The site of the this project for the Balearic Housing Institute (IBAVI) is a narrow plot that was a marés stone quarry, on the outskirts of the municipality of Palma. The shape of the building, which contains eleven social-housing units, complies wit
This interdepartmental building of the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), on its campus in Palma de Mallorca, is conceived as an efficient container of teaching spaces, with classrooms and laboratories. A compact floor plan, a systematized env
The project transforms the area around Plaza Gomila, in Palma de Mallorca’s El Terreno neighborhood, The first phase has been completed, consisting of sixty dwellings varying in size and typology, plus commercial spaces. The Fluxà family, owners of t
With breathtaking views of the bay of Palma, this terraced house is located in the upper part of the plot, adapting to the sloping topography of the land through different levels. Three courtyards are introduced in the facade as transitional spaces b
Located in the Bonanova district of the southwest part of Palma, this housing project comprises two independent blocks. The units are all duplexes – six are set on ground level, and six are attics. The main facades present folding shutters with horiz
This residential development rises at the corner of Cuba street and Antoni Picornell square in Palma’s Es Molinar neighborhood. Starting from formal premises of orthogonality, the building presents a solid base of marés, Majorca stone, which contains
This 3,300-square-meter residential development contains fifteen units. The project started with an analysis of the modifications carried out over time in two buildings located in the heart of the old town of Palma de Mallorca, and registered in the
In the heart of the city of Palma, at 15 Passeig de Mallorca, the massing of this residential development addresses the environment. Surrounded by buildings varying in height and typology, it uses visual continuity and local materials to insert itsel
The material palette of the Can Ribas factory is combined with the usual greenhouse type in the historic center of Palma to create a building of continuous galleries that uses the orientation of its facades as temperature control mechanisms. The peri
The project proves the feasibility of using compression structures in housing projects to activate thermal inertia as much as possible and ensure passive cooling in summer, with a heavy enclosure with low carbon footprint…
The building is in the Nou Llevant-Fachada Marítima district by the Congress Center. The urban transformation of this area, according to the project by Joan Busquets, sought to address the lack of affordable housing in Palma. Paradoxically, its good
As new central location, the station must recover the open spaces and become a generator of an identity, with uses linked to the economic activity of the Parc Bit through a series of social, environmental, productive, and energy objectives...
Located on the outskirts of Palma de Mallorca, the building pursues two fundamental objectives: on the one hand to go unnoticed, and on the other to tie up with the island’s vernacular architectures. The first addresses the topography of the site, wh
In the framework of the Insólit 2019 festival held in Palma de Mallorca last July, the architects Manuel Bouzas (Pontevedra, 1993) and Santiago del Águila (Madrid,1992) designed the temporary installation called 'The Catenary and the Arch' for the co
With the idea of creating a new sector for visitors for the thousands of tourists that travel to this Balearic island every year, in 2005 a competition was called to design the new Congress Center and Hotel on Palma’s waterfront, parallel to the beac
In the historic center of Palma, Casal Balaguer is a large noble house from the 14th century, refurbished in the 16th and extended in the 18th. At the end of the past century, the City Council decided to convert it into a cultural center, making the
The block goes up in Camp Redó, in the urban expansion area of Palma, and is part of a residential complex built in 1954 by Obra Sindical del Hogar (a public housing agency of the time). Its construction was carried out speedily and with a reduced bu
The scheme tackles the whole seafront of Palma de Mallorca under the premise of not building, and selects five bands on which one same building matrix is applied, and which includes ecoboulevards, a tramway, a green screen etc... [+]
Torn down since the end of the 19th century in order to let the city grow, the walls surrounding Palma de Mallorca have preserved to this day a few stretches – those located closer to the sea, towards which the city could not extend further. The fift
To revitalize a peripheral neighborhood and preserve the elements that define thearea’s industrial heritage are the two objectives of the urban project that is presently under way in La Soledat, a neighborhood in Palma de Mallorca. The wool blanket
The result of the competition for the construction of a Congress Center in Palma de Mallorca became public in 2005 (see AV Proyectos 10). Its aim was to add a new type of visitor to the already thousands of tourists that travel to the capital of this
With an artificial landscape inspired byimages like the morning fog or ice chips on tree branches, a center for the severely handicapped faces a heterogeneous landscape, establishing a connection both with the square and with the structures surroundi
Located next to one of the roads that leaves from Palma, the area which houses the School of Music and the Professional School of Dance of Baleares is surrounded by development sites. This commission was considered an opportunity to consolidate
A sensitive interpretation of the genius loci: this is how one could describe the social housing developent that the studio Oliver, Reina, Martín, Moyà & Garcías has executed in Son Gotleu, one of the poorest, most vulnnerable among the neighborhoods
After finishing their studies at the Vallès School of Architecture in Barcelona, Jaume Mayol (Majorca, 1976) and Irene Pérez (Barcelona, 1976) established TEd’A arquitectes in Palma de Mallorca, where they have carried out the bulk of their works. Th
Es Baluard Museu d’Art Modern i Contemporani de Palma de Mallorca ha albergado la muestra Signatures, del artista francés Christian Boltanski. Nacido en París en el año1944, Boltanski dedica su obra a la memoria de los picapedreros que construyeron e
La ciudad de Palma asiste al crecimiento pausado del edificio que el arquitecto Francisco Mangado ha proyectado para el nuevo Palacio de Congresos y Hotel de la capital mallorquina. Resultado de un concurso en el que participaron prestigiosos estudio
La imputación de Santiago Calatrava en el caso de la presunta contratación ilícita del anteproyecto para una nueva ópera en la bahía de Palma, encargado en 2007 al arquitecto por el gobierno de Jaume Matas, constituye el último eslabón del proceso ju
‘Es Baluard’, el nuevo museo de arte contemporáneo de Palma de Mallorca, se aloja en uno de los baluartes de la antigua muralla, dominando el puerto y la bahía. La ciudad recupera así un espacio emblemático que durante años estuvo abandonado y en est
After the passions of 1992,1993 was a year of hangovers, low profiles and everyday dramas. The emblematic year of the 5th Centenary could have been summed up by four forceful silhouettes in four big Spanish cities: the steel octopus designed by Frank