its final stages. The project is a key urban inte
Decorated with a curved screen made of metal grids, the theater in its weightless appearance strikes a contrast with the clay fabric of historical Albi and has become a new cultural hub.
One of the guidelines of the proposal is to generate a small city around the campus, thus departing from models in which the campus is disconnected and detached from urban life. The aim is to build a model characterized by density and diversity of us
The project for the restructuring of the Pont de Sèvres district, to the west of Paris, maintains the existing hexagonal towers and gathers them in three buildings with a new enclosure...
Groningen has been trying for years to ‘intensify’ its urban fabric, avoiding suburbanization, protecting rural areas and promoting the quality of the public spaces in the city. This building complex is an example of this effort, a development which
The French architect Dominique Perrault drew up the masterplan for the complex where the athletes competing in the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games will be billeted. Located in Seine-Saint-Denis, north of the center of Paris, it provides 2,400 lodgi
Architecture is ideas and forms, but both crystallize through matter. While construction is prefigured in the immaterial geometries of the project, it takes shape in the physical world by means of materials and techniques. This entangled relationship
Not without some controversy in France and Spain alike (from his stand in El País, Fernando Savater – a big fan of the turf world – expressed his nostalgia for the old building), the renovated Longchamp Racecourse was recently completed. Long a
The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy says that an infrastructure is an underground work. If this is so, then the future multimodal transport hub and shopping center of Gangnam, right in the heart of Seoul and called Lightwalk, is literally one
Unlike in Spain, where prime ministers are uninterested in architecture, in France it is a tradition for French presidents to leave a ‘monumental’ legacy. Beyond emulating Napoleon or Louis xiv, they know that only presidential power can carry out pr
The early moderns saw the past as a hindrance to eliminate or at least transcend and ‘go beyond.’ But as modernity matured, becoming less and less ‘modern,’ the past tended to shed its bad reputation and eventually carved an actual niche for itself i
Dominique Perrault The Imperial House of Japan and the Japan Art Association give yearly since 1989 the Praemium Imperiale to five artists in the categories of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Music, and Cinema or Theater. In 2015 the awards – endo
The French Dominique Perrault is among those distinguished in the 2015 edition of the Praemium Imperiale, given yearly since 1989 by the Japanese imperial family and the Japan Art Association, with a prize of 15 million yen (approximately 111,000 eur
El uso de contraventanas interiores para mejorar el confort acústico y térmico de los espacios no suple a otros dispositivos de protección solar como las persianas o los parasoles.
Dominique Perrault será el encargado de rehabilitar y ampliar el inmenso complejo Pont de Sèvres, construido por Daniel Badani y Pierre Roux-Dorlut en 1975. Situado en Boulogne-Billancourt, en el área metropolitana parisina, y separado de la capital
Dominique Perrault ha sido seleccionado, a través de un concurso internacional, para remodelar el hipódromo de Longchamp, un lugar de referencia en el mundo hípico situado en el Bois de Boulogne en París. El proyecto aborda el doble reto de integrar
Un ‘pulpo’ de ocho brazos se aferra a las paredes de una cantera en desuso; se trata del Zénith, un centro multifuncional dedicado a la cultura y el espectáculo propuesto por Dominique Perrault para la recualificación ambiental de la antigua explotac
El estudio de arquitectura del francés Dominique Perrault ha finalizado el pabellón de acceso al parque Priory en Reigate, al sur de Londres. Con una superficie de 340 metros cuadrados, la estructura de planta circular alberga un puesto de informació
Dominique Perrault ha finalizado la ampliación del Tribunal Europeo de Justicia en Luxemburgo. El proyecto, ganador de un concurso convocado en 1996, proponía la reforma de un conjunto de edificios construidos entre los años setenta, ochenta y novent
Placing the starting point of Dominique Perrault’s architecture in the concern for materiality seems obvious. The architect has clear preferences: the list of materials used can be reduced to metal, in all its forms, and, of course, glass. There is n
Is Dominique Perrault France’s best architect? It would be tempting to say so if the Pritzker had not first gone to Portzamparc and Nouvel, both of whom are about ten years older. French? Without a doubt. In certain ways, so are the latter two. All t
As his fellow countryman Pascal, Dominique Perrault reconciles the ‘esprit de géométrie’ with the ‘esprit de finesse’; on the trail of the Michelin saga of his native city, the architect from Clermont-Ferrand reunites technology and society in his wo
Dominique Perrault joins geometry and geography in a new architectural place, sparsely inhabited by families of hermetic objects, all built with exact logic, and which face the environment with metaphysical aplomb. Instead of seamlessly merging with
Cuando faltan pocas semanas para la inauguración del Centro Olímpico de Tenis de Madrid, conocido como la ‘Caja Mágica’ (véase AV Proyectos 29), el Museo de Colecciones ICO presenta una exposición monográfica del autor de esta nueva e importante inst
Como su paisano Pascal, Dominique Perrault reconcilia el esprit de géométrie con el esprit de finesse; en la estela de la saga Michelin de su ciudad natal, el arquitecto de Clermont-Ferrand reúne en su trabajo tecnología y sociedad; y al igual que el
The people of León claim to bask in the sun. Against the frozen image of the Castilian-Leonese winter, the inhabitants of the city founded by the 7th Roman Legion remind the visitor that it is among the Spanish capitals that boast the most hours of s
Especialmente recomendable para los que disfrutan leyendo arquitectura es este libro que enreda la vida con la obra. Gilles de Bure utiliza una eficaz mezcla de ingredientes biográficos, de la crónica periodística y de la crítica especializada para r
Con un título que no deja lugar a dudas, este libro constituye la primera de una serie de aproximaciones a la debatida relación entre arquitectura e ingeniería. Profesores en Cardiff, los autores de The Enviromental Tradition (1996) y The Selective E
Michèle Champenois Paris 2016 - 360 Pages
Gilles de Bure
Paris 2004
Vilo Terreil - 303 Pages
Wayne Forster Dean Hawkes
Londres 2002
Laurence King - 240 Pages
Dominique Perrault
Baden 1999
Lars Müller Publishers - 108 Pages
Dominique Perrault Arquitecto