5th Extension Court of Justice of the EU
Commission- Architect Dominique Perrault Architecture
- Type Court Institutional Tower
- Country Luxembourg
This is the latest of the interventions that Perrault has planned for the extension of this complex. It’s a third tower that synthesizes the aesthetics of the different buildings of the Court and marks the end of the Gallery that articulates them... [+]
Obra Work
5th Extension Court of Justice of the EU
Cliente Client
Arquitecto Architect
Dominique Perrault
Dirección artística Art direction
Gaëlle Lauriot-Prevost
Arquitecto del proyecto Project architect
David Agudo
Colaboradores Collaborators
Marine Girault, Marcello Biffi, Anais Fernon, Pedro Araujo, Lars Plugge; becarios?interns: Ursula Juvan, Marianna Riobom
Consultores Consultant
NEY & PARTNERS – EUROPE (ingeniería de estructuras structural engineering); FELGEN ET ASSOCIES ENGINEERING S.A. (ingeniería de instalaciones installations engineering); SORANE SA (concepción energética energy concept); TERRELL GROUP (fachadas facades); SECOLUX (seguridad y salud health and safety); LERCH BATES (transporte vertical vertical transportation); BETAVI (acústica acoustics)
Croquis Sketches
© Dominique Perrault
Imágenes y planos Images and drawings
© Dominique Perrault Architecture