In the pharaonic city that is going up to decongest chaotic Cairo, different performance spaces are arranged around a public square with the intention of creating a new cultural hub. Wrapped in a skin of translucent onyx, the Grand Theater building i
A Madrid business school has expanded its facilities with the construction of new teaching spaces that together have the effect of consolidating the entire campus around a pine grove. A stone vault built with 777 pieces parameterized and fitted toget
A facility for research on new technologies is the first of a series of complexes intended to consolidate a business development hub on the outskirts of the city of Segovia. A concave form at the corner, generated by a biconic dome, alters a longitud
As an amenity within a housing development located in one of the driest regions of Europe, a small pavilion seeks to provide the residents with a shaded communal space. At the end of the development’s main street, a sweeping concrete fold forms a cov
A small space for prayer rises amid hundred-year-old oak trees and becomes a visual reference in the expansive Manchegan landscape where a large rural estate is located. Situated not far from the new residence of its owners, the chapel is the result
The proposal takes the river’s edge as reference and proposes a promenade in continuity with the interiors of the building, which is attached to the existing medians tracing a curve. The key point is the covered atrium that links the park and the ave
The scheme generates an iconic meeting point, with the exterior spaces as new activation points for the city. Cultural and public venues have been added to the technological and business program of the dome, making it an appealing place for citizens.
Planteado como una ambiciosa ampliación del vecino Museo de la Asegurada, alojado en un antiguo pósito del siglo XVII, el nuevo Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante (MACA), sede del legado Eugenio Sempere y el de Juana Francés, se sitúa en el casc
Located on the road that joins Ciudad Real and Picón – a small municipality of 675 inhabitants that is 13 kilometers northwest of the city –, the plot where the winery rises, in the northern part of the site, has a seven meter drop between the top an
This building in the Madrid district of Carabanchel goes up on a plot that fills and wraps up the city fabric in a zone close to the M-40 ringroad. The essential guidelines of the project were determined by the characteristics of the site, a hinge-sh
Gateway to the new quarter of Duolum, this modern forum of 480 meters in length is not just a building, but rather an urban project in itself. Designed as a unitary volume, the complex is 9 meters above ground level and, after several shifts on the h
From the shore of the canal that structures the thousand-year-old city of Qingpu one can see a church that acts as a luminous landmark in the distance. Its light and translucent origami-like appearance is underscored by the presence of a layer of wat
La propuesta responde a las peculiaridades del emplazamiento, un solar-borde, en el cual la trama urbana existente se une a la nueva ordenación del PAU, que es además un solar-balcón, volcado hacia el nuevo parque que desciende en pendiente hasta la
Farming fields, palm tree plantations, cypresses and other typical specimens of the Mediterranean vegetation compose a landscape that, on the city outskirts, surrounds the hospital of La Arrixaca. On an plot next to it, a building for the Faculty of
Within the typical landscape of hills covered in holm and cork oak, a 5000 hectare dry plot of land in the province of Ciudad Real had to be provided with the necessary facilities to exploit its extensive forest, host occasional huntings and serve as
In recent years Madrid has undergone notable growth along its entire eastern front. Perhaps affected by this, San Fernando de Henares is experiencing an unprecedented impulse in terms of municipal activity. As a symbol of such takeoff, the authoritie
The freestanding volume that houses the civic center is situated in a new expansion area of Alcobendas that is mainly reserved for use by the service sector, between the old N-I highway and the borderline of El Soto de la Moraleja. The parcel is a tr
Pleasures of the Fold. In the fertile formal laboratory of Juan Carlos Sancho and Sol Madridejos, the fold is an instrument with great potential in their quest to attain structural, spatial, and material coherence in a single sweeping gesture. Arquit
Taking over the baton from their mentor and friend Eduardo Chillida, the architects Juan Carlos Sancho (San Sebastián, 1957) and Sol Madridejos (Madrid, 1958) have pursued a sensitive dialectic between matter and void that lies at the foundations of
En el casco histórico de Alicante, entre la iglesia monumental de Santa María y la Casa-museo de la Asegurada, sobrio ejemplo del barroco valenciano, Sol Madridejos y Juan Carlos Sancho han construido el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de la ciudad, un v
Concebido como homenaje al material asociado a los recuerdos infantiles de la autora —a quien de niña le gustaba acariciar los muros irregulares del National Theatre de Londres, obra de Denys Lasdun— este volumen es un compendio divulgativo y entusia
A lo largo del siglo XX, el vidrio se ha ido convirtiendo en un elemento más y más activo de la arquitectura. Se han buscado soluciones para dotarlo de unas cualidades físicas que lo adaptaran a las exigencias arquitectónicas, entre las cuales los tr
Durante la última década, Juan Carlos Sancho y Sol Madridejos han materializado un volumen de obra construida que empieza a frecuentar las publicaciones especializadas. La editorial Rueda, que el año pasado comenzó a publicar monografías sobre arquit