Google has unveiled the proposal drawn up by the Copenhagen- and New York-based firm Bjarke Ingels Group for a second state-of-the art campus in Silicon Valley, this time in Moffett Park, in Sunnyvale, close to the company’s corporate headquarters at Mountain View, also by BIG. The new complex will present two similarly sized buildings totaling a floor area of 97,000 square meters, intended, as it is, to accommodate as many as 4,500 employees who in the long run will not only work on campus but also reside there. This is in line with the technology giant’s vision of mixed-use communities and integrating the professional and personal lives of its workers. The project, characterized by a series of passable green roofs that form sloping zigzagging paths and provide access into the buildings at several levels, aspires to qualify for the Gold grade in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.