A plot between party walls, partly occupied by an old house, is now filled with a housing block that incorporates the preexisting into a steel-and-glass framework of industrial airs. Above commercial levels that recover the old construction are thirt
Bernardo Bader’s scheme for an elementary school and gymnasium in Au, in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, was the winner of a competition held in 2020. These independent volumes complemented the preexisting buildings in forming an education campus.
Though it is only a 19th-century addition, the tower of the castle of Hagenberg – with four bulbous pinnacles at the corners of its roof – gives the Austrian village its characteristic image, and the iconic profile of this vertical structure has even
In 1892, Hotel Weiss opened across the old train station of Dornbirn. The new Flint hotel chain includes the old villa, a listed building now featuring six suites, the largest of which preserves original furniture. The tower and the two-floor podium
Outside Laterns, in the Austrian state of Vorarlberg, this holiday refuge is a contemporary reinterpretation of the traditional wooden dwelling. Coated in light-toned lying planks, it presents a black timber frame rising on a stepped concrete plinth.
With a useful surface of 5,100 square meters, this project is located in Siemensäcker, an 8-hectare new residential neighborhood in the north part of Viena. Selma am Park offers 65 apartments in three blocks varying in dimensions. The design uses the
The Madrid firm Arenas Basabe Palacios, in association with the engineers of Buschina & Partner, was commissioned to build 11 blocks for a total of 82 apartments in Wildgarten, a new neighborhood in Vienna’s Meidling district. The succession of build
The international trekking and adventure travel company ASI Reisen sought to have its new space reflect the company’s working culture and commitment to offering sustainable experiences for travelers around the world. Inspired by a symbiosis between n
Developed for the Tyrolean crystal manufacturer, Swarovski Manufaktur is a progressive workshop for the 21st century, designed to facilitate innovative collaborations, inventive exchange, and fast implementation of ideas. The structure merges design,
With facades resembling a set of shelves bearing plants, IKEA Wien Westbahnhof opens its doors in the Austrian capital. A work of the local firm Querkraft, the 26,200-square-meter building rises seven floors, and on top is the Jo&Joe Hostel – tak
Light, smells, colors, temperature, textures, sounds… It must be overwhelming to leave a mother’s womb and get born into this world. What should the very first space we ever experience be like? What kind of material should it be made of to make newbo
The Bregenz-based practice of Bernardo Bader raised a wooden wing for a school in Lustenau, a town of the Dornbirn district, in northern Austria. The exterior surfaces of the window and door frames are painted red, visually connecting with the existi
Located on the slope of a wooded mountain in the narrow Pitztal Valley of the Alps, near the Tyrol, this vertical museum is devoted to a native species of mountain goats that became extinct but was successfully reintroduced into the region in the 195
The only opera that Ludwig van Beethoven wrote, Fidelio, has not ceased to attract music connoisseurs since it premiered in Vienna in 1805. For the 250th anniversary of the composer’s birth, the Theater an der Wien has presented – with set designs by
A digital algorithm simulates the growth of a substratum inspired by coral morphology. Photosynthetic cyanobacteria are inoculated on a biogel medium into the triangular cells, forming the system’s units of biological intelligence, which convert radi
The building engages in a dialogue with its surroundings through strategically positioned windows and the facade’s irregular rows of pieces of local granite and gneiss. The very profound facade is formed by a loadbearing double inner layer, with its
The factory type evolves into a vertical system that frees space at ground level, integrating new areas and functions into the neighborhood, which through specific actions becomes a safe, accessible, and appealing surface...
In allusion to the challenge of ‘living among ruins,’ the train tracks become a platform for circulation and access to vertical mechanized systems, involving the public in the production, use, and recycling processes needed to create a sustainable ci
In the year 2012, the firm Baumschlager Eberle Architekten was commissioned to build a residential development on a prestigious property of the Schlachter family close to Bregenz, on the banks of Lake Constance. There had been a large exuberant garde
Ocupying the old site of Wiener Molkerei (Vienna Dairy), close to the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the Wiener Prater park, this student residence recreates the essence of the late 19th-century architecture that characterizes the up
Los muros masivos y los huecos controlados mantienen estable la temperatura interior de este edificio sin necesidad de calefacción, refrigeración o ventilación mecánicas.
