El prototipo de pasarela se construye con piezas de hormigón impreso en 3D sin armar, lo que asemeja su comportamiento a las estructuras tradicionales de piedra, resolviendo los esfuerzos a través de la geometría y no con la acumulación de materiales
The pavilion is planned as a recognizable gate to the park. Its complex geometry is the result of the calculation and adapts to the flow of visitors and activities nearby, while the color palette is a metaphor of the different programs offered by the
The teaching, research and innovation centre for specialised technologies in the textile industry, known as Texoversum, is part of the campus extension of the Reutlingen University of Applied Sciences. The textile construction is the theme of the des
The Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) and the Italian company WASP (World’s Advanced Saving Project), which specializes in 3D printers, present TOVA, a prototype built with earth and a Crane WASP over a period of seven weeks on t
The bioinspired pavilion shows how processes that account for geometrical, productional, structural, environmental, and aesthetic requirements, along with robotic fabrication techniques applied to natural materials, generate works that are both ecolo
A fruit of the collaboration between Mario Cucinella Arquitectos – based in Bologna and New York – and WASP (World’s Advanced Saving Project), the Italian company specialized in 3D printing, this circular housing prototype made of soil is located in
The main undulating wall, of 7x 80m, is built with blocks of local sandstone carved by a robot, post-tensioned to the foundations and bonded horizontally using stainless steel cables. The blocks are mounted traditionally by a team of stonemasons...
Local-In is an open source web and cell phone digital tool designed to promote creative, participatory, and collective creative urban processes that make it easier to consult, explore, and visualize a huge variety of geo-referenced data... [+]
Located in the urban nucleus of the Colombian capital, the Ágora-Bogotá Convention Center is conceived to be a civic, technological, cultural, and environmental center of attraction for use by the city’s inhabitants. With this as objective, the proj
Addressing the shortage of affordable housing in the vicinity of facebook headquarters, the project creates a new community where dwellings are interspersed with services.
Like an enormous anonymous garage, Facebooks new campus conceals its exact polish with the easygoing, almost slapdash air that characterizes the company.
The McLaren Group is a collection of high-tech companies involved in the design and development of Formula One cars, high-performance road cars, electronic systems and composite materials. In Woking, on the outskirts of London, the company has a Tech
Foster Partners is part of a consortium set up by the European Space Agency (ESA)to explore the possibilities of 3D printing to construct lunar habitations. Addressing the challenges of transporting materials to the moon, the study is investigating t
On the axis between Lisbon and Coimbra, the Technological Park in Obidos is planned with the aim of linking academic research with business production, especially in the field of creative industries. The project for the main building, by the Portugue
The new center, which will connect with the current fair, will create a new node in Bogotá. It aims to revitalize the nearby surroundings by creating attractive spaces and not being limited to specific uses. A bold and formally restrained volume gro
Tres antiguos cuarteles, unidos por un atrio común acristalado cubierto con una solución traída de los campos de cultivo, se transforman en un campus para agroempresas.