The Adolf Würth company is one of the world’s largest retailers of assembly and fastening materials, with its headquarters situated near the small town of Künzelsau, in southern Germany. Surrounded by open fields and at a little distance from the mai
The new industrial type proposed makes the processes visible, minimizes energy costs by making resources more profitable, and adapts to different programmatic needs thanks to the use of two types of structural trays whose location can vary... [+]
Forty models from the studio of the Swiss architect Peter Zumthor are on view until 16 September 2023 in a building he himself designed, the Werkraum Haus in Andelsbuch (Austria), built with the participation of local artisans. The exhibition is cura
In the cafés of fin-de-siècle Vienna brewed a hundred intellectual circles. Two recent books document the history of the Austrian School and the Vienna Circle, two illustrious representatives of a sparkling crucible of ideas whose expansive waves rea
This book starts and ends with full-page photos deliberately out of focus. The buildings seem to be moving and leaving a trail of matter in their wake, like Boccioni sculptures. But it’s hard to find architectures with such a degree of precision as D
The firm of Rem Koolhaas, Office for Metropolitan Architecture, will be building a Kaufhaus des Westens (KaDeWe) department store, cum hotel, in Vienna’s historic center, right in the Museumsquartier. The project – OMA’s first in the Austrian capital
On view through 18 March at the Architekturzentrum of Vienna is a monographic exhibition on the American architect, urban planner, and writer Denise Scott Brown, who was born in 1931 in Nkana (Zambia). The retrospective includes her childhood in Afri
As globalism proceeds to annihilate local identities, leaving behind cities that seem cut of the same cloth, a random resistance grows. Lefaivre’s book, while in no way espousing separatism or populist retrenchments, fulfills a certain revenge for th
With the death of its last great architect, Vienna is in mourning. In its prosperous decadence, the city has left far behind its years as a cultural metropolis – times that a Viennese by choice, Karl Kraus, defined as “the last days of Humanity” – bu
One of the main challenges of building with earth today is that of transforming its artisanal character, and begin using it in industrialized building processes. Such was the goal pursued, for instance, in the design and construction of the Gugler P
El cementerio construido por Bernardo Bader en Altach, en el estado austriaco de Vorarlberg, en el extremo occidental del país y enclavado al pie de las cimas de los Alpes, atiende la demanda de la comunidad musulmana de esta pequeña ciudad de poco m
Paul Ott was born in Kremsmünster (Austria) in 1965, and did not use a camera until he was eighteen years old. After graduating and completing the compulsory military service, he started working for an industrial and advertising photographer who did
El axioma moderno de la cubierta plana comenzó a cuestionarse a mediados del siglo XX, cuando arquitectos como Kahn o Utzon investigaron, en algunas obras excepcionales, la ‘quinta fachada’ como un elemento generador de espacio y luz. A esta tradició
Situado en Graz, una de las ciudades históricas más importantes de Austria, el Museo Joanneum —que celebra este año su segundo centenario y está considerado como el más antiguo del país— acaba de abrir las puertas de su nuevo centro de visitantes, di
Hasta el 13 de febrero de 2012 se puede visitar ‘Architecture for place’ (Arquitectura para el lugar), una exposición dedicada a Glenn Murcutt, del Centro de Arquitectura de Viena en colaboración con la Fundación para la Arquitectura de Australia, pa
El festival de cultura que todos los veranos se celebra en la región austriaca de Estiria cambia de emplazamiento cada año, trasladándose en su última edición al Forum Stadtpark de Graz. Inspirado en esta vocación nómada, el estudio vienés Feld72 ha
El trabajo de Yona Friedman y Eckhard Schulze-Fielitz formó parte de las propuestas utópicas que renovaron el debate moderno; una exposición en el KUB Arena de Bregenz presenta su obra y actualiza su singular legado.
The relationship with the existing and the evolution of the structures on which they intervene play a key role in the oeuvre of Fuensanta Nieto and Enrique Sobejano. Hence, their projects in Halle an der Saale (Moritzburg Museum) and Graz (Joanneum M
La Universidad de Economía de Viena (conocida por sus siglas alemanas, WU, Wirtschaftsuniversität) ha decidido quién construirá los seis edificios de su nuevo campus. En la lista se encuentran dos españoles: Carme Pinós y Eduardo Arroyo quienes se en
Austria tiene aún mucho que decir. Si en 2003 la Casa de la Arquitectura de Graz publicó una guía arquitectónica de dicha ciudad en la que se ponía de manifiesto el cambio experimentado por la pequeña población con motivo de su capitalidad europea de
(1928-2000) On Pacific waters, aboard the Queen Elizabeth II, a heart attack put a fittingly dramatic end to the vital career of Fritz Stowasser, the heterodox artist who under the pseudonym Friedensreich Hundertwasser incorporated his unclassifiable
(1897-2000) A flu finally squelched the rebellious spirit that for 103 years kept Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky anchored to life. Born in Vienna, against the wishes of her family she studied architecture under the tutelage of Josef Hoffman. Her role in
The constant rise of student mobility has increased the number of teams including architects with different nationalities, such as the tandems of Sauerbruch & Hutton in Berlin or Zaera & Moussavi in London and Tokyo. In the early nineties New York’s