The 2000 World Exposition in Hannover was held under the motto ‘Man, Nature, Technology,’ and the Netherlands Pavilion built for the event pondered on these issues posing questions like the compatibility between population growth and the improvement
A corridor of offices runs round the triangular border of the site to create a travertine-paved garden with orange trees. This Project is the result of a competition that was held as part of the BIT (Balearic Information and Techn
The spacesuit, baptized AxEMU (Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit), will benefit from Prada’s “expertise on high-performance materials, features, and sewing techniques,” and also from technological innovation to offer unmatched safety, mobility, and
Antes de ser moldeados en una experiencia tridimensional mercantilizada, los bits se almacenan en arquitecturas de habitaciones climatizadas. Filas de servidores zumban incesantemente, mientras que tuberías regulan las temperaturas para evitar su fun
Since the first modern yearnings to merge architecture and industry, many have tried to replace traditional building with serial production. If the success of these projects has up to now been relative, Antón García-Abril and Débora Mesa seek to chan
60 Years of Invention
MVRDV NEXT, Superworld, and the Municipality of Rotterdam presented RoofScape, a new software that provides a visualisation engine for Rotterdam’s rooftops. Aimed at professionals and citizens alike, RoofScape is intended to be detailed and informati
What was the counterculture? This aesthetically vintage ‘notebook’ which presents the works of the architect Banchini and the curator Feireiss for the 2021 Biennale, ponders 1970s tendencies, the idea of change in the face of the architecture and the
Humanity faces three tragic transits: the geopolitical transit, from the hegemony of the West to the struggle between the United States and China; the energy transit, from fossil fuels to renewable sources, to mitigate the impact of climate change; a
On September 21, 2021, the world was shocked by the report of a powerful earthquake (magnitude 5.9) that occurred in Victoria in southeastern Australia. The epicenter of the earthquake was located 180 km from Melbourne, the state capital. According t
Some monographs stand out because they are well documented, others because they place their subjects in wider historical contexts. This one explores the intertwining of art, science, and military power during the Cold War through the interdisciplina
The outer borders of the EU, erected to control migratory flows from the African continent, have taken on a hypertechnological, highly refined nature.
The measurement of architecture’s energetic and enviromental impact depends on complex analyses having to do with thermodynamics, but also with economics.
Google has unveiled the proposal drawn up by the Copenhagen- and New York-based firm Bjarke Ingels Group for a second state-of-the art campus in Silicon Valley, this time in Moffett Park, in Sunnyvale, close to the company’s corporate headquarters at
Already in its inaugural issue, back in June 1988, this magazine made room for commentary on architecture’s new digital tools, which were changing the way architects graphically represented the buildings that they imagined, and gradually even the act
The evolution of the glass envelope goes along with the evolution of architecture as one of the most representative components of contemporaneity, and is the architectural element that most significantly expresses the cultural values of society, and
One of the direct consequences of the proliferation of chips and sensors is a massive accumulation of data relating to the city and how it functions. Mobile phones alone supply large quantities of information about, for example, their owners’ locatio
Multifaceted and pioneering, Elena Asins combined art and technology, and explored the aesthetic opportunities offered by digital media.
A new Third Industrial Revolution manufacturing model has seized the public stage and is growing exponentially. Hundred of companies are now producing physical products the way software produces information in the form of video, audio, and text. It’s
Thanks to BIM tools, complete control of the project is possible, but applying them requires breaking with many atavisms of architects.
The city is the problem; technique, the solution. This slogan could sum up the urban programs that, whether in the consolidated metropolises of the West or in the bustling megalopolises of Asia, go by the version of the modern panopticon that the so-
El uso de contraventanas interiores para mejorar el confort acústico y térmico de los espacios no suple a otros dispositivos de protección solar como las persianas o los parasoles.
La primera ciudad carbón neutral del mundo estrena institución: el Masdar Institute, una universidad dedicada al desarrollo de tecnologías sostenibles. Para dar ejemplo, toda la energía utilizada procede de un gran huerto solar que además de cubrir l
El trazado manual de una perspectiva siempre ha sido muy pesado. Los puntos de fuga tienden a salirse del tablero de dibujo y caer en la habitación de al lado. Y todavía más si se trata de una proyección con plano del cuadro inclinado, donde también
The office is already the working environment of over half of the population in developed countries. Their economy, based on services related to varied forms of knowledge and with workers who depend on computers connected to the Internet, emerges in
Mario Carpo Design and Automation at the End of Modernity
Fernando Quesada Ensayos y proyectos en torno a la Arcadia tecnificada
Jean-Louis Cohen Amerikanizm in Russian Architecture
John R. Blakinger
Cambridge (Massachusetts) 2019
MIT Press - 486 Pages
Daniel Susskind Richard Susskind Cómo la tecnología transformará el trabajo de los expertos humanos